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13 hours of coding



So I went on my computer to work on my game at around 5 p.m. last night. I finally got done at around 6 a.m. this morning. This was due to the computer being an idiot and not liking me. But I finally got to a place where I could stop and so I did. I could have gone to sleep a few times with a broken game, but I feared I would no longer understand what I was doing, and my perfectionism got the best of me. It was hard and evil, but I got to a place where I could stop. I went to sleep at 7 a.m. and got up at abour 2 p.m., so I got 7 hours of sleep, not my usual 12 or 13 hours.


So now I hope that all my coding wasn't for naught. I usually don't care what happens with my games, but when you work on one for 13 hours straight, I need to finish this one because I screwed up my day again on this one and I'll be awake all night and sleep all day again. I made a deal to release this next game, and the guy publishing it says not to release any more ROMs, so I won't.


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