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Everything posted by Roydea6

  1. The red dot will toggle the rw/ro status of atr.
  2. AMS01.ATR AMS02.ATR And a few more with a different piano and player.
  3. AMS SD 01.atr Since the forum now allows naked ATR.
  4. I was wondering if the sub cart has a manual like tha avg cart by Mr. Roberts https://atari8bit.net/tutorials/de-re-avgcart/
  5. https://www.alexpage.de/usb-image-tool/download/
  6. MyIDEDriveManagerLBA2_CHS_NET46_979_2.zip
  7. Also the fat32 loader can load a myideSpartados 'c' to run several partitions 'C: through O: G: has games I run for play time. H: is my path for SpartaDos X I: is my media partition
  8. This is already a MyDos ready file. Myide2[122719].img
  9. Well I can see a use for this information but not for me. Survey went well using chrome and window 7.
  10. Usually Hong Kong series of 800XL has all IC's socketed and not soldered onto the motherboard..
  11. Run the Spartados x toolkit program called CLX.COM CLX D8: after booting from drive D1; and having clx.com in the path.
  12. yes this information worked and I am playing games on it again... Thank you @BillC
  13. I recently tried to upgrade my Side 3 cartridge from the original SDX rom to SDX449g.rom and several verify later and error occured and I pressed Y for retry? and after the next error I couldn't do any thing with it. I took the cartridge apart but this chip are smd and I can't get it reprogramed. Is there any fix for this condition.
  14. Some of my collection includes Old hackers ATR's and including a zip file with them here. OHORIG.zip
  15. I have never used a dedicated case with any of my IDE+20 boards.
  16. PCLINK.SYS is not installing PCL: with this test build. PCLink v.0.9, dev. 6, SIO id $6F Warning: server not ready
  17. I mostly use atadim version 3.05(beta) by Raster/CPU. A windows pc program. check my signature lines.
  18. Just yesterday Altirra Basic 1.58 was released. by @phaeron the author.
  19. FASTPROG.LST Just a couple of lines of usr code line 0 and line 1
  20. This is the one I have in my XEGS 128k, but I don't use the xegs very often any more.
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