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Everything posted by bradjewell

  1. a pic with chew marks wouldn't be bad. It would show character. Anyways, joysticks are supposed to look like that, it shows theyve been used. I'd seriously consider using a pic like that... you could have a pic of of the controller plugged into a guitar amp or something similar. Brad
  2. I sent an email as well as the rest. Sounds great. What is the expected cost? I know you said more than a regular hombrew, but I'm just curious, as I need to start saving for it. Brad
  3. couldnt you take a picture of a joystick? seems like that would work good, then you get the resolution you want depending on the camera.
  4. Thanks, I'll keep an eye on that. Brad
  5. I got that 7800 for 6 bucks with no hookups!! Anyway, to moonlight night, I would give 5 bucks for a working power supply. I'm not sure what I'd have for trade. I'd trade a 2600 probably for the power supply and any 7800 game. Just a common cart so I can have one. The 2600 would be just the core, no hookups, but that aint a prob. Brad
  6. Thanks immensely. I don't have an Oddessy2 power supply, but I like having options. I will look into that. Brad
  7. Ha! I live pretty close, well about 4 hours from lousville and I was getting ready to go to the car to head up there. ;o) Brad
  8. to continue with the age thread, i'm 22. and I've been into atari since 2600 and I remember playing it when I was as young as 4 and 5 at least.
  9. dude, that sounds like an awesome score. I'll add my two cents on this topic and agree with the consensus that you can't beat finding about anything in the wild. I mean, I found 2 2600's ( a jr. and a 4switch) for 7 bucks and there's a couple more left. I'm itching to get back there. I mean, if you been through a collecting drought and you see a joystick or just the back of a cart, you heart starts to race a little bit and your mind calculates a myriad possibilities. You just know it'll be quadrun or a proto, but then you pick it up and buy another copy of combat for 25 cents. It's all fun. Brad
  10. I may be getting a 7800 system without power supply or anything. Basically naked. Anyways, I was wondering what is a good replacement for the power supply or is there a good place I can buy them for a decent price, or is anyone out there got one for trade? Brad
  11. I hope that site gets back up, now my it's got my attention. Brad
  12. I've never played spiderman, but did enjoy popeye. For some reason popeye reminded me of Smurf:rescue in gargamel's castle. As for smurf, I loved that game. Brad
  13. Hey Jah! Did you get your 4 games I sent (originally from Ben)? I just wanted to add that I thin kBMX airmasters is an awesome game, and to relate to the orignal post, I have the white label and I believe in came in a darker colored box and it talked about a huffy contest. Brad
  14. I haven't played 2, but the first is a great game indeed. However, on the poll, I voted for combat being my favorite. Because Combat might just be the best 2 player game of all time. Brad
  15. I found some 2600s at a local pawn shop and bought a Jr and a 4switch that both work for 7 bucks all together. Just the cores. I thought that was sweet. There are two, maybe three, left with obvious problems, such as an RF cord missing the rca jack and one with a couple switches broke. I was thinking of trying to pic these up for a few dollars and was wondering how easy it is to find suitable replacement switches. That cosmetically look correct and fit the case, yada yada yada. I know I can fix the RF easy. Thanks in advance for any help. Brad
  16. Yeah, i just called home and checked and dad said all you can see is ocet. That's cool. I just assumed it would've been ricochet. And as I type that I realize my misspelling logic. Brad
  17. I was looking up some of my games, on the rarity guide, and I couldn't find a game called Ricochet by Panda Games. I may be out of my mind because my carts are back home and I'm here at school, but I'm pretty sure it's called ricochet and made by panda. If not it looks like a panda game. The top label is torn partly off, and it has white of dark blue text I believe. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance. Brad Jewell
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