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Captain Beard

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Everything posted by Captain Beard

  1. Well, either I'm a chump or whoever pays his asking price is. Isn't that cart worth like $20 tops? I thought the handle version was worth more and still not that much. I have been out of the loop for a while though... Either way, I got paid what it was worth for me to sell it -- I'm unloading all my dupes and variants to pay bills, but I still own and will continue to own a copy of Stargunner -- and that's all anyone can reasonably hope for when selling stuff. Now if only I could find someone to buy this one for my ridiculously high asking price: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2FAtari-2600-BLUEPRINT-game-cartridge-Ridiculously-rare-white-case-%2F330949745933%3Fpt%3DVideo_Games_Games%26hash%3Ditem4d0e245d0d (Note: I really did just post that to amuse myself -- I got bored posting and reposting boatloads of cheap commons one night -- so if anyone here is interested, I assure you I'm not holding out for anything resembling that price. I have absolutely no reason to believe it's valuable in the least.)
  2. Here are the Intellivision and Canal 3 carts I am accepting offers on.
  3. I am accepting offers on these Brazilian carts. I hate to see these go, but financial straits must be navigated. All have been tested and are working. I prefer PayPal for payment but other arrangements can be made. I will ship to just about anywhere. I haven't been active here in several years, but you can view my past AA feedback here: http://atariage.com/...-captain-beard/ Let me know if you need more (or better) pics of anything or have any questions at all. The Trons and are in this post. The cracked Tron handle belongs to H.E.R.O. Scroll down a couple posts to see the Intellivision brand and Canal 3 carts
  4. Thanks, fellas -- I'll be shipping your stuff out tomorrow.
  5. I'd be happy to. Let me know what you're interested in and I'll enable it. In fact, someone in Canada just purchased two items from me. I coulda swore that wasn't possible, but they used Buy It Now. So you might just want to give it a shot.
  6. Hello, AtariAge! I have been a stranger around these parts for several years now as I've been busy with many things. Now, unfortunately, I have lots of bills to pay and am forced to sell some of my collection. (This is making me very sad, I gotta say.) Please check me out: eBay Seller: usedrecordsandmore There's 40+ Atari 2600 carts up now (and a couple Froggo 7800s) -- mostly rare stuff. With the exceptiion of a few CIB Mystique/Playaround titles, they are all carts only. I hope to add more stuff over the next few weeks, although most of the highest-ticket carts are already up. I threw them all up very quickly without much rigamarole but please don't hesitate to ask any questions if you want more info. I'm also happy to take more pictures if you'd like. And if anyone is looking for commons, I likely have them, so feel free to shoot me a message or post here. I'll try to check in regularly. My eBay feedback speaks for itself and anyone who remembers me from when I was a regular here will probably vouch for me as well. Although I stopped buying stuff a few years back, I've been cherishing my collection and really hope what I am forced to sell will end up in a good, loving home. Thanks for looking!
  7. Hey, all -- Anyone who has been waiting on free games from me, please accept my apologies. I've been really sick for a while now and am only just getting around to shipping these. Again, really sorry for the delay, but they're all going out this afternoon. --Adam
  8. The following games of mine have been claimed: Pac-Man (8-bit) Pole Position II and Xevious (7800) Space Fury and Mouse Trap (Coleco)
  9. Zero, I love your work for HSC and don't want to sound like an ungrateful kvetcher, but why are we playing this game for the third time instead of different games? Are you low on suggestions or does this one get requested a lot? I really only ask 'cuz I suck at this game.
  10. He got a Parker Bros., but I still have another one, so no need to update the list. And BigO -- so sorry, but I totally spaced shipping these. They're going out this afternoon.
  11. Bought some games from him and am very pleased with his goods and services.
  12. Skeet Shoot has been claimed. New to add for Colecovision: Smurf - Rescue in Gargamel's Castle Space Fury Cosmic Avenger Oh yeah -- and maybe you should point out that my mystery carts are absolutely free, shipping included. Those first few went like hotcakes but the free mystery cart market seems to have completely dried up.
  13. 65,100 I'm baffled by this game. I played for almost an hour and this was the only game I managed to break 30,000 on. Why? Because it was the only one that actually gave me the objects I needed for the bonus. This game had a lot of potential, but as it is, it's lame lame lame.
  14. Tune in next time for our next exciting tale, "Atari A Day Keeps The Doctor Away" or "This Land Is Our Landfill"
  15. Still more to add! For the 2600: Video Checkers (text label -- no end label) Skeet Shoot (no main label) And for the Atari 800: Pac-Man
  16. I have over 350 different Atari 2600 games, and the same goes for me as well! Gotta say -- I wouldn't buy any new Hozers, but I'm pretty happy to have an original Edtris in my collection.
  17. I've reported the various Hozer sellers on many occasions. I usually also include links to prove that these are unauthorized repros. It doesn't make any difference. eBay doesn't care.
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