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Weird stuff



I made a small Atari 2600 program to aid me in one of my music projects. Even though I don't know if I'm going to be able to burn it or not. What I've done is make songs of various insane lengths (the longest one I've done so far is over 7 hours long.) I just got off the keyboard after playing it for an hour. I usually don't play it for that long, what I do is stitch together recordings of me playing the keyboard for 30 minutes at a time, various lengths, and call it a song.


In a song I call "Alektorophobia" (the fear of chickens, in case you're wondering) I decided to employ the Atari 2600 in transitions. I had an idea for something I wanted to program, an electronic noise maker, if you will, that alternates between two tones, playing at a "random" length. So I made one. And here it is. It even has a "debugger" that tells you which note is playing. But before I could record it, I had to download Stella, because much to your and my amazement, I haven't had a use for it since I had to "factory" reset my computer. So I went to the Stella website and downloaded it. Version 6.5 is a lot different from the one I had before (4.something).


Why did I name my song after something weird? I try to be as weird as possible when naming my songs. "Strange People Eating Hot Mayonnaise" is the title of another song I did. It's 2.5 hours long. This is how bored I get some times. I'm listening to it right now. It's the part where I try to figure out the notes to the "Dallas" theme song. Then I gave up and played weird chords and repeating the word "Sandwiches." That's just a little sample of the weirdness I record myself doing with the audio recorder.



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