function BuildTitleString() { return "AtariAge at PC5 - New Products"; } ?>
AtariAge at PhillyClassic 5 |
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PhillyClassic 5 will see the unveiling of several new games and other products for several systems, notably the Atari 2600, Atari 5200, and ColecoVision! Several new homebrew games will be revealed for the first time, as well as the new Stelladaptor 2600 to USB Interface from Pixels Past and AtariAge!
Stelladaptor |
PC, Macintosh, Linux |
The Stelladaptor 2600 Controller to USB Interface allows the use of standard Atari 2600-compatible controllers, including joysticks, paddles, and driving controllers, with modern computers running Windows, Macintosh, or Linux operating systems. Any Atari 2600-compatible joystick, when plugged into your computer through the Stelladaptor, will behave as a normal joystick. This allows the use of classic Atari controllers with any software that will work with an 8-direction digital joystick controller (left, right, up, down, and diagonals).
Stelladaptor will work with any emulators that support standard USB controllers. Paddle controllers will only work in emulators that allow configuration of analog USB controllers (such as MAME32 and MacMAME), or emulators that have been updated to directly support the Stelladaptor (such as z26). We will be working with emulator authors to add native support to additional emulators in the future. Features
If you can't attend PhillyClassic and would like to pre-order the Stelladaptor 2600 to USB Interface, please click here. |
Saboteur |
Atari 2600 |
"You are Hotot, a cybernetic life form from a serene planet in a distant galaxy. Unfortunately, even in a galaxy far far away not everything is as peaceful as it first seems, for Hotot has discovered an alien missile base hidden on his planet. Manned by strange blue aliens, these evil intruders are using your planet as a launching site for their deadly warhead which is posed to destroy the galaxy's power source. With the help of the birdlike Gorfons, you must destroy the warhead, and prevent the destruction of the galaxy! Good luck Hotot. You are the Saboteur." Saboteur is an enjoyable, multi-level shooter written by Howard Scott Warshaw, the Atari programmer and designer responsible for Yars' Revenge, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and E.T. Saboteur was never released by Atari, and at some point was modified to be released as a game based on the A-Team. Howard Scott Warshaw will be attending PhillyClassic 5, and will be autographing copies of Saboteur purchased at the show! Saboteur will be sold with a professionally printed box, manual and label, all in the style of Atari's original silver label releases. This is a more complete version of the game than what is currently floating around the net. The artwork for the game was created by Dave Exton, with a manual written by Matt Reichert, including Howard Scott Warshaw's thoughts about the game. You can read more about Saboteur over at If you can't attend PhillyClassic and would like to pre-order Saboteur, please click here.
Power Off! |
Atari 2600 |
Robots took control of the system. Deactivate all the energy pills to switch off the computer! You play the role of Brian Mareck, who must deactivate a computer that has run amuck! This new super computer, designed by your father, was created to help mankind with its instantaneous computing abilities. But something went catastrophically wrong when your father switched the machine on and now you must run through level after level of the giant laboratory and deactivate all the energy pills before it's too late! While doing this, you must avoid the robots, who have been programmed by the computer to protect it at all costs! Power Off! is the fifth game to be created by Ebivision, comprised of the French team of Eric Bacher and Igor Barzilai. Power Off! saw a limited release at the end of 2002, but this new release of the game will feature Power Off! with a professionally printed box, manual and label. If you can't attend PhillyClassic and would like to pre-order Power Off!, please click here.
Climber 5 |
Atari 2600 |
Climber 5 is a port by Dennis Debro of an Atari 8-bit computer game that originally appeared in COMPUTE! magazine back in 1987. In Climber you play the role of a baseball player. The baseball has been hit to the upper rafters of a building under construction. Your job is to climb the ladders and retrieve the ball. Of course, there are obstacles along the way that you need to avoid or you lose a life and must start over at the bottom right corner. Once you successfully retrieve the ball, the level changes and becomes more difficult. You can read the original COMPUTE! article here. Climber 5 will include a professionally printed label and full-color, 16-page manual. The Climber 5 label artwork by Jason Dvorak was a result of the Climber 5 Label Contest held last year on AtariAge. The manual by Dale Crum features a four page comic also created by Jason Dvorak. If you can't attend PhillyClassic and would like to pre-order Climber 5, please click here.
