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Matters, Musings and Mysteries. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I get commissions for purchases made through certain links.)

Entries in this blog

Real Fake Zombies

There are a lot of wimpy, meek people out there who think they have nothing to lose and nothing to live for. There are also idiots who will follow any trend. I predict that thousands or maybe even millions of people will put on zombie makeup, then take bath salts with the intention of eating human flesh. We already have goth nerd vampire wannabes who drink human blood and they aren't even taking bath salts. They'll probably dress up and take the drug too. We'll have fake vampires and fake zombie

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

If You're Going to Go, Valentine's Day Is Better Than Christmas

Continued from my previous blog entry. My mother died last night about an hour and a half after midnight (about an hour and a half after Valentine's Day). Maybe she held on long enough so she wouldn't die on an actual holiday. According to Wikipedia, Valentine's Day isn't an official holiday anyway, so if you're going to die near a holiday, Valentine's Day Is better than something like Thanksgiving or Christmas. The hospice place has a break room with vending machines and a microwave. I was e

Random Terrain

Random Terrain in PERSONAL

Lost 34 Pounds So Far

I went to the doctor yesterday and he said that I've lost 34 pounds since the last time I was there on May 29th. I had to make a special appointment yesterday because I had to stop taking shots and temporarily stop taking my pills for Type 2 Diabetes since my blood sugar kept dropping too low. He now has me on only one pill and I'll probably have to stop taking that one of these days as I lose more weight and eventually get rid of my Type 2 Diabetes.         Random Terrain __

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

My Mom Is Probably Going to Die Within the Next 12 Months

Continued from my previous blog entry. It has been confirmed that my mom has the bad stuff in her brain. We saw the radiation doctor and the other doctor that handles the special pills on Monday and my mom decided to go through with it since they said the side effects aren't as bad as what you see on TV and in the movies (and the fact that she'd probably be dead within 4 months without any treatment). With the treatment, she might live for 11 months to a year. That will give her extra time to wr

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

I'm no longer semi-poor

Although I don't know how long it will last, now I won't have to desperately look for things to sell for food money in the middle of the month and I won't have to choose between supplements and food. I'll also be able to buy a new Xbox 360 game every month if I want to.   I'm not rich, as Americans define it, but I can now buy food that I like every month and afford to have a few extra things at the same time.   Like I said, I don't know how long it will last, but for now, I can live like t

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Random Terrain

Thought I Was Going to Bleed to Death While Getting Ready to See My Mom

Continued from my previous blog entry. My mother has been in a hospice place where people go to die since the last week of January 2017. She was scared and lonely when it got dark outside, so I started staying with her at night and have been trying to sleep for at least a few hours at home during the day whenever someone could find the time to give me a ride. I can usually get to that hospice place by 10 or 11, but it was almost midnight by the time I was about to leave on Monday night (Januar

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Random Terrain

DickNixonArisen and his Quest for the R Word

DickNixonArisen wanted to keep this public so here it is. He was trying to take my post out of context and make it all about rape. Well, here is the full story.     Take a look at this post:   http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/178104-mia-atariagers/page__view__findpost__p__2231559     Then I tried to explain why in my usual gross way:   http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/178104-mia-atariagers/page__view__findpost__p__2231588   In case it wasn't obvious in my post above, the ma

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Random Terrain

Shigeru Miyamoto and Forced Time Travel

Shigeru Miyamoto and Forced Time Travel     Take a look at this article:   deserthat.wordpress.com/2009/11/26/game-design-the-miyamoto-way-flow-and-difficulty/     Here are a few excerpts from that article with my comments below each one:     Going back to the beginning of a level, or 5 levels back, or all the way back to the beginning is what ruined the fun in so many games. Knowing that I have a limited number of lives is intense enough. Playing through an easier part that I've alr

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Early Birthday Present (Exercise Bike)

I got a Gold's Gym Cycle Trainer 290 C Upright Exercise Bike on Wednesday as an early birthday present. I put it together last night. Seems to be pretty sturdy. It's a little hard to ride, even with the seat all the way back. It must be made for people with shorter legs.   I also went to the eye doctor on Wednesday to double check my eyes without drops and ordered some glasses with prism lenses in them. I'll be able to see in 3D again in 7 to 10 days.         Random Terrain __

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Probably Losing Internet for a Couple of Months (Time-Warner Won't Make a Deal)

Everything got behind because of the car needing to be fixed. Time-Warner wants $273 by the 26th of October and they won't take half now and half on November 1st. They say it's their 'policy' to turn everything off if they don't have what they're asking for by the 26th. Unless something magical happens, I probably won't have phone, TV, or Internet for a couple of months since it will cost too much to have it all turned back on. My family has been paying Time-Warner for 24 years, and they can't w

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Random Terrain

Creepy Commercial for Kids

Follow the creepy rabbit and his sidekick, the 'farmer,' into the back of their van. Go ahead kids, they have candy in there. They also have chloroform and a chainsaw:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQkHLVTJkW8&rel=0&fmt=35&showinfo=0

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Thanks to Amazon I can get back to work

Some time after 2007 (I don't remember what year), I was given a recliner. I wanted to use the recliner as a computer chair, so I took a leaf that wasn't being used from an old drop-leaf kitchen table, attached two pieces of wood to the sides that were a little taller than the arms of the recliner, then put casters on the bottom to make a rolling table. I put my computer keyboard and mouse on the rolling table and it worked great. I could have my feet up and use my computer (much better than a n

