function BuildTitleString() { return "AtariAge at PC5 - Other Attractions"; } ?>
AtariAge at PhillyClassic 5 |
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Matt Reichert of will be onhand with an assortment of prototypes from his large collection. Matt has a wide range of knowledge about prototype games and has spent a fair amount of time playing the prototypes in his collection and describing them in great detail on his site. Stop by the AtariAge booth to see what rare gems Matt has brought to the show and pick his brain with any prototype-related questions you may have!
Dale Crum of Ataricart (currently undergoing renovation) will have a wide assortment of classic-gaming merchandise available for purchase. These items include buttons of all types, stamps, iron-ons, t-shirts, and more! You've probably seen Dale's work as he is responsible for the creation of many labels and manuals for the homebrew games we sell at AtariAge.
Dale's latest work can be seen at PhillyClassic in the form of Sky Jaguar for the ColecoVision, for which Dale designed the label, manual and box.
Billy Eno of Baroque Gaming will be at the AtariAge booth demonstrating his early work-in-progress Super Atari. The Super Atari is planned as a drop-in enhancement for the Atari 2600 that replaces the stock 6507 processor with a 6502, giving the 2600 the ability to directly address up to 64K of memory. To take advantage of this capability, Billy has added 32K of RAM to the Super Atari, which will allow for more advanced 2600 games to be written (a stock 2600 only has 128 bytes of RAM, so 32K is a huge increase!)
Billy Eno is also the author of Warring Worms, an advanced Surround-style game for the 2600. You might be able to challenge him to a game at the show!