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Everything posted by exobuzz

  1. I still have most of them available at http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/byte/ - which I can make available on ftp too. I will check and sync anything that was added to yours recently that I am missing. Are you able to set up rsyncd access so we can synchronise properly. If not perhaps we could point users to upload any new stuff to my ftp and I can give you access to rsync the latest stuff or something ? has anyone heard from thumpnugget btw ?
  2. awesome job! just wanted to mention to everyone I am still mirroing at a couple of locations including http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/byte/ but I might be missing some as it seems there have been uploads on the other site already mentioned. I grabbed some the other day. If someone could let me know if I'm missing stuff that would be great thanks.
  3. my http mirror is active - http://malus.exotica....uk/~buzz/byte/ and a slower ftp mirror at my house - ftp://aero.oxfordins...magazines/byte/ files.exotica.org.uk is just a redirector. it randomly redirects between the first link and ftp://helpedia.com/pub/archive/temp/Byte/ so that we share the bandwidth.
  4. I found your reply regarding Other/Other2 - so some of the scans could be slightly modified versions of thumpnuggets' scanned and not different scans completely ?
  5. Where are the files in Other/ Other2/ from btw ? Seems to be some overlap at least with thumpnugget's scans.
  6. You don't have the space or? I will continue to host them on my server(s) anyway.
  7. we are down to 2 mirrors now. I have removed the last 3 mirrors from the redirector as they no longer work, and I have not been updated as to new addresses for them (It's annoying to keep changing them as they have dynamic ips anyway, so if they come back, can I ask the admin to setup some domain names for them and keep them updated)
  8. Oh, you have dynamic ip addresses? I'd rather not have to keep editing each time they change, so may I suggest perhaps setting up some dyndns names for your machines, as we can use them ?
  9. crikey! If you take that to recycling you can free up some space for a nice Atari computer
  10. you cant control directory listings on a per directory basis? Sounds like you need an upgrade.
  11. Have updated the mirror redirector. Thank you! One question about the mirror redirector. Does it simply redirect to the actual files or to the index files? I have to manually build the index files and that keeps me from rapidly add new releases even though the files are there. If your redirector points directly to the files, then that solves my problem of updating the index files. it redirects to the root of your mirror. what index files are you having to update? if you mean the directory listing, then just let your webserver generate it perhaps.
  12. Have updated the mirror redirector.
  13. Well, you are certainly scanning them faster than I can read em :-) your ongoing efforts are much appreciated just to note, all mirrors are now included in the files.exotica.org.uk redirector, so you might want to list that first.
  14. I can add your mirror to the first link (that chooses a weighted random one) if you like. Right now it is split 70/10/10/10 between mine and the three others
  15. I wrote this before but incase it was missed (Actually i think thumpnugget is away right?). if the front links are switched to http://files.exotica.org.uk/byte/ I can balance the traffic between us somewhat.
  16. yeh. could be unrelated, and just bad timing that a zombie pc hit me. Maybe tomorrow will be a quieter day! I do hope these downloaders do actually read the mag! just for interest: once the download limits were in place, the system recovered somewhat.
  17. the ip and a couple of others i think is doing some sort of sync flood attack against my server. 54000+ (since i had to ctrl+c it) lines of netstat output. i might have to tweak the firewall.. automated attack or some idiot.. who knows. [edit] ok. restricted max connections now with ip tables. always people trying to spoil the fun eh. [edit] during quick reconfiguration of firewall, root@malus:~# wc -l netstat.txt 1987507 netstat.txt !! now down to 262 lines..
  18. isn't responding here.
  19. Sorry to spam your magazine thread again If you replace the mirrors with http://files.exotica.org.uk/byte/ it will redirect users to a weighted random mirror to try and distribute things better (weighted to my mirror, due to more bandwidth available).
  20. could be. Although I couldn't find any problems with mine currently - does it work for you ? . the others did seem a little slow currently (I think the first one isnt responding at least).
  21. root@malus:/# for day in `seq 23 27`; do echo -n "Jan $day : "; grep "$day/Jan.*GET.*\.pdf" access.log | wc -l; done Jan 23 : 642 Jan 24 : 244 Jan 25 : 140 Jan 26 : 1464 Jan 27 : 5511 there was probably a bunch of downloads in progress when i restarted the webserver, so not all maybe "complete". anyway, hosting provider has said it's ok if/when i got over 2tb this month. phew I see some comments on reddit saying none of the mirrors work. strange.
  22. it wasnt 1.7tb only for byte though, that's everything including some 1gb linux images and my retro amiga website. byte was probably closer to 500gb perhaps.
  23. Done.. The offending site that linked to us is reddit.com .. Specifically here: Reddit BYTE mention aha that would explain it. my ftp at home is busy too (hosting the jpg images). in hindsight, I probably shoudnt have had it so they can be downloaded at 100mbit speed. ill probably increase it from 256kB to 512kB or something in a few days. im at 1.7tb for the month and didnt plan to go over 2tb
  24. my server is struggling today. outgoing traffic for today is 226gb and rising - . web stats states currently only 100gb of that is from byte but i suspect more. I've now rate limited the downloads. please cycle my mirror to the bottom of the mirror list no more offering up to 10mb/second downloads then. stuck it at 256kb/second so at least machine io isnt affected. i assume this topic has been linked from a popular site somewhere. and everyone went to download all the pags from my mirror. ouch!
  25. Sorry my mistake. Seems they are slowing it down though my traffic was 32gb yesterday for byte magazine, and although over a month that would be around 900gb which is ok, I would like to try and balance it bit more (I have a 2tb limit, and other projects currently use a little more than 1 tb). Would you be happy if i set up a random redirector that could be linked from the first post that would choose a mirror ?
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