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

How to Get Rid of the "Use Your Real Name" YouTube Popup

Sometimes that irritating popup has a link that will let you close it, but most of the time it's not there. If you're sick of that thing popping up almost every time you go to watch a video, all you need is the Firefox add-on Adblock Plus and the filter below. If you don't already have Adblock Plus, add it to Firefox, then add this custom filter:   ||s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/www-linkgplusdialog*   Once you add that filter, the "Use Your Real Name" YouTube Popup should be gone (at least until Yo

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

I'm Getting Really Tired of Working on My Web Site

Seems like links and YouTube videos go dead faster than you can blink. You have to check videos by hand and links by hand too since link checkers suck at telling you when a link redirects to a new page.   Then there's the Google problem. Google tells web site owners to be natural and that you shouldn't make your pages for them, but then they contradict themselves and say that you have to keep track of every word on a page and not repeat the same word more than a few times if you don't want Goo

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Moving Soon, So I Could Be Offline for a While

The new place will be ready in about a week, but it could take 700 years to pack up everything. I have no idea when I'll lose my internet connection. I'm pretty sure it will happen this month (October 2017). If I disappear for a while, you'll know why. My upcoming absence will be tough on you, but try not to cry while I'm gone. Random Terrain Tip Jar

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

The Mandela Effect: Home Alone

The Mandela Effect has been blamed on misremembering/confabulation and that's true when it comes to a lot of the stupid stuff you'll find out there. But there are instances where it seems like something has really changed. Some people say that we live in a holographic universe (that could have glitches or could be hacked by interdimensional aliens). Others say that each person can slip in and out of slightly different realities depending on the vibration that the person gives off based on his or

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Fartaway Disposable Underwear

Fartaway Disposable Underwear   This new underwear is not only affordable enough for you to wear a new pair every day, it also has a built-in activated charcoal filter that can dissipate some of the most foul-smelling farts that you can muster and the special layering also dampens sound. Now you can let your bowels express themselves anywhere from carpools to elevators and you can feel confident that 99% of your worst farts will be rendered harmless, so eat what you want and Fartaway.



TV Movie About Ape Rights (1970s)

I saw a made for TV movie or miniseries in the mid 1970s about an ape that had to go to court to try to win his or her rights to do something. I don't remember if it was supposed to be a chimp or a gorilla, but it was clearly a small human in a weird-looking ape costume. (The person in charge of the ape had to take him or her to court.) I must be using the wrong words when Googling. I can't find one mention of it. Does anyone remember seeing it or is anyone better at Googling? I'd like to k

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Random Terrain

Netflix Has Improved

I had Netflix 4 or 5 years ago and things have improved since then. The player in the browser on my PC seems to be a lot more professional and user-friendly than it used to be. I also have a different setup than I had back then, so I'm not just limited to using a PC.   I wirelessly connected my Blu-ray player to the Internet tonight with the little USB thingy that came with it and now I'm watching Season 3 of Fringe on my HDTV. Looks pretty darn good. I can pause, fast-forward, and rewind with

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Random Terrain

Facebook Is Killing My Web Site

Seems like hardly anyone has their own web sites anymore. They just plop their asses on Facebook. The problem with that is every link to your web site from Facebook doesn't seem to count according to Google. Here's an example:   www.randomterrain.com/personal-lakeside-amusement-park.html   There are 74 links to that page from Facebook, but it only has a PageRank of 1 (a 10 is the best). If I would have gotten 74 links from people's actual web sites, the PageRank would probably be at least a

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Goodbye Cable DVR (Hello Cable DVR)

Goodbye Cable DVR (Hello Cable DVR)   I loved having a DVR so I could record more than one show at a time and pause/rewind live TV, but now that hardly anything is on anymore and Jay Leno is going to kill a lot of what was left, it's stupid to pay extra for a DVR. So now I have basic cable (channel 3 to 77). Anything I want to record will have to be done with my DVD recorder once I get some RW discs. It will be hard to get used to TV without a DVR. Pausing and rewinding live TV was a nice abil

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Random Terrain

Supplement Test

I'm doing an experiment with my supplements for a month or two. I'm dropping most of my supplements and changing back to my old chlorella that worked better and taking more of it. So here's what I'll be taking: 9 Nature's Balance Chlorella VegiCaps a day. _ 2 Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil soft gels a day. _ 2 or 3 Jarro-Dophilus capsules a day. _ 2 Vinetra capsules a day when I can afford to buy some.   Update February 2, 2009: I started this on Saturday, January 31, 2009 (t

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

I finally know what 'sky squiggles' are!

I have been wondering since I was a kid about the hundreds or thousands of semi-invisible 'sky sperm' or 'sky tadpoles' or 'sky squiggles' that you see swimming around in front of your eyes if you stare at a bright blue sky. Some people will try to tell you that you are simply seeing floaters (what some might call 'sky amoebas' or 'sky worms') and that it couldn't possibly be anything else, but thanks to the Internet, I found out that it's called blue field entoptic phenomenon where you're seein

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Random Terrain

Watched Slumdog Millionaire on DVD

Just watched Slumdog Millionaire on DVD. Don't see why people made such a big deal about it. It's another flashback movie where you never spend enough time with the characters in any situation to give a crap about them. It hops from one thing to the next like a thin thrown rock skipping across the surface of the water.   The 'special features' on the DVD I got from Netflix were movie trailers, so that sucked.     Random Terrain _

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Random Terrain

I'm no longer a sound effect virgin

I've read tips and messed with the sound in other people's programs, but I hadn't gotten to the point where I needed to add sound to any of my own games that I've been working on until now. My maze game is at the point where it's time to start adding sound effects, so I made my first sound effect last night. Here's the sound effect by itself. Press the fire button to hear it:   my_first_sound_2009y_01m_20d_0955t.bin   I knew Tone Toy 2008 would end up helping me sooner or later. I used it to

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