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...is something I lack. It's been a boring day today so far. I went for a walk outside. You can see ash collecting on the pavement. I tried Castle of Doom on a real Atari 2600. I changed a level because even though the levels seem easy on an emulator using the keyboard, they seem to be much tougher using a joystick. Especially when you have broken ones. Third time was the charm. I don't know how I ended up with (at least) 3 joysticks, but hey, it works. Couldn't get to sleep last night. I finally fell asleep at about 11 p.m.


11 hours later, I got up and got a Carl's Jr. burger. I don't know why I don't gain very much weight eating these things. Must be because I'm fat already. Earlier in the week, I bought my 345th Atari 2600 game: Cosmic Commuter. I am waiting for its commute to my house to be finished. There aren't very many games I don't have, seeing as how I have almost 350 of them in the pantry, but, oh well.

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