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I must make one clarification on yesterday's blog picture - those weren't all masschamber's cartridges. Some of them I got from other sources. As soon as it was clear I was going to make a second Channel F game (which I thought was Killer Heads of Lettuce), I started hoarding cartridges. Then I made Golf and thought of the Trimerous game and decided I needed some more.


I updated the Quest of the Cranberry website. I made a few minor changes, like adding a sound effect when Craig gets hit by an enemy. One of the more interesting changes is that of the % sign. Originally it was 5×5 pixels, but it wasn't matching up with the numbers well enough, so I slimmed it down to 3×5. I think it looks a lot better this way. The website has the latest binary file for you to play with, as well as new pictures of the game in action. And you can play with it in more ways than one: I've also added the .asm file so if you have a Channel F compiler you can change things around (although I wouldn't go crazy and release the game before it's completed!) But if you want to work on it with me, just let me know!


The sound effect making process was hard. Basically because I wanted it to play for ten frames AND be able to move Craig at the same time. So I introduced a sfx timer in the code. I think it worked out rather well.


As a debugging feature, at the title screen, you can press button 2 to skip ahead to the snow part. Since I doubt there's a way to save games on a Channel F cartridge, I guess I'll have a password feature, like I'm doing with Frank the Fruit Fly. But I'll save programming that part for the very end. To make it easy on myself, I'll make it all numbers instead of letters so it's more of a passnumber instead of a password.


Oh, and I'm also thinking about making a new ActionMax homebrew. It's called "Getting Garden Gophers" where you blast those pesky varmints.




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