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Status Updates posted by thanatos

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nathan Strum

      Nathan Strum

      Yes, I get that it's the Onion, and yes, it's a joke. But that doesn't change the fact that Space Invaders didn't have a high score table with initials.

    3. Rick Dangerous

      Rick Dangerous

      Who hasn't done this at least once?

    4. frankodragon


      Are there any "SHT's" around?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. save2600


      ...NASA launches new search for less promiscuous astronuts.

    3. retrorussell


      Ha ha.. oh man, that show was on cable ALL the time BITD.

    4. Shawn


      Chicken Pox from Outer Space!

  1. Got myself a birthday present and re-upped my AtariAge subscription. I forgot how fun the subs-only Politics & Religion forum was!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. youxia


      And here I was, just about to subscribe...

    3. Flojomojo


      These are jokes, son

    4. xucaen


      No they're not. Let us pray in the of the VCS, and of the 6502, and of the Holy TIA, Atari!

  2. I almost passed out during last night's Game of Thrones when Snape kills Jar-Jar! Wait, was that Avengers?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. thanatos


      @Inky - Ok, that one almost made me spit my coffee. Well done!

    3. derFunkenstein


      I cried in Avengers when Batman died.

    4. DoctorSpuds


      Mister Rogers killed Thanos!

  3. I don't think this person has been to a used game store in the last 10 years. https://stlouis.craigslist.org/vgm/d/saint-louis-guitar-hero-rock-band-set/6902727952.html

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laner


      Hope springs eternal...

    3. jd_1138


      But it has his dead skin/DNA all over it; it's priceless.

    4. Cobra Kai

      Cobra Kai

      Well I'm hoping to get something for my ION Drum Rocker kit someday. I'm sure I'll be disappointed

  4. I HATE "Holy grails". You can't have 15 holy grails. Plus it's a video game.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. GoldenWheels


      If you drink out of a holy grail cartridge, do you get infinite lives?

    3. GoldLeader


      I actually like the concept of a "Holy Grail" for your own personal collection...But hate the way eBayers and resellers use the term...Kinda cheapens its meaning...

    4. GoldLeader


      P.S. Finding the actual Holy Grail would be easier than beating Battletoads!

  5. I hate grids of giant pictures. I want a compact list with text descriptions. UX people need to stop it. My lawn, get off it!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LS650


      Sadly, I agree with MrMadDog.


    3. pacman000


      Pictures are pretty, but they load too slowly.

    4. CaptainBreakout


      Clippy! View as slideshow! Why won't you answer me Clippy!?

  6. I liked "Solo"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CPUWIZ


      I guess you do not have a significant other?

    3. thanatos


      Ok I removed Soundgammons spoiler... CPUWiz, you asking me? Indeed I do.

    4. Flojomojo


      I'm thinking about going to see it again now that I know what it is. I mildly enjoyed it the first time but wished it had more sizzle. Maybe on the second viewing I can dig it more.

    1. Cobra Kai

      Cobra Kai

      you mean at Twin Galaxies, the fake news of video game websites?

    2. thanatos


      Yeah, the first place score does look a bit out of place...

  7. I've heard some places are pretty cold. Please, tell me more!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CPUWIZ


      I am dying, it is 60F, unreal.

    3. NE146


      My mom told me back home it went a low 75 degrees and a high of 82.. pretty crazy.

    4. thanatos


      @Flojo, hey we got down to -10, I'm not saying it didn't suck! Just thought I'd try to be funny today. :)

  8. If you ask me to take a survey and say anything other than perfect is a fail, then your survey is pointless.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. godslabrat


      And if the survey has no method of verification, you need to understand that PEOPLE LIE, especially to other people holding clipboards.

    3. Random Terrain

      Random Terrain

      If you don't give the highest rating, you are being negative and negativity is considered bullying and bullying can result in a fine or jail time. Welcome to the future.

    4. wongojack


      I agree with you completely

  9. Jeff Minter just tweeted this link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/688140/Tempest_4000/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. amiman99


      So... Llamasoft and Atari Inc are friends now???


    3. Andromeda Stardust

      Andromeda Stardust

      No switch version either... :sad:

    4. GoldLeader


      It looks cool and all, but it also kinda looks like your roommate is on Molly trying to jerk off to a rave video while you're trying to play Tempest.

