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Everything posted by Gemintronic

  1. The tool let me change the language to English. Installer was still in French but I've installed Windows in Japanese before so this is nothing 😛 Gave a donation on Itch io. Thank you!
  2. I've worked in I.T. for decades so that's how I could best describe the smell. Love the product. Hope to make some great homebrew games with it
  3. I've also had mine plugged in for months. Took it out to provide another data point. Holy Ballblazers in a Bucket it smells like burnt electronics. But, it seems to work. *shrugs* UPDATE: Tested with both TF card inserted and none at all.
  4. I know him from the Genesis homebrew scene. Nice to see him expand his horizons Hope he has plans for an English version. Looks a lot like the built in sprite editor in Visual bB.
  5. Found this when scrolling through my Itch io feed: https://vetea.itch.io/sprite-editor-intellivision
  6. In the past I used the bass akwards technique of installing Windows to the eMMC then making a WinToGo stick from there. The huge caveat is that, of course, you need to restore your VCS afterwards. 😕 UPDATE: Oops, looks like you're trying to install Windows to the internal storage and not make a USB bootable Windows. You might try Windows 11 and just put up with re-configuring all the evil settings.
  7. Are the Boomerang joysticks actually a bad thing? I've heard very little over the years.
  8. I believed the hype when it came out. Thought IBM being involved was huge. Still have the same Jag with the same copy of Club Drive making elephant-in-a-blender noises for a soundtrack.
  9. Unless you are a developer hot takes on the Internet should be taken with a huge grain of salt. You enjoy the Genesis. We enjoy the Genesis. Let's run with that.
  10. @ZeroPage Homebrew I'm not seeing where people could have voted on Game Panic 3, Dragon Chalice or the digital download variant Dragon Chalice Mini. Tried the other sections and my eyes failed me in other areas of the topic too. I feel like I missed an important step or two.. or three
  11. I also suggested ways to make an impression in the Odyssey 2 scene in a message to Chris. So, if 2600 game making has lost its luster there's always other outlets.
  12. I think Albert has given good updates so far. Still have an order for Star Castle from the fire sale Professionally I haven't learned the balance between quality updates and not enough. UPDATE: ..and, wouldn't you know. I *just* got my order! Thank you, Albert!
  13. Plot twist: we've been telling you it IS a big deal and you're not listening 😛 I truly hope you find an outlet for your contest related endeavors Entered several myself but never thought to run one.
  14. I didn't put proper effort in this year for the contest. Dragon Chalice Mini might have been a good entry for me. It's a download (optional buy-me-a-coffee) deal on itch. I wanted to find a way to give people a digital game without irking the enthusiasts who bought physical copies of Dragon Chalice. So, I streamlined it to be a bite sized adventure focusing on time attack gameplay. Was there a submission deadline for getting it on the official downloads? This year I'll try to be more proactive
  15. A. Why a very similar contest? B. Why mention the other awards at all? UPDATE: I guess question A covers it all UPDATE II: I re-read the posts to get a better feel for the reasons. Yeah, not getting what you want from Zero Page Homebrew isn't reason enough for a duplicate contest. It takes a lot of effort for developers, voters and contest runners. I don't think you did this in bad faith. But, you need to radically change the premise of this contest for people to buy into it.
  16. You make games that appeal to you on your own timeline. That doesn't necessarily produce award winning games. That's also not necessarily a bad thing. In other words: making award winning games that appeal to a broad range of people is a learned skill. Choose what your focus is.
  17. I was able to understand enough of the Collect ASM tutorial to make a bB version of the game. So, maybe that's a good starting point coming from a bB background: https://forums.atariage.com/blogs/entry/13884-collect-tutorial-index/
  18. For me it starts with modifying and compiling examples. The next stage is to test my knowledge by picking a command/function and make an extremely simple game from it. As you rack up completed mini projects your capacity for larger projects grow. With the 2600 you pick an interesting trick [that the hardware can do] and build a game around it. If you want to focus on game design first then more powerful systems are ideal.
  19. Reminds me of my game Upp where if an enemy projectile breaks a bonus the walls re-grow. You've taken that general concept further here. I really like it!
  20. I'm probably going to repeat myself in some areas so forgive me. bB has very specific ways to handle specific resources. player1pointerlo, player4height and so on. For me I end up with sections of code that feel like they are copies of other code just with the sprite object changed. By accessing sprite object attributes as an array we can make for next loops to control ALL virtual sprites with the same code block. This proof of concept uses the multi sprite kernel.
  21. Not sure how to ask this as I'm not great with C. Is there a way to have a nybble variable/data type? I'm constantly splitting my 8-bit variables in half to save resources in other languages.
  22. I've been struggling with size issues of my main game engines. Al_Nafurs sprite sharing technique helps. but.. I wondered if more could be done. Here is a proof of concept that controls all 5 virtual sprites using the same code. The virtual player details are handled as arrays. This makes enemy/actor AI much smaller/manageable. This is just a proof of concept. So, not a full tutorial or example. Nevertheless, there's comments in the code. Just ask about anything . .also, NO attempt has been made to mitigate virtual sprite priority flicker basically, when sprites go above or below other virtual sprite boundaries there's a chance they'll all flicker. This is different from the flicker you get from two virtual sprites being less than a few pixels vertically from eachother. movevirt001.basmovevirt001.bin
  23. In Dragon Chalice I used kisraels utility for a simple title screen (center) and RevEngs display kernels for a password system (bottom right). Life would be pretty less awesome without using both these days.
  24. I suspected as much. Thank you @splendidnut While I was scrolling through the bB generated asm I tried copping off of the generated sprite data sections. Looks like it's doing something similar. asm vp_id_1 .byte %11111111 .byte %11000101 .byte %10100101 .byte %10011001 .byte %11011011 .byte %10111001 .byte %10111101 .byte %11000111 .byte %10111001 .byte %10101001 .byte %10010001 .byte %11111111 if (<*) > (<(*+11)) repeat ($100-<*) .byte 0 repend endif if (<*) < 90 repeat (90-<*) .byte 0 repend endif end
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