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  1. Is there a better way to deliver a 20mb file that you know of? I'm always open to suggestions. Yes just pick a download service that supports folks with Mac or Linux machines, or even people who just don't run IE. Sorry not mad at you, just hate it when web sites force people to use a particular browser or OS when there is no need. Pretty much every browser I can think of can download a file so why should FilePlanet force me into using any one in particular? I had no idea Fileplanet had those limitations. I'll find a different site to host on. I agree though, I don't like sites that expect a particular machine type or browser type. It's the web! It's for everyone!
  2. I'll probably make more later. I'll post them when/if I do. Any particular ones you're interested in?
  3. Is there a better way to deliver a 20mb file that you know of? I'm always open to suggestions.
  4. I spent a few hours the other day turning my favorite games into Ringtones in .mp3 format. Hope you like them. Boulderdash is my favorite one, although MULE is still my favorite game. Hope you enjoy it! I just uploaded the file to Fileplanet, so it may be a little while before the link starts working. Send me any Feedback you may have. KalwrensRingtones.zip
  5. I have a spare Pitfall! on cartridge with the box/manual I can sell you for cheap. Where are you located? Should work on Pal or NTSC systems just fine. Wow, that would be awesome! The girl would love to have the game on a cartridge. She's been eyeing cartridge lots on Ebay for the last couple weeks. I'm located in the US, in Florida. I can either Paypal you or send you a Money Order. Whichever works for you. I'm still trying to resolve this issue with Pitfall not loading. It's the only game that won't work. Everything else that I've run is working fine. How odd. Someone suggested to try the self-test mode for the RAM. I'm going to try that tomorrow morning. Thanks everyone for all the replies and suggestions!
  6. Yes, I'm holding the Option key down. Thanks for the tip though. I checked both the links for Atari Mania. I'm able to load Pitfall!, but the game doesn't play. I have strange characters at the top of the screen. I've tried multiple .atr images and they're all doing the same thing. Maybe it's an issue with the Atari, but I'm able to play other games without an issue. Mule (WOOT! My Favorite!), Starleague Baseball (I still say it cheats), Frogger and Asteriods. They all play without issues. No graphical issues, no game glitches. Any other suggestions please? I'd like to make this game work for my girl, she's really likes it and I find it exciting that she likes the whole retro gaming thing. I appreciate your responses thus far!
  7. Hi folks! Long time, no post. Through my gathering of of Atari 8 bit systems, I had an extra 800xl that I gave to my girlfriend. She loves to play Pitfall (the original), and I can't find a working copy of it. I'm using the SIO to PC with APE interface. I can load other images and whatnot that work fine. So I'm wondering if Pitfall works on the 800xl and if so - does someone have a working .atr of Pitfall please? I'd appreciate it.
  8. I'm 36 and I'm from Seattle, Washington. I got my first Atari 800XL from Sears. My dad bought it for me. I learned to play on the Atari and program on it when I was 14. I was in 5th grade when I first played on an Atari 800. Now I have two 800's and an XL. Planning on playing some MULE this weekend. lol (:
  9. Hi folks! I'm looking around Ebay, as I want to buy an Atari 1040 ST. But after looking at a 4MB RAM upgrade kit, it's saying that it will only work with the 520/1040ST and NOT the FM series. I don't know what the difference is between the 1040ST and the 1040STFM. Can someone clarify this for me please? Or point me in a direction with an article about it? Thanks in advance, I appreciate the help.
  10. Try Steem. In general Steem is much better for games. --- Thanks for all the info, I shall try it when I get home. I had a little difficulty with Steem when using the other version of Sundog. It wasn't scrolling properly, and it was causing buildings and whatnot to randomly appear on the screen. Maybe that was just a problem with the previous copy of the game I was using. Thanks again!
  11. I played the game last night using the SainT emulator. It worked fine for the most part, however I was having issues with it crashing from time to time. It would crash with a red screen. Anyone else that d/l'd this one have this same problem with it? Seems to happen about every 10 to 15 mins or so. If you're not having the problem, can you tell me what emulator you're using please? I've tried the default TOS that comes with SainT and I've tried TOS102 & TOS206. They all do the same thing. Thanks in advance! (I'm using WinXP Pro 512MB of RAM)
  12. Thanks for information. I downloaded the files and they're in .atx format, which I'm not familiar with. From poking around, I guess they're VAPI images? I'm unable to find software that supports that image type. APE doesn't support them, either. I have a SIO2PC cable, running APE without a problem. I just need to find the software that will let me use an .atx image. Ideally, I'd like to convert it to .atr so I can use it with APE. If you would be so kind as to point in the right direction here? I've looked around, and I've checked the links at the bottom of your post but I'm coming up short for the software. Thanks in advance, I appreciate your time!
  13. If you are only interested in running under emulators, then there is no need to save the game at all. Use Steem and "Save Memory Snapshot". This saves the whole state of the (emulated) machine and you can restore it in a later session. 956940[/snapback] Whoa, ok. I'll try that. Steem worked great for this game. Thanks again! I am kinda searching for an ST though. Just looking for a good deal. There are two right now on Ebay around $60 - $70.
  14. Thanks for the reply! This was the only place I was able to find a copy of the game, and it includes the PaCifiST emulator. However, I was unable to get that particular emulator to run with WinXP. It always crashed after about 3 minutes, saying something about NTDVM or something. I don't recall what it was exactly, as I'm at work at the moment. The other emulators work fine with this game, however the Save Game function does not work at all. You can't create back ups, either. I've tried saving my game, exiting it and copying the sundog.sav file to another blank disk image and it copies the file - but it's the same file from when you start the game. Some character named Eon Flux. (From MTV a while ago? hehe) So, after trying all that troubleshooting and tinkering, I'm hoping someone has a working copy they're willing to share or part with. Thanks again!
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