  10. May be selling my Tron machine tomorrow. Sad, but it's probably time.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. retrorussell


      Aww.. (downbeat "death" Tron music plays)

    3. GoldLeader


      I wish I had $$$! Love me some Tron!

    4. ValkerieSilk
  11. My favorite commenters in TV topics on the internet are the people that comment "We haven't had a TV in 10+ years!" Well, why are you wasting your non-TV time in this topic?

  12. My favorite commenters in TV topics on the internet are the people that comment "We haven't had a TV in 10+ years!" Well, why are you wasting your non-TV time in this topic?

  13. My favorite commenters in TV topics on the internet are the people that say "We haven't had a TV in 10+ years!" Well, why are you wasting your non-TV time in this topic?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. GoldLeader


      TV + My DVR = True Happiness! I'm through ads w/ a button click and yesterday I actually Wanted to see a couple haha...One for a movie and one for a weedwhacker ;) And TV doesn't target ads to me...I mostly just skip'em!

    3. GoldLeader


      Plus commercials are part of it,... like when ya watch old shows off of VHS, seeing ads from the '80's is something you don't skip (Strangely enough). But I do wanna kick My Pillow guy in the head!

    4. Flojomojo


      @Agamon there are 2 tiers for CBS All Access, which I've subscribed to for watching Star Trek Discovery. For $6/month you can watch stuff with ads, for $10/month there are no ads. I figured if I'm going to give them money, I might as well not see the ads.


      @Kaeru I don't care about March Madness either! :-D

  14. Netflix, why must you keep messing with the interface? I liked scrolling either way, now you put a stupid menu bar when you go left.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. digdugnate


      it drives me crazy! it seems like netflix changes their UI every other week when all I want to see is what is on my flippin' list lol

    3. wongojack


      I like the bar. I think it is an improvement and allows me to find stuff easier. If you click on "my stuff" in the bar it shows you a full page of your items instead of just putting them on one row.

    4. Flojomojo


      I hear that AtariBox is trying to make it more mom-friendly.

  15. Never been trolled by a mullet before.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DZ-Jay


      The hair or the fish?

    3. Eltigro


      Have you ever been mulled by a trollop?

    4. GoldLeader


      ^If not ya should ;)

    1. R.Cade


      Haha... That is good. "Many have tried to lo-ball, all have failed." I guess so...


    2. jd_1138


      That's hilarious. The dude ought to post better pics if he wants that much. Looks like he took those pics with a circa 2002 flip phone. Crappy pics hide flaws. Plus the all CAPS is douchey. He probably has a mullet.

  16. Realized it's finally time for a new basement MAME PC when I had to change the motherboard battery. In all my years I have never used a PC long enough to have to do that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wongojack


      You're just keepin it real


    3. thanatos


      @Jaybird - That's about how old this is. Built in 2008. But it was a $2500 monster then.

    4. GoldLeader
  17. Smart TV = Intelligent Television?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GoldLeader


      Maybe if you were to abbreviate Intelligent Television somewhat or maybe just take half of each word ... Hmmmm

    3. Eltigro
    4. GoldLeader


      No...GentVision! hahaaa! And I'm only 11 months late with this comment!

  18. Solo guy sitting at the bar was watching people play games live on his phone. World of Tanks and Dark Souls. Seemed weird.

    1. Flojomojo


      Twitch.tv is a very foreign land to me.

    2. GoldLeader


      Ever see that movie 24 Hour Party People? Eventually DJs (as in people playing records) were "The Band"...Seems he's found a way to be involved in video games without the effort of actually playing...Not for me. He's missing the point entirely.

  19. Someone here announced their Steam game a few months ago, but I can't find it here and forgot to add it to my wishlist. Anyone have the name? Doing my winter sale shopping.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thanatos


      Hm, not the one I was thinking of. It was an arcade like run and gun I think.

    3. wongojack


      Destruction Paper by masschamber

    4. thanatos


      That was it, thanks!

  20. Someone mentioned Horizon as Moon Patrol II. Any game that starts at the beginning of a stage after death is evil.

    1. Flojomojo


      Run to the left instead! :-D

    2. retrorandy


      Strangely enough I played this game once way back at an arcade in Berkeley in 1985 or so. I was blown away and I swear my hazy memory remembers the marquee at that time actually said, "Moon Patrol II" or something like that. So glad for the internets and to be able to play it again all these years later. It is an awesome game, but yeah thank goodness for modern day save states when playing it via an emulator.

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