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  1. Since I last flew, I've had titanium implants in my neck, my right knee, then my left knee. Will be interesting next week when I fly.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rogerpoco


      I have titanium implants in both ears-I actually have two cards I keep in my wallet, one for each, and they are "passes", so to speak, I believe my Doc said they *might* help me out, but not guaranteed.

      Had cholesteotomas in both ears, they burst open, their enzymes "melted" my ear bones, ugh.

      Still, the implant itself isn't a "structure", it's a "machine"(a "bell", with a pin that hits it), so I insist that I am bionic!!!


      (Not too concerned with ID theft[could only help my credit...], and I don't think there's anything too revealing here).




    3. BigO


      Those tiny little bones were replaced with titanium? Interesting.


      I knew a guy who had been deaf in one hear for many years. Then they fixed it by, as I understood, replacing the bones. This must have been what they did. 

    4. Rogerpoco


      Haha, yes, @BigO -

      I had hearing difficulty my whole life, but the problem actually really surfaced when I was playing guitar with a Friend one day, got dizzy and tried to stand up and just fell over, my equilibrium was shot.

      So it was almost, but not quite, "emergency surgery", the enzymes were gonna eat their way into my brain(my left cochlea had to be "patched"), which would have really sucked, I suspect, but yes, it destroyed my ossicles in both ears, was odd to have it bilaterally, at the same time, but is how it happened.

      Yes, it's like a tiny cone, with a needle inside that vibrates, and I guess it emulates the vibrations one would get from real ear bones-TBH, I really don't notice ANY difference whatsoever, I just "don't hear that well", never did, never will, the titanium replacements are perfectly fine really, I CAN hear.

      I just don't like to listen.





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