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Little things mean a lot



Here I am, reviving another project. This one is very volatile. Changing just one line of code in it can break it or change the game in ways I couldn't imagine (and didn't want). I found out how to shift bits in numbers. The equivalent of "asl" in Odyssey²dom is "rl" and "lsr" is "rr".

    mov    r0,#clothescolor
    mov a,t
    anl a,#007h  ; you will only get values from 00 to 07
    mov @r0,a

    mov r1,#clothescolor
    mov a,@r1
    rl a
    rl a
    rl a
    rl a
    mov r7,a   

I had to learn this due to the fact that the colors in the variable "clothescolor" is contained in bits 3-5. Changing bits 0-2 does odd things I did not want. I found an opcode sheet and that's how I learned this. What I had to do is get a number from 0 to 7 and then multiply it by eight. But eventually I got it to where I want it to be for now. I would like to change some things, like the speed of the guy. But I don't know if I'll be able to do that given this unintentionally hostile program I made. Yelling at the computer and hitting it a few times, while it did not help me program better, did help in releasing my frustration I was having. I still think computers have minds and use them to hate people.


I woke up various times throughout the day, only to fall back asleep. I finally got up at around 3 p.m. Which is bad because I have to go to the bank sometime this week. It opens at 9 a.m. Anyway, I could fall asleep right now and not wake up until about 3 p.m. again. Right now it's almost 2 a.m. and I'm yawning a lot. I guess I'll go to sleep. After all, I'm at a good stopping point with my Odysey² project.


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