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Status Updates posted by retroillucid

  1. 8th Anniversary of CollectorVision Games! / www.facebook.com/collectorvision

    1. Gemintronic


      It just keeps on getting better :) You rock!

  2. This month marks the 7th Anniversary of CollectorVision Games! / Facebook.com/collectorvision

  3. Facebook.com/Collectorvision

    1. Rev


      hey, awesome FB page. ;-)


  4. I want an Amiga 500

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rick Dangerous

      Rick Dangerous

      I want Battlesphere. At least you can buy what you what if you really want to.

    3. high voltage

      high voltage

      Mine blew up, but I still got an Amiga 600, 1200 and CD32

    4. atarian63


      I still have one and the flash reader for it, just to lazy to set it up and install it

  5. Vectrex Programmers Wanted! Contact us if interested!

  6. Vextrex Programmers Wanted! Contact us if imterested!

  7. Vectrex programmer wanted! Comtact us!

  8. Getting back to my lovely Dreamcast ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. retroillucid


      Yes, I think it's region free

    3. Brian R.

      Brian R.

      Is it as easy as download and burn, or are there "tricks" to it?

    4. retroillucid


      I think you will need to overburn

      Use diskjuggler

  9. Back from Moldex for some carts mold quotes! :)

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Nathan Strum

      Nathan Strum

      Great news! Any colors?

    3. retroillucid


      Yep! Any colors! :)

    4. SiLic0ne t0aD

      SiLic0ne t0aD

      Wow, that is awesome news! I'd love some colored NES shells for my EverdriveN8. :D

  10. For those who makes homebrews, We salute you!

  11. 's making a NES game! :D

    1. nanochess


      it sounds cool! :D

    2. SiLic0ne t0aD

      SiLic0ne t0aD

      Hooray! I'm stoked

  12. Spending alot of time on a NES game

    1. JacobZu7zu7


      which game are u working on?

    2. retroillucid
  13. Super Mario Skating:

  14. Mayan's Revenge for NES ? ;)

    1. SiLic0ne t0aD

      SiLic0ne t0aD

      Umm Yes! :D Certainly.. Whats it take to get this project started?

  15. Having Joe Simko making artworks for our game = Priceless!

    1. nanochess
    2. retroillucid


      @nanochess: It's awesome!! Looks like our game display will look amazing!! ;)

  16. Whooo oo! It's back!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. dubxcube


      I didn't realize how often I check in here now, until I saw how many times I was trying today... Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

    3. Trebor


      Time to show some appreciation if able and haven't done so already...SUBSCRIBE.

    4. ValkerieSilk


      Please cancel my crack order, AtariAge is back up.

  17. NEW Atari2600, Intv and TI99 homebrews coming soon! :)

    1. retroillucid


      I forgot, Coleco ADAM too!!

    2. Kiwi


      And the Colecovision too. ;)

    3. retroillucid


      Of course ColecoVision too!! :D

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