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Primordial Ooze

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About Primordial Ooze

  • Birthday 06/23/1983

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    United States of America
  • Interests
    Atari 2600 Programming

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  1. So far I have managed to get the duck to face the direction it is flying as opposed to moon walking. Now i want to make it so when the duck is "hit" it is shown as a different sprite. I know i need to add a new sprite as the Atari 2600 doesn't have a register for flipping a sprite vertically, but need help in coding the flipping of the different sprites. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
  2. Link: click Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
  3. I'm trying to fix Androman on the moon so it doesn't crash when you lose a life. I have managed to figure out that the code that sends the androman are in LB057. In that section is a loop that continuously jumps to other addresses and then loops continuously until the timer expires. However I've managed to get the timer to loop forever if i put a nop instruction in B1E7. Any hints would be greatly appreciated as I'm trying to figure this out myself. Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
  4. I am working on coding the game section where when time expires the duck flies away by going up until it disappears. So far i have managed to code the timer and background changing color. If i make the player object fly to the top of the screen, it will simply wrap around and appear at the bottom. So my question is how would i make it so the player sprite doesn't appear or appear to have flown off? The latest build of my game can be found here. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
  5. I'm in for 1 copy of the poster, PM sent. EDIT: May have to cancel it, as i just realized i have no space to put it. Sorry for all the trouble I have caused.
  6. Does anyone have a simple guide or any info on converting a 4k rom into batari basic's 8k bankswitching? From what I gather when 8k bankswitching is used the graphics are stored in the lower bank(bank 1) and the code is stored in the upper bank(bank 0). However I've read that when bankswitching occurs all previous rom data is lost, yet in batari basic when the graphics are bankswitched in the code remains as if it didn't the game would crash. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
  7. I'm trying to reverse the sprite when it intersects the left or right boundry. Here is the code i am using: sec lda #$08 sbc REFP0 sta REFP0 However it only seems to work once. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
  8. Thanks Nukey Shay, i amaged to get it working with your code! Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
  9. Still Can't get it to work on both sides: lda DuckX ; load the ducks position clc ; clear carry adc DuckVX ; increment duck's x position by it's x velocity sta DuckX bne SkipReverseDuckVX ; does it intersect the left boundry? lda DuckVX ; load the duck's x velocity eor #$00 ; negate it cmp #$98 ; does it intersect the right boundry? bcc SkipReverseDuckVX ; if it doesn't then don't reverse it's x velocity lda DuckVX ; load the duck's v velocity eor #$FF ; negate it sta DuckVX ; store it SkipReverseDuckVX Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
  10. Thanks, by the way i'm running into another problem trying to move the duck towards the right: lda DuckX ; load the ducks position clc ; clear carry adc DuckVX ; increment duck's x position by it's x velocity cmp #$98 ; does it intersect the right boundry? bcs SkipReverseDuckVX ; if it does then don't reverse it's x velocity ldx 256-DuckVX ; otherwise reverse it's x velocity SkipReverseDuckVX sta DuckX ; store duck's new x position stx DuckVX ; store duck's new x velocity Seems the duck doesn't want to budge. I have attached the latest source code and bin file for reference. Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
  11. Well the top portion is unused at the moment so it doesn't matter for now. An artifact is showing though. When I move the crosshair to the top small blocks are being shown in an ooze like pattern. Not a big deal though as right now I'm trying to get stuff working. Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
  12. What if i moved stuff a bit so: sta WSYNC ; (3 3) Wait for the previous line to finish lda pf0data,y ; (4 7)load pf0 data into the acumulator sta PF0 ; (3 10) and store it lda pf1data,y ; (5 15) load pf1 data into the acumulator sta PF1 ; (3 18) and store it lda pf2data,y ; (5 23) load pf2 data into the acumulator sta PF2 ; (3 26) and store it lda CrosshairBuffer ; (3 29) buffer was set during last scanline sta GRP1 ; (3 32) put it as graphics now cpy CrosshairY ; (3 35) compare crosshair's y position bne SkipActivateCrosshair ; (3 38) if it isn't 0 then jump to SkipActiveCrosshair lda #5 ; (2 40) otherwise load our accumulatior with the number of lines to draw sta VisibleCrosshairLine ; (3 43) and store it SkipActivateCrosshair Was: sta WSYNC ; (3 3) Wait for the previous line to finish lda CrosshairBuffer ; (3 6) buffer was set during last scanline sta GRP1 ; (3 9) put it as graphics now cpy CrosshairY ; (3 12) compare crosshair's y position bne SkipActivateCrosshair ; (3 15) if it isn't 0 then jump to SkipActiveCrosshair lda #5 ; (2 17) otherwise load our accumulatior with the number of lines to draw sta VisibleCrosshairLine ; (3 20) and store it SkipActivateCrosshair lda pf0data,y ; (4 24)load pf0 data into the acumulator sta PF0 ; (3 27) and store it lda pf1data,y ; (5 32) load pf1 data into the acumulator sta PF1 ; (3 35) and store it lda pf2data,y ; (5 40) load pf2 data into the acumulator sta PF2 ; (3 43) and store it Would that work? Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
  13. Does anyone know how i can contact the author to ask him personally or know if he is on these forums nowadays? Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
  14. If that is the case then why isn't the duck tearing as well? Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
  15. Why would software be harder to copy then a jamma board? Assuming it doesn't have some type of licensing thingy all you would have to do is copy the executable and it's files. Sincerely, Primordial Ooze
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