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Cutting off sound



Finally tried Frank the Fruit Fly with sound. Discovered that the game cuts off the level intro ditty. Must have been because I got rid of a little bit of code during it. So since the two variables that control it were maxed out at 255, I decided to speed up the song a little. I don't think it's too noticeable. I was working on trying to get the frog jumping on the oasis screen when I discovered the music thing, and it sidetracked me for a little bit.


A large part of time was spent trying to inflict damage on Frank if he touched the frog. This was due to me forgetting how the collision detection code I put in for every sprite works. I know, I should just have one and then jump to it, but it's easier to do it this way since I've been doing it this way and I don't want to break the game since I've been working on it for over a year. And I made it more looking like the frog moves his legs to jump. I had the frog sitting picture too high in the sprite sheet for levels 1 and 3, so I lowered them. A lot of work went into changing level 1's frog y variables because it had a tongue as well. So I had to add a bit of code to stabilize the tongue.



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