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DickNixonArisen and his Quest for the R Word

Random Terrain


DickNixonArisen wanted to keep this public so here it is. He was trying to take my post out of context and make it all about rape. Well, here is the full story.



Take a look at this post:



I don't get why people asking about someone who was highly visible - and is now gone - can't be answered straightforwardly. The fact that they were a moderator or not is not relevant, and not the issue. How is it disrespectful to discuss it, unless someone is lying? If "what happened" is obvious, would so many people be asking? Is this thread (check that title) such an inappropriate place to discuss it? People were concerned, and curious, that's all. Enjoy your privileged drama. LOL



Then I tried to explain why in my usual gross way:



Enjoy your privileged drama. LOL

AtariAge occasionally has behind-the-scenes drama that most people don't know about because the people in the know handle things in an upper-class way where problems are dealt with quietly. If someone gets caught stealing or drowning puppies or fingering grandma, he or she is silently escorted out of the mansion and banished to a far away land. It's a stiff upper lip, don't make a scene, don't be uncouth, never complain, never explain way of doing things.


When someone disappears and certain people kind of give you little hints that you should shut your pie hole, there's a chance that there might have been a grandma fingering incident or some other thing the people in the know want to keep quiet to avoid a big scene with drama and lawsuits and who knows what else.


In case it wasn't obvious in my post above, the mansion is AtariAge and things like drowning puppies and fingering grandma (creepy willing incest, not rape) stand for offenses such as ripping off sellers or buyers in the marketplace forum, or selling fake products, or stealing, or abusing moderator powers and the list goes on.


I used an extreme example that didn't really happen to show that there is a reason why some things aren't talked about when a person is banned from AtariAge. The people in-the-know (admin/moderators/friends of admin or moderators) may not want to get sued for supposedly spreading 'lies' by the person who was banned and they also want to keep things as classy and drama-free as possible, at least from their end.


From what DickNixonArisen has posted, it almost seems like he thinks that somebody raped an old lady with their finger and the AtariAge moderators are covering it up. Nobody was fingered, not even Freddy. It was an extreme, gross example that stood for other things that can really happen at AtariAge.



DickNixonArisen owes me 20 bucks. :D


I'd provide a link to the post showing why, but I've been blocked from the thread. I can post a post a link to the thread itself, though:








Random Terrain



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I don't like how you often turn things into creepy, obviously sexual analogies and metaphors related to incest and pedophilia, then accuse me of seeing those things where they aren't. Since the hypothetical situation is of your creation, you can make up anything you want about it. Maybe you really were imagining a "creepy willing incest" situation (...and why you were, I don't know and don't want to know), maybe you were imagining a creepy UNWILLING incest situation (I want to know even less about this). If this situation was consensual, which is bizarre and unlikely even in a hypothetical, metaphorical sense, there would be no need for any of the drama or lawsuits. If it was not, it was rape by dictionary definition. In the context of your weird little metaphor, rape is a reasonable assumption. My issue with you, which I raised in that original post (missing AA'ers), is that you frequently bring up rape, incest and sexual abuse when it's not on topic, and treat those subjects in a very lighthearted, off-hand matter - like they were something to be laughed at. That's NOT good.


In the later post, I made a short, undirected, on-topic complaint about rape topics in a television show. The post was specifically on the subject of disliking the show; I dislike the show, and I cited my reasons as had the OP. That's pretty reasonable behaviour. Rape humor is a part of the show; I've seen it. It's on there. I can think of several specific instances in which the writers of the show treated rape as a joke (including one that double-pissed me for simultaneously mocking aquaman); I haven't even seen that many episodes of the show. It's possible I've randomly watched the only 4-5 episodes that contain that material, but I doubt it. Other adult swim shows feature similar content: There's a rape-dog on Aqua Teen; and I just saw a very graphic and very smugly callous "rape ghost" skit on Robot Chicken. It's part of a pattern.


