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The Next Step



I spent the weekend working on my Juno First game, so here is another update. The main changes this time are:

  1. There is now an explosion animation for the aliens, and some of the sprites are animated at their largest size.
  2. The alien spawning code is in place, so the aliens appear one by one at the beginning.
  3. The length of the laser beam shortens as it goes up the screen (I know I said this wouldn't be possible :))
  4. There is now a basic 6-digit score at the bottom of the screen.



The main problem now is that the game has reached the 4K ROM limit, so I haven't implemented the velocity on the spaceship yet (this will require a large table of values). The only kind of bankswitching that I have done so far on the Atari is the Supercharger scheme. I am tempted to make a SC version of Juno First for a certain competition as this would enable a more colourful kernel and possibly multiple sprite copies. However, before I go down this route, I would like to implement a standard 8K version using F8 bankswitching. If anyone has some template code or knows of a good method then I would be grateful for advice. If there are any bugs or issues with the game, then let me know. Also, if the screen turns red at the edges then let me know as this means that the game has run over the cycle limit.






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I don't know how others did it, but here's what I did. I created 2 macros, JUMP_TABLE and BANKS_AND_VECTORS that go in every bank.


	MAC JUMP_TABLE; put this at the start of every bank
RORG $F000
cmp SelectBank1 ; inits system then goes to the menu
jmp InitSystemCode
cmp SelectBank2
jmp VerticalBlankMenuCode
cmp SelectBank3
jmp VerticalBlankGameCode
cmp SelectBank4  ; draws score, top castles, dragons
jmp KernelGameCode
cmp SelectBank1  ; draws bottom castles
jmp KernelGameBottomCode
OverscanMenu2		; Menu Entry Point if user hits SELECT 
cmp SelectBank2 ; or RESET during a game
jmp OverscanMenu2Code
cmp SelectBank3
jmp OverscanGameCode

MAC BANKS_AND_VECTORS; put this at the end of every bank
SelectBank1 .byte $00 
SelectBank2 .byte $00 
SelectBank3 .byte $00 
SelectBank4 .byte $00
.word InitSystem; NMI
.word InitSystem; RESET
.word InitSystem; IRQ


The macros are then used in the source like this:


; BANK 1 starts here
  ORG $C000

;   code for Bank 1 goes here

; BANK 1 ends here

; code for Bank 2
  ORG $D000

; bank 2 starts here

; BANK 2 ends here

; BANK 3 starts here
  ORG $E000

;   code for Bank 3 goes here

; BANK 3 ends here

; Bank 4 starts here
  ORG $F000

; code for bank 4 goes here

; bank 4 ends here


For an 8K game, remove the SelectBank3 and SelectBank4 lines from the BANKS_AND_VECTORS macro, then change all xFF6 to xFF8.


You're more than welcome to download the source for Medieval Mayhem, it's in my blog.

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It looks like the explosions are playing a little... strange. They're going both forwards and backwards. But it's my fault. :_(


I think it stems from the animated GIF I sent, which showed them running both forwards (exploding) and backwards (materializing). I did that because I was too lazy to break them into separate GIFs.


The explosions should just explode outward, starting from a different frame, depending on the size of whatever is blowing up.


Small ship:


Medium ship:


Big ship:



If you don't want the smaller explosions to end as large as the big ones, then you'd just need to stop them a frame or two sooner.


Besides that, it's coming along nicely. Blowing stuff up is fun. :D


As an aside... this kernel has the potential in it for a pretty decent racing game. Just flying along dodging ships is pretty cool, all by itself.


Question - will the engine flames fit into the kernel? I've been looking forward to seeing those. :_(

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Regarding 8K binaries:


My advice is to plan exactly what will go in each bank ahead of time because that will determine how you switch between them.


As for templates...it's pretty easy: after every ORG $wxyz statement put a RORG $Fwxyz statement and start your binary at $E000 instead of $F000. Or put your binary at $1000-$2FFF, however you want to do it. Then make sure to put start vectors in both 4K banks and remember that when you switch banks you immediately jump to the other bank but the PC stays the same. :_(


Switching between the banks is the tricky part; I am unaware of any "standard" method. I've used different methods for Go Fish!, Reindeer Rescue, and Metroid. The most general was for Metroid but that is definitely overkill for an 8K binary (probably overkill for a 32K, for that matter :_(), the sloppiest was for Reindeer Rescue.


EDIT: By "tricky" I don't mean it is difficult or anything, it just takes some thought to figure out a method that will work for your needs.

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True - when I planned mine out I decided to have a bank for each "major" thing, and the subroutines used by each section would be located in the same bank. THis allows me to JMP to the next section with the bank getting swapped then and not have to worry about "which bank to return too".

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Thanks for the bankswitching pointers - I think I have a reasonable understanding of how to proceed now. At the moment I am planning to put the display kernel in one 4k block (basically most of the current code) and the rest of the code in the other.



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Thanks for the bankswitching pointers - I think I have a reasonable understanding of how to proceed now. At the moment I am planning to put the display kernel in one 4k block (basically most of the current code) and the rest of the code in the other.


If you split the code right at the kernel boundary (which would probably be very logical), you could start the first bank (containing the kernel) with:

 org $0000
 rorg $1000
 nop $1FF9 ; Go to $1003 in normal bank (a simple RTS)
; KERNEL ENTRY STARTS HERE (got here from $1000 in other bank)

The second bank (containing everything else) would start with:

 org $1000
 rorg $F000
 nop $FFF8 ; Go to $1003 in kernel bank
 rts   ; Got here from $1000 in other bank


If you don't use the BRK vector for anything, the cheapest way to force code to start in the last bank is to make the reset vector in all but the last bank point to $FFF9, put a zero in $xFF9 (all banks), and then point the BRK vector in the last bank at the real start of code (in any other bank, point it to $FFF9). For good measure, include zeros at $xFFA and $xFFB also, though it shouldn't matter.


Note that using any but the last hotspot for this approach is apt to be dangerous and unreliable, since carts may not behave consistently when given two consecutive hotspot addresses. If you use only the last hotspot, however, the cart will only see one hotspot access and thus there shouldn't be any problem.

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When spawning enemies I think you still have to try to enforce some vertical separation. It looks like it's putting too many enemies right next to eachother when they could easily be offset by the height of a sprite yielding less flicker.

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