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Ross PK

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    Retro consoles and computers and cubing.
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    Thrillville Off The Rails (PS2)
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    I'll just end up playing whatever I end up playing. I never plan these things. :P

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  1. The other day I got a bunch of power cables out of a box, they were all fine except the end of the original Xbox cable which plugs into the Xbox had what looked like white crystals on it, totally reminds me of the corrosion you can get on batteries, which I've wiped off. But there is some still inside the holes. How/why has this happened? Could it be something leaking from the brick? Will it be safe to use with my Xbox? Here is a pic of the particular cable I'm talking about, in the second and third pic you can see the corrosion or whatever it is in the holes.
  2. You guys must hate antique dealers.
  3. Just tell her something like 'Okay I'm going to play the game with just one hand to give you a chance' and then do so. That way you're not fooling her and you're not dominating her either, and she may find it amusing.
  4. I like to play on my PS3 occasionally, sometimes regularly. Right now the PS3 and Nintendo DSi XL are the main consoles that I play on these days.
  5. She's probably angry because she was looking for the 64 bits but only found 32. 😃
  6. Just to clarify, I'm sure I will still play GTA 6 at some point. And thinking about it more, there's a decent chance it'll have a lot of new and interesting features in the game that may have never been done before, possibly in any game. So it's a game which may end up really appealing to me. I had an interesting dream about GTA 6 recently. I was playing it, in fact I think I was actually 'in' the game, and it had so many little details, just so many different things you could do. You could put out a sleeping bag anywhere, whether outside or in some empty building and set up home in that space, drop clothes around on the floor, possibly put in furniture, and save the game there. You could drop all sorts of things like empty crisp packets, and where ever they fell they would just get saved there, so when you next played the game, that empty crisp packet and whatever else you throw down on the floor would still be there. There were all sorts of things all over the floor outside, like little individual colourful plants growing rather than copy and paste ones, pointless things like empty wrappers, spent fireworks, etc, which you could collect, you could also buy all sorts of different coloured lighters from the shops and collect those too. There was some guy who would just sometimes fly around and chase you down for whatever reason and constantly fire rockets at you, he was relentless, if you went under water he would also go under water too, still firing rockets at you. There was so much in detail in the interaction you could have with the NPC's. So many NPC's too, boats everywhere, you could go fishing, and throw other fishermen into the water. There were all sorts of other things too, but I can't remember what they were, it was a very surreal and interesting dream and I would love to play this version of the game.
  7. I love the red blood splatters on white, looks really good. I love personalising my consoles, I always like to have the controllers match too. So far this is all I've modded. The PS2 is a first ever model Japanese one, it has a PC card slot on the back rather than the expansion bay which is quite interesting. The shell is a very rare 3rd party one from Venezuela from the early 2000's. I still have the box too. This is the PS3, took me ages to decide where to put the Playstation logo sticker. The buttons on the controller are made from real bullets I think. I've got some more stuff for future mods that I've not got around to doing, like shells and decals, I'll put up some pics of them later.
  8. I've not played anything modern for years. It's because I have such a massive backlog of games, plus I don't really feel like paying several hundred for a modern console and the higher prices for modern games when I'm so used to just buying old consoles and old games for really cheap, and knowing in several years time those modern consoles and games will be selling for dirt cheap too, so I can get them then if there's anything I really want. The newest systems I have are the Nintendo 3DS, PS3 Super Slim, and the 2nd model of Xbox 360.
  9. I don't feel that excited about GTA 6 because I've been playing 3D GTA games since 2001, so I feel like I've been there and worn the T-shirt. Plus from the trailer GTA 6 just looks like it's basically GTA 5.5. Gta III I love, there's just something very special about it. I quite like Vice City and San Andreas, and I really like Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories. GTA IV gives me a weird depressing feeling that I don't really like, but I love the vehicle physics. GTA 5 I find has a sterile look and feel to it, it doesn't really seem to have an atmosphere, it kind of has an empty feeling and I get bored easily, I'm not sure why because it's such a big map with so much to do.
  10. I very recently upgraded from my DS Lite to a Dsi XL for the bigger screens. I really love the Dsi XL. Because of the bigger screens I enjoy playing DS games a lot more, I love the colour of it too. Since there was no stylus with it I recently bought and received a promotional Pac-Man stylus, it came with copies of Pac Pix when the game was first released.
  11. I've just been playing Farming Simulator for several months now and nothing else. I've been really enjoying it but I am starting to get tired of it now. Controller is working fine again too, I had to modify the small pad inside.
  12. I've now put a wood grain skin and installed bullet buttons on the controller. I've also included pics of the controller with just the bullets so you can see how it looks, I think the bullets go quite well with the black plastic. I think the buttons may have been made from real bullets.
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