Imagine that you're twelve, and you've just been raped. You're scared, ashamed for some reason, physically hurt, and both want and don't want to tell someone. You are making that decision when the show you're watching reaches out to you at that most vulnerable and terrifying moment in your life and mocks you and your unfathomable pain. It sends you the message that rape happens, that it's FUNNY, that it's not that big a deal. You're going to shrug that off? Not a chance. Not right; not worth a laugh, not acceptable. No one is arguing that watching an episode with that humor will convert a good person into a rapist in short order; but no one with a brain would argue that people's attitues aren't affected in some way by the content of the media they take in. Someone is learning, from family, that rape isn't that big a deal. It's something to laugh about. When that person is faced with a choice in the future, they won't remember that skit, but it will be with them. The marginalization of that crime serves to create a social tolerance for it in which the crime flourishes. Rape is NOT rare; and it's not (usually) committed by dirty old men that hide in shrubs. People are learning this behaviour from SOMEWHERE, and I wouldn't imagine that television shows are the largest factor, but maybe the writers and consumers should consider whether they want to stand with the rapist or with the victim. If you laugh away rape, which one are you supporting? I call anyone and everyone out who does it; I will always, no matter where I am and who is laughing. Your reply, RT, was classic troll; pitiful even for a tweenager. As I recall it was "You see rape everywhere. Rape, rape, rape, rape." Against AA policy, but whatever. I didn't start anything with anyone, but you made it personal. You took that first step and chose to mock my decision to make a stand for something that matters, even if only a tiny stand, and on a retrogaming board. You should be proud.


As I aptly demonstrated, I do not owe you the money. You made a comment that was very reasonably interpreted as relating to rape; I reacted to it. You have still failed to find any post in which I brought the subject up where it did not exist already; it is certainly part of the complaint that Family Guy is a "mean-spirited show". When it's your own post, don't be a weasel and say "oh, I didn't really mean rape"; like, for example, where you detail how a pedophile santa might enjoy children on his lap in the beard thread (you just keep bringing this stuff up out of nowhere for some reason - care to offer one?). Maybe Santa wasn't a pedophile at all, he just.. had hemorrhoids. What you really mean comes across clearly. Keep looking. Find a real example; where nobody mentioned rape and the subject matter wasn't related to it, and I just started talking about it out of the blue, and I'll pay up (I do not have a paypal account) You can't find one, because one doesn't exist. I see (the artifacts of rape culture) in many places, but only where they really are. None of this stuff is anything I've made up; you can learn about it on Wikipedia, TVtropes, books and essays, a college course or, ideally, from the voice of a victim who felt that helpless rage as her deepest pains and fears were used for cheap laughs, adding ultimate insult to ultimate injury. I choose to pick a fight with that BS wherever I see it. You choose to pick a fight with me for picking that fight; because... because... well, no, I can't think of a reason why someone would have a problem with that.


Like I stated in the post, you are left trying to defend and reclassify "hypothetical granny fingering" as "willing incest", trying to tear me down for making a little effort to be a better person. Great job.

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Oh, and if I did make any mistake in the issue, it was the part where I suggested that you shoot yourself. But... it's only a joke, all in good fun, ha, ha, right? Couldn't make anyone feel anything, I'm sure.

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Blah, blah, blah . . .

I mentioned a mansion. Rich people who live in mansions do all kinds of nasty stuff.


I've argued from 'your side' before. But the "we can't joke about anything horrible because some victim out there might poop their pants" idea is crap. Get therapy and get strong. Stop being a perpetual victim. I had flashbacks from my first step-father for years. I stayed in victim mode for far too long instead of dealing with it and getting over it.


I also found out over the years that a lot of guys who bleed for the world are usually just trying to get their dicks wet. Some guys are so good at playing the part that they actually start believing their own bullshit and become too delusional to deal with. If the guy wants to have sex with a girl who has been raped, he'll try to rack up as many points with her as possible. He'll play the "look at all of the bleeding I'm doing for you" game and eventually he'll get enough points to "hit that" and discover that all of the hard work he did wasn't worth it and he'll dump her the first chance he gets. He'll find a new girl with a new problem and he'll take on that cause to start building up points so he can get into her pants.


Let me know if you ever drop the act and stop bleeding all over everything.


(And no, I'm not talking about real bleeding.)