Atari 5200 |
Fans of the classic Atari arcade game Warlords will be pleased to learn that Bryan Edewaard has developed a version for the Atari 5200 titled Castle Crisis. In this fast-paced game, up to four players can compete against one another or computer opponents. Using your shield, you must capture and launch fireballs against an enemy's castle, while protecting your own castle from enemy fireball hits. Gameplay mechanics and graphics closely match the arcade, with additional gameplay options available, adding variety to an already great game. Castle Crisis will include a professionally printed box, label and manual. The Castle Crisis artwork created by Manu Pärssinen was a result of the Castle Crisis Label Contest held recently on AtariAge. If you can't attend PhillyClassic and would like to pre-order Castle Crisis, please click here.
ColecoVision |
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Sky Jaguar is a port to the ColecoVision of the Konami arcade game of the same name. Sky Jaguar is an obscure vertical shooter that ultimately found its way to the MSX computers. The ColecoVision version is based on this later MSX version, and has been programmed by Eduardo Mello of Opcode Games, whose first ColecoVision effort resulted in the near arcade-perfect conversion of Space Invaders. Sky Jaguar will include a professionally printed box, label and manual designed by Dale Crum.
Atari 2600 |
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"The future of gaming can be summed up in two words -- Pong and Joust." ...with these prophetic words on, "Otter" planted the seeds for the game you see before you now. JoustPong, at its core, is an oldschool Pong Deathmatch... but with a "Flap" button. Each player flaps furiously to prevent the opponent from getting a ball past and scoring a point--first to 10 points win.
Poker Squares |
Atari 2600 |
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Poker Squares is a new card game for the Atari 2600 written by Brian Watson. In Poker Squares, the player places cards, one at a time, in a 5x5 grid. The goal is to make the ten best poker hands, five horizontally and five vertically.
Complete rules can be found at Solitaire Central. The English scoring system is used, and diagonals are not scored.
Poker Squares will feature an original label design created by Dave Exton, as well as a full-color manual.
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Atari 2600 |
Ask anyone what games they played on their Atari 2600 when they were younger, and invariably Combat will be included among the titles listed. For many years, Combat was the pack-in game that came with every Atari 2600 sold, and even today it's tough to avoid stumbling among Combat cartridges when you're looking for 2600 games. The premise in Combat is fairly simple. You and a friend battle one another in tanks, bi-planes and jet-fighters to see who can score the most points in a fixed amount of time. The original version of Combat supports many game variations, but few unique playfields. Zach Matley has created a new version of Combat, dubbed Combat Redux, that allows for 28 unique playfields. This new version of Combat supports seven groups of four playfields each: seven open mazes, seven easy mazes, seven complex mazes, and seven cloud designs. The first three groups are for tank games, and the last group is for jet-fighter and bi-plane games. AtariAge and Zach Matley sponsored a contest on AtariAge to solicit playfield designs for Combat Redux. The response was overwhelming! Combat Redux will feature a professionally printed label and manual created by Dave Exton. If you can't attend PhillyClassic and would like to pre-order Combat Redux, please click here.
Double Breakout |
ColecoVision |
Double Breakout is a homebrew game for the ColecoVision programmed by Daniel Bienvenu. Double Breakout is the first homebrew to support the driving controller and roller controller (joysticks are not supported). Double Breakout features three different games:
Double Breakout includes a ColecoVision-style label and a plastic case with a custom sleeve. If you can't attend PhillyClassic and would like to pre-order Double Breakout, please click here.
Atari 2600 |
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Atari created a great driving controller for the Atari 2600, but only released one game to take advantage of it: Indy 500. While Indy 500 is great fun to play, it has a limited number of tracks. Gustavo del Dago has taken it upon himself to develop a new version of Indy 500 titled Indy 500 XE. This new version features more tracks (the game has been increased in size from 2K to 4K), the tracks are double-resolution, allowing for more detailed and interesting levels, different car graphics for each player, and more game variations. Additionally, Gustavo has created an easy-to-use Windows-based track editor that allows the easy creation of new tracks, loading and saving of tracks (so you can go back later to refine them), selection of background, playfield, and player colors, and the ability to generate a binary so you can immediately test your creations. AtariAge and Gustavo are sponsoring a contest on AtariAge to allow everyone a chance at creating tracks that might be included in a cartridge version of Indy 500 XE, scheduled to make its debut at PhillyClassic 5. AtariAge and Gustavo del Dago are currently sponsoring an Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest to come up with a suite of tracks to be included with Indy 500 XE. We will choose at least 16 submitted tracks to be included on the cartridge, and Gustavo has created an easy-to-use editor for Windows to allow anyone to easily create new tracks!
Mental Kombat PC5 Edition |
Atari 2600 |
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Mental Kombat is a two player puzzle game based on a concept developed by Simon Quernhorst and a friend originally for the Commodore 64. The rules of Mental Kombat are as follows:
AtariAge held a Mental Kombat Label Kontest in December 2001 to choose a label that adorns the cart.