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Everything posted by Zap!

  1. I would love to see how some of you display your vintage computers, and what treasures some of you might have. Here's just a few of mine:
  2. Glad to see that it's still up! I downloaded this years ago and had a lot of fun with it.
  3. I did search for "Adventure 2600 Reboot" (like you suggested), and downloaded the Zip file. Opened and ran it, and on the title screen it says "Adventure 2600 Reboot." Are there two? If anyone has a link or even a pic so I know what I'm looking for, please let me know. Here's what I downloaded.
  4. As amazing as that looks, it wouldn't work for me because I just can't get to the back of my MSTe. I can feel where the power switch is, but that's about it. Even then it sometimes takes me a few seconds. Out of view, right behind it I have a Turbo Grafx 16 that's almost touching it. I have way too much going on in one area.
  5. Nice work, I'm gonna try that when I get around to it. On a side note, your Ultrasatan looks quite a bit different than mine, and they are both version 1.2.
  6. Yup, the original was a CR2032. Here's an old pic I took right before I changed the battery. That's how it was shipped to me in 2016.
  7. I received mine from @swatcop (thank you so much for everything!) and finally got around to installing it the other day. The metal, while rusted, was salvageable, so I didn't to cut it and use the bracket. Soaked it in vinegar and put on the new gromet and popped in the LED. I installed standoffs and mounted the Ultrasatan (I should have moved them a notch back, as the SD card is tight, but removable; I'll do than another day). I also installed colored pins in the J8 (red in the inside, black on the outside), carefully desoldered the LED's, which wasn't nearly as hard as I expected it to be. I changed the battery just in case, since it was from 2016. Put it all back and it worked like a charm! Nice and bright! I love it! The Mega STe is looking good!
  8. I've been playing Dave Munsie's Berzerk a lot lately. Amazing version.
  9. A lot of times Group admins are very weary of letting people join that just started Facebook. I am the Group admin of Zap! Classic Video Games, and I usually don't approve people who just joined FB because 99% will be spam.
  10. Never mind, I figured it out. The bottom two small connecters were actually under the battery. I pried them up with a small screwdriver, and everything works great now. They have to be up so that they touch the side of the battery. Hopefully, this can be a lesson to someone.
  11. Long story short, I had my Mega STe open, so I (foolishly) decided to replace the CR2032 in my internal Ultrasatan. It was working perfectly, but since I got it in 2016, I figured it was time for a battery change. I replaced it and set the clock and date, played a game and went to work. I came back and the date was reset to 2000. Granted, it wasn't an expensive brand (this is the brand), but it's not dead. I tested it on a multimeter and it reads 3.340 volts. I also tried another new battery (different brand, but also a cheap no-name) and that tested 3.325. Didn't work either. I also use these batteries on my aquarium thermometer, where they work fine. I know how to set the time and date, as I do this during the change to DST and Standard Time, so all of the files are in the right folder. It always worked before the battery change. It is not inserted upside down lol. So, has anyone ever replaced their battery? If yes, what brand? One more thing, is there a program to test if a battery clock is present? I'm surprised it's not in Sysinfo.
  12. Small update for those of us in Group 4. Got this email Friday: I'm fine with waiting, just curious about this part: "Playdate OS 2.0, required for some of the systems in Group 4." Are the Group 4 PD's different hardware? If anyone has a PD, what OS number is it now?
  13. Did anyone who's in "Pre-order Group 4" get their Playdate yet, or a conformation email? Shipping is listed as "April-June." The only email I got said to "Confirm Your Address Before May 5th 2023."
  14. Lol yes it did, even original instructions and the RF adapter.
  15. Went to a flea market this past Sunday. Only $3 to get in, and lots of vendors. Big crowd too, as the weather was sunny and in the 70's. Only problem is that I was leaving empty handed, as nothing caught my eye. That is, until... I saw something called the "Wonder Wizard Sharp Shooter" in a bin. I asked how much, and he said $10 so I bought it. Seems like a Pong-type system, but I never heard of it. I will test it out one day soon, but in the meantime, here's a pic:
  16. Ahh, Dragonflight, Amberstar, Ambermoon, and Albion, some of the greatest RPG's ever made. I have them all in Big Box, but sadly not for the ST. Stunning box art too!
  17. Thanks, that's really cool. While I wouldn't say it has "any" Flash game (What, no "Slap That Ho!" lol), it has tons. Had quite a lot of fun with it earlier, but is there a way to save games or high scores? Gonna mess with it more tomorrow.
  18. Who here was a fan of Flash gaming back in the 2000's? I loved playing Fly the Copter (I had this embedded on my MySpace lol!), Springfield Snow Fight, Pingu Throw, Vector Runner, Santa Artois, Line Rider, REDDER, and so many others! What were some of your favorite games? Do you still play any? I've recently gotten back into it. I put a few of my favorites on my board, but finding them can be a challenge. Anyone know of a good source for downloading the .swf files?
  19. I completely believe that 30,000 sold in 24 hours. I'm sure I'll get it by June or so. I understand shipping takes a lot of time from a small company, and I'm perfectly fine with waiting. Now, what doesn't make sense to me is that they are only up to 53,142 since July 2021 (when pre-orders went live). So they sold 30,000 in a day and only sold some 23,000 or so in almost two years? I think they may have forgotten a zero or two. As for following the scene, just a little. I've watched a lot of the videos, and the Metal Jesus ones have shown me what games to try when it arrives. Seems like a total blast!
  20. This seems a bit off. I pre-ordered less than 24 hours after pre-ordering went up in July, 2021, and I'm in Group 4. Group's 1-3 have all been shipped, and 4's are just starting. So, 27,000 were in Group's 1-3. Let's round it off and say that I was number 30,000. This was in July, 2021. So roughly 30,000 were sold in one day, and in almost two years only another 23,000 were sold? If they sold 30,000 in one day, the number now should be much higher than 53,142. Unless... Me being in Group 4 was a mistake. I always felt that Group 4 seemed kinda high to be in since I ordered so soon.
  21. Anyone that's in "Pre-order Group 4" get their Playdate yet? On their site, shipping is listed as "April-June." It's not that I'm impatient, I just can't wait to play haha. I pre-ordered 7-30-21, less than 24 hours after pre-orders went live. Being less than 24 hours late cost me a year of waiting.
  22. I got massively lucky in 2016. Got a mint in box Mega STe with SC1224 monitor for $400. Since I already have a mighty SC1435 (since 1991 or so), I sold the SC1224, so you can technically say that I got the MSTe for under $300. It is probably my favorite computer, and I have 24. Glad to hear that you own one again!
  23. I've noticed that the Atari ST versions of King's Quest II and III (not sure about I and IV) have two different box variations: one darkish and one the more familiar (on other computers) gold. Anyone have any backstory on this, such as why Sierra decided to do this? Which ones came first? Which are more valuable? Which do you guys like better (I like the dark)? Are the floppies the same regardless of the boxes? I know Sierra did it with KQV with the PC version and probably with VI too.
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