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YS Flight (PC)



Among the glut of budgetware "arcade sims" and complicated civilian aircraft games, YS Flight shows true ingenuity and delivers a truly fun and engaging experience. The freeware sim, developed by a group of Japanese programmers, is neither too difficult nor too simple; instead, it strikes the perfect chor of playability and realism that designers strive to achieve. I admit, I'm not very good with modern flight sims; the one sim I can truly say I'm skilled at is EA's classic Chuck Yeager's Air Combat. However, after about 5 minutes of reading the provided documentations nd control schemes, I plugged in my trusty PC Raider joystick and was able to successfully fly a 20-minute civilian flight over Honolulu in a Piper Cub. Although it may not be very impressive to sim jockeys, YS Flight offers an impressive breadth of maps and aircraft, both civilian and military. If you're a sadomachistic kind of person, you can always jump in a Spitfire and try to take down an F4. Also, YS Flight has a large fan base, both North American and Japanese, so there's a massive selection of addons available. it also means you'll easily be able to find other players to take advantage of the smooth multiplay. The only real negative of the game is the rendering; the graphics, while fast and smooth, are unfortunately not texture-mapped. However, some clever light-mapping gives the plane models a beautiful sheen, and the typical "noise" you see on the ground when you maintain a low altitude prevents you from crashing; without it, you may think you're a 1000m off the ground when you're only 100m (but that's what your altimeter's for, you lazy bugger). Of course, after hearing me extolling this game, you probably want some links, no? Here ya go!http://www.ysflight.tk - Massive YS Flight fansite with forums, multiplayer tournaments, addons and links.http://www.ysflight.com - Official game site. Having problems accessing it lately, it may be down.http://www.download.com - YS Flight is available for download here if the above link fails to work.


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