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Cruiz'in - "Bubsy : Twisted Dreams?" - November 2018




Today we have a late Halloween edition. As I was recording play throughs of Woolies Strike Back I came across a glitch. I hit the button for the screenshots or recordings after selecting a level. The level would load and come up in the wait screen. On certain levels (shown below) instead of a Woolie you get a winged/horned creature with arms. Once you start the level the character turns into a Woolie and everything is normal from there.




So more than likely this is a throw back to the Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams game that Black Forest Games made before using the same game engine for Bubsy: Woolies Strike Back. Checking a lot of screen shots of the Giana Sisters game I don't see those characters, but so far this seems the most likely scenario. If those characters were not in that game, maybe this from an earlier game, or even an earlier concept character for the Bubsy game itself.


Would be awesome if we got the skinny from Black Forest themselves. :D




So SpongeFox is always creating new Bubsy art on a fairly regular basis and I believe the newest Bubsy game inspired her because I had a few submitted for posting here. Here is what she had to say on this one:


"I remember doing a really old drawing featuring Bubsy and Conker. It had Bubsy feeling sick to his stomach at the sight of "Bubsy 3D" and Conker actually javing a teal bad fur day. Since I couldn't find it, I did a drawing of Bubsy again feeling ill cause of "that game", only this time, he has the twins with him."






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