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  1. OldSchoolRetroGamer has a very acceptable goatee and I 100% approve. Excellent work friend. If only Sauron would either grow his out (if that's possible), otherwise SHAVE!!

    1. Sauron
    2. jaybird3rd


      He's a troll. His posting privileges were taken away, so now he's slamming people in status updates.

    3. OldSchoolRetroGamer


      @Sauron Yeah he is just cruisn for a Ban just like his other account scutt......

  2. sauron's goatee is hideous...i hope that pic is old and he shaved that...

    1. jaybird3rd


      This isn't the kind of question you should be asking if you're really just an ordinary guy who's totally bewildered about why his posting privileges were taken away, as you claimed to be. I think you'll find yourself banned if you keep it up.

    2. OldSchoolRetroGamer


      First, that is NOT a Goatee http://spsingh.hubpages.com/hub/10-Cool-Beard-Styles-And-How-To-Grow-Them Secondly with status updates like this YOU WONDER WHY your comment status has been revoked? REALLY? "Hello scutt" is what I am thinking.....

  3. There's alot of good information here too: http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/166438-the-official-2600-easter-egg-and-programming-mysteries-thread/ though most of it is copied from Digit Press, however there's some new stuff if you dig through it enough.
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