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When it's your own post, don't be a weasel and say "oh, I didn't really mean rape"; like, for example, where you detail how a pedophile santa might enjoy children on his lap in the beard thread (you just keep bringing this stuff up out of nowhere for some reason - care to offer one?). Maybe Santa wasn't a pedophile at all, he just.. had hemorrhoids. What you really mean comes across clearly.

I glanced over your ramblings, looking for something about shooting and found that instead.


Here is the post you are talking about:



"Go sit on Santa's lap. I know he's really a stranger, but the man is wearing a costume, so it's OK. Just try not to wriggle around too much. We all want Santa to be happy, but not that happy. If his 'ho, ho, ho' turns into 'oh, oh, oh,' it's your own damn fault, so you might as well keep wriggling until he promises to get you every toy on your list."


That is a statement about idiots in malls that take their kids to sit on the laps of strangers just because they are wearing a costume. Parents tell their kids not to talk to strangers, unless the stranger is wearing a costume, then it's OK.


The meaning should be clear to anyone with an IQ of at least 50.

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I'm married, and there are like five girls on AA. Who would I possibly be trying to impress? I am not "bleeding for the world", I am following my principles. Are you so seriously cynical that you can't accept that something like that exists, even is common? Men who choose to be supportive of rape victims just want to fuck them? You seriously believe that? What a... sad, scary view into the way you think. No one here has made the fact that they've been a victim public, so there's effectively zero audience. If I wanted to gratify my ego, I tend to think I'd probably do better somewhere other than AA, where there was an audience that might feel good about what I had to say. Very few people are supportive of me on this issue here or anywhere, so why would I "act"? You think I'm acting, rather than expressing my true beliefs? ... Why? What would I gain from that? I'd get more "rep points" (technically and in spirit), which are the only thing to be gained here, if I made jokes about this and didn't raise the issue in a serious way when it comes up. No, RT, I'm just choosing to do what's right when I am given the choice. You choose to attribute hypocritical, delusional, sanctimonious and bizarre motives to that choice, either because you're that way, or because you think everyone else is. You're seriously deluded on the issue. The men you describe, who are manipulating women by playing hero, do exist out there somewhere. Even if you're one of those bastards, rape victims are not your best bet. There are easier, quicker ways to get sex from people who don't have as many problems. As I have demonstrated, I am hardly a hero for talking online. There are no women to impress here. It is not making me popular. I am married, and my wife doesn't read this board (she still has some faith in humanity) so I'm obviously not one of those people. Why are you talking about them, then? Trying to rub some of the stain off on me? Or are you actually delusional?



Also, I am not a victim here. I've never been sexually abused, and I'm not in victim mode. I don't have sexual or mental problems (a little depression maybe to be honest). I see something wrong, I correct it. End of story. This IS my strength. I wish I could develop it more. It's easier online... sometimes I am in a situation in real life and something like this comes up and I don't manage to say something. Usually, I do. Does it make me popular? No. Quite the opposite. Does it make me feel good? Maybe better about myself in the long run, but in the short run, it makes my heart race and it makes me feel alienated and disappointed in people. I do it because it's right even if it sucks to do it. You really want to imagine that I'm an idiot for insisting on respect for women and respect for the victims of sexual abuse from the people around me? REALLY? You think THAT is stupid? That's what you want to pick a fight with? If you saw me help an old lady across the street, would you then bust out one of your patented RT'isms and say I was only trying to get old lady sex? If you saw me help the neighbor chop wood just to help him out, would you say I was only trying to get into his dirty flannel? Why is it always LIKE this with you? This is the way you understand the world? Honestly, and I say (at least this part of the post) with an open heart towards you, if you were abused as you make reference to, then maybe that's why you look at the world in this way. Be aware that it's not necessarily the way the world actually is. That would be the answer to my question "why does it always turn into this with him". If you have issues from that, those issues are not your fault. Get help with them, because you're not done yet. Even so, you are still responsible for your actions, including your speech, and if you speak disrespectfully, you are still asking to be corrected.


