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    Bluff City, Tn

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  1. Where I'm from it's not really easy to find anything on that list, but it can be done. 2600 is fairly easy, but anything obscure like the Intellivision is hard to come by. :cry:
  2. Hey that's awesome. Has this guy made anything else, or is he new to the Jag Community? I guess I should get one, my jag( all of my other consoles too) get dusty quick. Hmmm...
  3. Well I'm thinking about trying to pick this up as my next Jag game. The only thing is, I really want my next Jag Game to be really really good. I have heard people talk about this game, and make it seem as if it's the "Holy Grail" of Jag Gaming. Is it? If anyone can help out, I really want to see the game in motion. I tried to download the avi over at www.battlesphere.com, but it didn't work(and I have the newest codecs.) So please, can someone send me to a site that has a good working video. And to everyone else? What's you opinon? Is this the Jag game I need? Keep in mind no one else I know has a Jag :cry: So it's not going to be played mulitplayer for some time...
  4. There was a guy around here somewhere that wanted to sell me Power Drive Rally, but I don't know what happened to him...
  5. Hey LastBlade, you happen to be a fellow Neo fan?
  6. http://users2.ev1.net/~rik1138/Tomy/SpaceTurbo.htm I found it! Al you are the man! Now to find it on Ebay!
  7. When I was about 11 or 12 years old. I went to this garage sale and found a lil video game marvel. A old blue handheld video game. I don't remember it very well, but it used some sort of weird motorized picture to display the images. The game was sort of a driving game. You flew down a course and shot tank looking things( I think thats what it was, looked like something out of Space Invaders). But sadly, over the course of time I lost it. But thanks to this AWESOME website I found it. Well....sorta. I need to know what the name of it is. Its the small light blue one next to the corner of the table. With the flight looking joystick. What is that game? Please someone help me. I've been trying to find out for forever and there it is.
  8. 25 including the shipping eh? That sounds like a deal to me. Give me a few days to get some cash (just went on a trip with some friends and blew all of my cash) and I'll buy it. By the way, just to get an idea of how long it'll take to get here, where are you located?
  9. Hey man thanks for the offer, but let me look around and decide what game I'm going to buy next. If I decide to get Power Drive next, then I might give you a yell. But at 40 I'm sure I could find it cheaper. Thanks anyway bro, have to admire your persistence!
  10. Thanks for all of your thoughts! That really helped. I think I might chance it and go ahead and buy Zero 5. I saw that some people mentioned that it was "fast", one of my fav games for my Jag(well my FAV) game is Iron Soldier. But it suffers from being kinda slow...so maybe that's a welcome thing with Zero 5. My next purchases will be the following (at least its my thinking on the moment) Power Drive Rally Zero 5 Iron Soldier 2 World Championship Racing( I think that was the title, another awesome looking jag game) Tempest 2000 Defender 2000 Those are the ones I really want. Any thoughts on the best places to get em? Especially Zero 5 and WCR?
  11. I am new to the Jaguar community, and I would really like to know what games stand out for the Jaguar. I have heard the same "Tempest 2000" etc, but I was wanting to know everyone's fav Jaguar games. The ones that really stand out for the system (in terms of graphics, gameplay, etc ) and really deserve to be called "must haves". Also I would like some views on Zero 5. I have been looking at this game, and it looks..well..stunning for a Jaguar game. But oddly enough I havent heard anyone talk about it. Also what is this Native game I keep hearing about? Thanks to everyone who replies in advance. You'll be helping me decide my next purchase.
  12. Yeah the Goatstore is how I plan on getting my Jag items from now on, I just got Iron Soldier from them and it was really quick. Really nice service. I would go with that or ebay, however they seem to be getting more popular demanding a higher price lately.
  13. Hmmm, I will try that out. Thanks man. I'll post the results later.
  14. When I was reading the various codes for Cybermorph I saw a "Sector" codes section. I have no idea where to input these codes. Can someone help me out?
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