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My Humble PC Software Collection

Rhindle the Dragon





Hello all. *SIGH...* Welcome to Imperial Mondays.


I did have some "robust content" to share today, but my plans ended in disaster. You know how life goes. But I do have another picture I'd like to add to my gallery. This is part of my collection of software for the IBM PC. It all works, and is all complete. I love looking at the little pamphlets in the boxes. "Offer good until June 1990". Yeah.

I really wish they didn't stick the price tag on Mavis's forehead, though. Oh well. Take care and tempt not the fates.

Featured Photograph: Impressive female wolf spider I found in the autumn of 2015.


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I few years ago I went through my stash of (legal) PC software (games), seeing what would still run. Stuff which ran on DOS was basically no problem, and I'm sure a bit of fiddling with DOSBox would handle any exceptions. Anything which needed Windows 3.1 was a write-off, mostly because of stuff like Win-G and obsolete video codecs. Windows 9x software had a better chance of working, although some still had "wrong version" install issues.

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It can be difficult to run older DOS software if you don't have a 5 1/4 inch drive. Luckily the Apex has 2... But no hard disk.

I just pretend that switching disks is fun, but in reality it's annoying as heck.

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Yeah. Before I junked my last 5 1/4 equipped tower PC I went through my stash of floppies and copied them to an external hard drive.


Butt that was easy in comparison to recovering the files from a proprietary format backup CD. In that case I lucked out 'cause I still had the original software, the parallel port CD burner, and an old laptop which could support both.


I also managed to do some backups using a laplink null-modem cable with a PC to PC copy program.

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CD-ROM's, man. Even modern imaging software has trouble making a working copy of 1999's SC3K.

Null-modem? You mean like AppleTalk? I wish computers could still connect like that...

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