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Hex to BCD conversion (0-99) Part Deux



Continuing with Hex to BCD routines, tonight I took a look at using a hybrid table approach.



;Hex2Bcd (good 0-99)
;26 bytes, 30 cycles
    sta  temp        ;3  @3
    lsr              ;2  @5
    lsr              ;2  @7
    lsr              ;2  @9
    lsr              ;2  @11
    tax              ;2  @13
    lda  temp        ;3  @16
    and  #$0F        ;2  @18
    clc              ;2  @20
    sed              ;2  @22
    adc  #0          ;2  @24
    adc  BcdTab,X    ;4  @28
    cld              ;2  @30

  .byte $00,$16,$32,$48,$64,$80,$96



The advantages of this routine is that it is 9 cycles quicker then what I wrote before, and uses 1 less temporary register. The disadvantages are that one of the index registers has to be used, and it takes 2 more bytes, but at 26 bytes that is mostly negligible.



The routine is straight forward. You look up the BCD conversion of the upper nibble value, and add it to a BCD conversion of the value of the lower nibble. In decimal mode it is easy to correct $0A-$0F to be become $10-$15 (using adc #0).



I like both routines I wrote, their use just depends on your need.

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I was thinking some more about this tonight, and if the user has Y register available then they can claw back 2 bytes and shave 2 cycles. This makes it the same amount of bytes as the original attempt, but also makes it the fastest routine yet (excluding a straight forward look-up table).

;Hex2Bcd (good 0-99)
;24 bytes, 28 cycles
    tay              ;2  @2
    lsr              ;2  @4
    lsr              ;2  @6
    lsr              ;2  @8
    lsr              ;2  @10
    tax              ;2  @12
    tya              ;2  @14
    and  #$0F        ;2  @16
    sed              ;2  @18
    clc              ;2  @20
    adc  #0          ;2  @22
    adc  BcdTab,X    ;4  @26
    cld              ;2  @28

  .byte $00,$16,$32,$48,$64,$80,$96
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