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No stupid virus is going to stop me from working on Frank the Fruit Fly. Today I put in a new screen in it. Frank has to dodge spiders while the spiders move up and down to try and get Frank. In order for my idea to work, the spiders have to move up and down slowly. But it worked. And I also found and fixed a bug pertaining to not advancing the screen. Before, on level 5 (what I'm currently working on), it just had the same screen over and over again. But I fixed that. As if you needed more proof I can't draw very well, here are the spiders I designed for the game.


Since level 5 is in the city and there are cockroaches and spiders all over the place, I'm imagining an old, run-down building that Frank has to maneuver in. Saw about a little over a week ago, I had updated my last build at 3 a.m. I couldn't even imagine being awake at 3 a.m. now. But I'll probably be awake at 3 a.m. again soon enough. Luckily since I have no life, this stupid virus hasn't impacted me. Just as long as I can go to the grocery store, I'll be happy. Even happier if I could actually get more toilet paper. Why are they hoarding that of all things? They're acting as though the TP manufacturers are going to stop making it.


What I wish for is that people will stop worrying about the thing and go to work again because this self-isolation crap is destroying our country. There's something really odd about this. They didn't close the whole country down for other viruses, just this one. Why?

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