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Older game art was just better. Part II

Finishing up the '81 Atari Game Catalog.   Fun fact I actually have a Yar's Revenge LP, that has the Yar's revenge theme song and spoken story. Has a very '50's radio show feel. What...The...Hell!?... Epic wi



Older game art was just better.

I'm sure anyone that is apart of this forum already knows, that older games had some great art. Looking at those 80's painted covers just makes you all warm and fuzzy inside. It really set the tone for the great journey that was waiting for you. Let's face it game's back then were 90% imagination 10% graphics. You were controlling a square pixel on a black void. Still this didn't deter you from hours of enjoyment. Game manuals back then gave you art that should've been on a movie poster and wr



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