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Posts posted by Gemintronic

  1. In the past I used the bass akwards technique of installing Windows to the eMMC then making a WinToGo stick from there.  The huge caveat is that, of course, you need to restore your VCS afterwards. 😕


    UPDATE:  Oops, looks like you're trying to install Windows to the internal storage and not make a USB bootable Windows.  You might try Windows 11 and just put up with re-configuring all the evil settings.

  2. I didn't put proper effort in this year for the contest.


    Dragon Chalice Mini might have been a good entry for me.  It's a download (optional buy-me-a-coffee) deal on itch.


    I wanted to find a way to give people a digital game without irking the enthusiasts who bought physical copies of Dragon Chalice.  So, I streamlined it to be a bite sized adventure focusing on time attack gameplay. 


    Was there a submission deadline for getting it on the official downloads?  This year I'll try to be more proactive :)

    • Like 1
  3. A.  Why a very similar contest?


    B.  Why mention the other awards at all?


    UPDATE:  I guess question A covers it all :)


    UPDATE II:  I re-read the posts to get a better feel for the reasons.  Yeah, not getting what you want from Zero Page Homebrew isn't reason enough for a duplicate contest.  It takes a lot of effort for developers, voters and contest runners.  I don't think you did this in bad faith.  But, you need to radically change the premise of this contest for people to buy into it.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Lewis2907 said:

    It's an interesting program. Above what I can do for now. I noticed the "debug cycles" I was looking at RT's page as I never saw that used in Bb code until now. I might start to use that to try and catch my cycles when they go over. Another question is off topic. I noticed some ASM in our code. Where could I learn the basics as I typically cut and paste sample codes I find until I get them to work. Trying to get the Genesis Controller to work on 2600+. Works in Stella pretty well, but doesn't behave the same on the 2600+. I'm thinking ASM  would probably help and with some other stuff I'm tinkering with. 


    I was able to understand enough of the Collect ASM tutorial to make a bB version of the game.  So, maybe that's a good starting point coming from a bB background:




    • Like 1
  5. For me it starts with modifying and compiling examples.


    The next stage is to test my knowledge by picking a command/function and make an extremely simple game from it.  As you rack up completed mini projects your capacity for larger projects grow.


    With the 2600 you pick an interesting trick [that the hardware can do] and build a game around it.  If you want to focus on game design first then more powerful systems are ideal.

  6. 3 hours ago, LatchKeyKid said:

    I fully realize that I'm not the target audience for your post but I ws curious if you could explain the benefit of your code for a nonprogrammer in general terms.   I assume you're using the multisprite bB kernel (or is it DPC?).  Is the main benefit of using the array saving on ROM space and/or RAM?


    I'm probably going to repeat myself in some areas so forgive me.


    bB has very specific ways to handle specific resources.  player1pointerlo, player4height and so on.  For me I end up with sections of code that feel like they are copies of other code just with the sprite object changed.


    By accessing sprite object attributes as an array we can make for next loops to control ALL virtual sprites with the same code block.  This proof of concept uses the multi sprite kernel.

    • Like 2
  7. I've been struggling with size issues of my main game engines.  Al_Nafurs sprite sharing technique helps. but.. I wondered if more could be done. Here is a proof of concept that controls all 5 virtual sprites using the same code.  The virtual player details are handled as arrays.  This makes enemy/actor AI much smaller/manageable.


    This is just a proof of concept.  So, not a full tutorial or example.  Nevertheless, there's comments in the code.  Just ask about anything :)


    .also, NO attempt has been made to mitigate virtual sprite priority flicker   basically, when sprites go above or below other virtual sprite boundaries there's a chance they'll all flicker.  This is different from the flicker you get from two virtual sprites being less than a few pixels vertically from eachother.




    • Like 7
  8. I suspected as much.  Thank you @splendidnut


    While I was scrolling through the bB generated asm I tried copping off of the generated sprite data sections.  Looks like it's doing something similar.


        .byte  %11111111
        .byte  %11000101
        .byte  %10100101
        .byte  %10011001
        .byte  %11011011
        .byte  %10111001
        .byte  %10111101
        .byte  %11000111
        .byte  %10111001
        .byte  %10101001
        .byte  %10010001
        .byte  %11111111
     if (<*) > (<(*+11))
        repeat ($100-<*)
        .byte 0
     if (<*) < 90
        repeat (90-<*)
        .byte 0


  9. I'm trying to store the start of a player sprite data as a const.


    Something like this works:


     const _id_spcfsh = <playerL0363_1


    But, the trouble is you need to manually dig into the output .asm source and find the correct label.


    Is there any way to do this with a player sprite label like this?


     rem Space Fish



  10. 10 minutes ago, m.o.terra kaesi said:


    I got burned with a Unity course that didn't apply to current versions of, er, Unity.  I think DASM should be safe though.


    The main thing is if you actually learn school style or through personal exploration.  If you're the latter then community made tutorials and the 8 Bit Workshop may be a better choice.


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