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Status Updates posted by OldSchoolRetroGamer

  1. Did anyone sneak a peek at the Eclipse directly?



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Havok69


      Chuck Norris did. And just doing that doubled the length of time of the eclipse as the sun was scared to come back out.

    3. x=usr(1536)


      It wasn't the eclipse that caused me to go blind ;) 

    4. BassGuitari


      Through five pairs of sunglasses, yes. 

  2. "VS" Threads, this computer VS that computer, this console VS that console....."VS" Threads SUCK. 🧐

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GoldLeader


      What's Better?:  You can keep reading GoldLeader's Status Update replies  or get poked in the head with something that's only kinda sharp?

    3. x=usr(1536)


      I'm tellin' ya, a game where Mario, Sonic, Master Chief, Pac-Man, the Landers from Defender, Q*Bert, K.C. Munchkin, Tron, and the Centipede all have superpowers and live together in a super high-tech undersea fortress and fight crime would be an awesome game.  Then on weekends they all party down Saturday Night Live style, and you get to go along with them. Also there are some aliens and shooting stuff and driving.  The Kerbal Space Program takes them to the moon, too.


      This is the game that Atari needs to make as a VCS exclusive.

    4. GoldLeader


      Hell,  They make THAT game and maybe I'll even buy one ;)

  3. just got a nice screen protector for my iPad mini. After taking about 40 min to assure not air bubbles or dust were present I managed to apply it, very pleased with result. Best of all with the stylus has a little drag now and matte finish so not so smooth like on glass, feels more like paper. Tested to make sure, hey I’m no pro but it’s honest art at least 😛to be fair I used the simplest drawing program, no layers or magnification, literally the same as drawing with colored pencils so I am pleased. At least I can make something without a reference. 🤷🏼‍♂️


    1. carlsson


      If it took 40 minutes, it probably was good that you didn't bite your lip in the process.

  4. 😁🧐Happy International Women's Day!


    1. carlsson


      To celebrate Women's Day, upon the request from one of our female employees, today we lowered the volume on the lunch room speaker so she could hear what she was thinking. Wasn't that a nice gesture?

  5. 😝🤷 Found two of these fellas sitting down on our lobby "help yourself" shelf. Any idea who this character is? Is he like a bargain bin version of some other character? I can't find any identifying brand marks on him. 😆



    1. frankodragon


      Well, you could give one the smell test.  If it has that strong, plastic smell that many cheap toys have from China, then it's likely from a Dollar store.

    2. Crash7


      If you still use a landline grab the V-tech behind them.  Excellent phone. :) 

    3. OldSchoolRetroGamer


      @Crash7 Indeed, I brought the figures up, this is the corner of my desk! Yes, we still use a landline because we get maybe 20 calls a year that aren't marketing or the wrong number 🤷‍♂️Landline plus Ignite Internet 1.5 Gigabit plan. All we need, we don't have, use or need mobile phones because when we are out and about phone calls can wait, our devices (her iPhone and my iPad Mini 5 and Android phone) can access Free Shaw WiFi with wide overage throughout the city. It's funny though because so many people, services and companies are STUNNED that we exist without mobile phones in 2024 🧐anytime we are asked for our cell number and explain neither of us has them we always get a pause or a deer in the headlights look from them, yes one CAN exist with mobile phone service, it can be somewhat inconvenient at times sure, and some react like we are Luddites or something, hilarious since my wife handles I.T. support for the provinces health authority and I been into tech since I first saw a pixel on a screen. It's about "choice" and not buying something simply because everyone else does. Now my wife DOES have an iPhone SE and for the first time this year, as we head to Mexico for a week's vacation, she has contracted an E-Simm service data plan just for the duration of our trip, this will cost bout $ 12 USD 😝

  6. It's 10:07 pm, as midnight approaches THIS is the face of man about to turn 56! Muh birthday 🤷‍♂️😝More than ever I am happy and appreciate the little things, a good meal, a nice drink, indulging in hobbies and appreciating friends and family.


    😎 At my age for my birthday I asked only for a nice craft beer to go with a nice dinner. Had steak and mushrooms for dinner and got 3 cool beers😆 don’t drink much these days but it’s a nice surprise on my birthday and a treat. And for a snack one damn hot Pepperoni stick!



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. roots.genoa


      Funnily @GoldLeader, my best (childhood) friend was born on 9/11, and my favorite movie director as well! But yeah, I often think it must suck. 😰

    3. bent_pin


      Happy Birthday, Buddy!

      Sounds like you're in for a great day. Hope this year is everything that you expect it to be plus a few nice surprises!

      Excited Happy Birthday GIF

    4. Atarian7


      Happy Birthday.

  7. 🥧Happy #NationalPieDay



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. atari2600land


      What is March 14 then?

    3. OldSchoolRetroGamer


      I don't know what's official but a google search gave me: 

      How many National Pie Days are there?
      two different National Pie Days
      Many Americans savor a slice of the popular dessert, which is so popular that there are two different National Pie Days. It's celebrated December 1 in addition to January 23, which is the more popularly celebrated. But there is a little bit more confusion.1
    4. OldSchoolRetroGamer


      MARCH 14th sounds good though 🤷🏻‍♂️😝

      Why do men celebrate March 14?
      Steak and Blowjob Day (sometimes Steak & BJ Day or Steak and Knobber Day) is a satirical unofficial holiday created in the United States as a male response to Valentine's Day and celebrated a month later, on March 14.
  8. Is the iPhone 6 still worth it in 2024? -

    My failed attempt at a SHORT instead it's just a 1 min vertical video

    FYI JUST A BIT OF SILLY FUN as I see a lot of these types of "Is it still worth picking up in 20xx" videos. 