As expected, you jumped to "nobody can say anything about anything now", IE censorship or suppression. Took you a little longer than I thought, but whatever. Again, you don't have the ghost of a point here. You are still free to post your perverted stuff every day, and I'm still free to disagree with it every day (I will, every time, forever and ever, as long as I'm on AA, which will be indefinitely). You are responsible for what you write, which quite literally means that a if a response to your speech or actions is made, that response should be directed at you. If you don't want anyone to disagree with you, don't start shit. If you insist on starting shit, people will be there, so just suck it up and deal. AA is a private site with specific rules (which aren't always followed evenly, but that's because normal humans enforce them) and so far we're both subject to the same rules as everyone. Censorship literally cannot happen here, because as a private site, AA is NOT required to guarantee free speech in the same way that public institutions and forums are. If this was a white power site and Al was a grand dragon, he'd be perfectly within his rights to ban someone for criticizing racism. You (I would say for trolling) and I (I would definitely admit to being insulting to you) both got banned from one post, in accordance with the rules.


Yeah, reposting the bit about how the child should keep stimulating the pedophile and how it's their fault is NOT helping you here. Why do you keep doing that? You're going to defend this one too? What's next? You've got nothing, man, nothing.

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Also, for your own edification, here's a version of your Santa opinion which does not veer into CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.


"It's pretty weird how people let their children sit on the laps of Santas in malls and such - they'd have a much different opinion without the costume".


and here's a better version of your post from the family guy thread:


"I don't know, I don't see a lot of rape humor in the show. Maybe you're just oversensitive to it."


That is how a normal person would do it.


Edit: classic santa/satan mispelling

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I'm not even going to respond to the other crap because you take everything as being about you instead of being about others.


But I will respond to this:


Yeah, reposting the bit about how the child should keep stimulating the pedophile and how it's their fault is NOT helping you here. Why do you keep doing that? You're going to defend this one too? What's next? You've got nothing, man, nothing.


Did you notice that what I said is in quotes? I should have put who was saying it in case it wasn't obvious:


Mother at a mall: "Go sit on Santa's lap. I know he's really a stranger, but the man is wearing a costume, so it's OK. Just try not to wriggle around too much. We all want Santa to be happy, but not that happy. If his 'ho, ho, ho' turns into 'oh, oh, oh,' it's your own damn fault, so you might as well keep wriggling until he promises to get you every toy on your list."


The bad parent is saying to the kid not to wriggle too much or it's the kid's fault for making the potential pedophile goo his pants. It's an over-the-top post that shows how stupid it is to let your kids think a stranger isn't a stranger if the stranger is wearing a costume.


Do you get it yet? It's not a pro-pedophile post. It's an anti-pedophile post. I'm saying if a parent tells their kid to sit on the lap of a stranger just because the stranger is wearing a costume, the parent is basically telling the kid what I posted. You don't know who is under the costume. You don't know if a proper background check has been done by the mall or store or wherever it is.


Since every damn little thing has to be explained in detail or you won't be able to understand it as if you have extreme Asperger's Syndrome, please put me on ignore so you won't be able to read my posts. Then I won't have to waste time explaining everything to you like you're 5 years old.

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What's interesting about that is that I don't have the problem otherwise. No, it's just you. I have a five-year old mindset and aspergers, but only when it comes to RT. Yes, RT, the problem isn't you, it's other people.


I guess you're just so far away from seeing the problem that I really shouldn't bother. Some people just can't be reached. I tried.

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What's interesting about that is that I don't have the problem otherwise. No, it's just you. I have a five-year old mindset and aspergers, but only when it comes to RT. Yes, RT, the problem isn't you, it's other people.I guess you're just so far away from seeing the problem that I really shouldn't bother. Some people just can't be reached. I tried.

Nope, I've heard that you have had similar problems with more than just me at AtariAge where you have twisted what was posted to mean something completely different in your mind.


The good thing to come out of this is that I'll try to be more careful and explain in detail what my little exaggerated scenarios, fake quotes, and F-ed up parables mean so some clueless guy can't come along and try to say that I meant something completely different.

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Again, since you apparently still don't understand anything about what i'm talking about here, you only THINK I am misinterpreting. Do some research.


And good.


I'm done if you are.

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