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SCREENBL.ACC - A Screen Saver for Diamond



Imagine you're doing some top secret work with a Diamond application program and someone walks into the room. What are you going to do, reach for the power switch and loose all your work?


Not if you have SCREENBL.ACC active. When you hear the foot steps coming, you can move the mouse up to the drop down menu and select SCREEN OFF. The screen will go blank and wait until an event(mouse button or keyboard click)is detected.


Even if you're not working on top secret stuff, the accessory can be used to keep the display from burning into the screen. Just click on the accessory if you are going to be leaving the computer idle. The computer will be ready for you when you get back.




To use the screen blanking accessory, copy SCREENBL.ACC to your boot disk. The next time you boot up the accessory will be added to the accessory options of the drop down menu. The option called SCREEN OFF, should appear.


Remember that Diamond has about 300 bytes available for accessories. If the total length of all your active accessories exceeds this, then you may have to deactivate one or more of them. Simply change the .ACC extension to something else and the computer will not load them when you boot up.


Point to the SCREEN OFF option and click the button. The screen will go blank. When you want to continue, click the mouse button again and the screen will pop on. Pressing any key will also bring the screen back into view.


I don't believe a screen shot is necessary.


The zip file contains SCREENBL.ACC and SCREENBL.M65



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