  9. Have you heard? THERE IS GOING TO BE AN Atari 400 Mini! Damn, I am sure nobody here is into that stuff and I am the only one to see this news, better make a brand new thread about it to let everyone know! 🤷‍♂️

  10. No sir, I don't like it! 🥶


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. frankodragon


      That's to follow here after this blizzard by the Great Lakes.

    3. r_chase


      @frankodragonHaha I'm in danger.

    4. Serguei2


      It's cold at Vancouver?


      I thought it's always warm at Vancouver?

  11. Considering some of the weird posts, trolling or generally questionable posts of late........I think I kinda miss Keetah around here....😝🤷‍♂️

    Angry Kermit The Frog GIF by Muppet Wiki

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. bent_pin


      Thanks, glad I missed that mess.

    3. MrBeefy


      It was a huge dumpster fire. Coleco Chameleon but on super steroids.

    4. GoldLeader


      @bent_pin I still Highly recommend that thread though!  It's one of my favorite things!

  12. 😱Yikes, I just Colour Blasted my pants.............

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Razzie.P


      Brand new term invented in the SNES  SPAM section. 

    3. GoldLeader


      @Razzie.P Thanks man!


      Things move pretty fast around here...One minute you're thinking about Sega,  the next you're in the throne room,  You're,  well...You're doing some Blast Processing...a n y w a y ...I bet I know who put forth this idea...

    4. Kiwi


      Oh man, you might want cut back on Skittles.

  13. All the best to you all in 2024! 🍁


    1. GoldLeader


      To you as well!

    2. roots.genoa


      Happy new year to you and to everyone else on AA (well, except maybe this guy 😉)!

  14. As we head into the Christmas week, things might become a little quieter around here than usual so I'll just say now to every member and all those behind the scenes, hope you all have A Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bent_pin


      christmass GIF


      Thanks for making my first year here an enjoyable one

    3. roots.genoa
    4. GoldLeader


      Thank you kind sir!  To you as well, of course!  I love that picture too!  It's like an HP Lovecraft Christmas or something...(Reminds me of the bumper sticker on my car..)




  15. is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....is this sale.....

    1. joeatari1


      And then....And then....And then....

    2. Prosystemsearch


      I wonder if that user who kept spamming that was mentally distraught or just hyper AF.

    3. GoldLeader


      What's all this now? 

  16. 11:40pm, just on the desktop and enjoying a mug of coffee.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GoldLeader


      Are you working nights?

    3. OldSchoolRetroGamer


      @GoldLeader (sorry just saw this reply) No retired.....that might be the problem when I WAS working I was security often over night and I prefer being up overnight still.

       time day GIF

    4. GoldLeader


      I'm right there with ya!  Well,  not retired (currently),...But I worked nights for over 15 years,  ending in 2015...Still am a night owl in general.

  17. Happy Halloween all! 

    The Munsters Reaction GIF

    1. Atarian7


      I'm crazy spoon chin guy. I've got a damn spoon for a chin. Now gimmee some candy!


  18. Lo-fi photography FTW baby! 😎😁https://maple.pet/webgbcam/



  19. Hey, what's up, people? 🤷‍♂️🤔How's your day going?


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bent_pin


      Glad you're on the mend. Maybe the big batch of porkellini soup i made would help you.

      First time my girlfriend came to stay with me in DC she ended up getting a cold. I made her some homemade chicken noodles soup.

    3. GoldLeader


      Yeah I hope you get feeling better!  I had some kind of light cold or allergies I think, but it's definitely going away.  I'm mostly worried about my 2 broken toes which I am still healing up from. 2 days ago was the first time I was able to fit my swollen foot into a work boot,  and I was able to drive if I'm very careful...And I can even drive my truck wearing a "post-op walking boot"...But I won't be heading back to work til late next week at the earliest...

    4. Charlie Cat

      Charlie Cat

      @OldSchoolRetroGamer Hi Rob. Having a cup of coffee and browsing around AtariAge. Hope you're feeling better today bro.  :)


      Is This Life Before Coffee? | Official Garfield Coaster | Redwolf

  20. 🤔🤨Question, ever noticed on Youtube going through recent videos to watch that you are subscribed to a channel you do not recall subscribing to?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OldSchoolRetroGamer


      Hmmm haven't smoked weed in a good 25 years or so.........😝🤷‍♂️

    3. CPUWIZ


      Shame on you, it's legal in Canada, put the beer down! 😛

    4. OldSchoolRetroGamer


      Of course there is my prescribed cannabis oils but the thc is so low it cant be that.......

  21. Just finished imaging the OS on the Legion desktop the Asus laptop and the bedroom PC. Oh yeah! Regular imaging back ups. I love it. Also, I am a loser. 😝😎😂🤷


    1. bent_pin


      I've got to do some backups too. Just duplicated all of my girlfriend's pictures to the other external drive

      MFW 2.1Tb later

      Tired The Simpsons GIF by Rodney Dangerfield

  22. Another eye-melting status update.

    Monkey Fuming GIF

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Atarian7
    3. Razzie.P


      Obviously that can't be done on a real forum so I'm not sure who you're trying to fool  🤣

    4. GoldLeader


      Man,  You all are some sick bastards!   Please don't ever change!

  23. Just to be clear, due to recent events, specifically, this site being acquired by Atari, after much contemplation.....I AM NOT LEAVING. 😝

    1. bent_pin


      Think I'll join you, if'n you don't mind?

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