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retroclouds last won the day on November 16 2015

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About retroclouds

  • Birthday 01/05/1973

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  1. Hi, if you are building additional ones. Would you consider selling me one as well? I’m located in Germany.
  2. So sad to hear this. My condolences to family. I’ll miss Sparky around here. 😢
  3. Just found this on Hackaday. An ongoing project: https://hackaday.io/project/195508-keyboard4a-99
  4. Quick question on TIPI VDP memory usage: Does the TIPI DSR use VDP memory besides the memory specified in the PAB header or record/file buffer? Is there anything in the TIPI DSR that writes to the VDP >0980 memory range? Reason I'm asking is because I'm refactoring VDP memory usage in Stevie. I'm trying to make free space for FIO level 3 opcode 5 loading EA#5 image. Works fine with ROS (which is not using any VDP memory at all I guess). And having some issues with especially the TI Disk Controller and a little with the TIPI controller as well.
  5. Updated the DevRes thread RXB 2024B added DS99/4a emulator added TMS9900 cheat sheet added Fixed broken link to official nanopeb documentation. Changed it to point the wayback machine version stored on web.archive.org
  6. Looking forward seeing the Mechatronic up and running. Please share some video footage if you do, you have some rare hardware there.
  7. Using the cartridge space as a ROMDISK is a real cool feature to say the least. This is a topic I’d like to take a closer look myself. If I’m not mistaking there’s another romdisk project by Fred, but might be wrong here and have no details on that. My purpose is, to distribute DV80 files on my Stevie editor cartridge image. Unfortunately all of this is on hold for now, because of real-life sh*t called work. Oh well.
  8. Here’s an interesting article on the Tomy Pyuuta. There’s a picture of a small board with a v9958 that plugs into the Pyuuta and VGA enables it. This brings up a lot of very interesting questions 1. Can the board be reproduced or is for sale? 2. How is the Pyuuta able to disable the built-in TMS9918 and put output on the V9958 without doing any internal console modifications 3. How much VRAM is there on the board? Does it use VRAM on board or somehow accesses internal VRAM? 4. How old is the board? https://www.kernelcrash.com/blog/the-tomy-pyuuta/2023/10/08/ EDIT: some of the questions are addressed in the article, left here for discussion nonetheless.
  9. You went quite deep to compare the differences between DX10 and the TI-99-4a file handling. Was wondering, did you come on any details how the catalog of files on DX10 storage devices looks like, compared to what we have on the TI-99/4a ?
  10. I for one would be very interested in bigger SAMS. Could for example imagine having Final command in 1MB and stevie in the higher 1MB. And to be honest I have run into the 1MB limit a couple of times while testing Stevie
  11. I’m not sure what settings to put in the settings file. There’s nothing too special, it’s just a 64K non-inverted ROM image. For “mounting” the cartridge I always use the classic99 menu option “user cartridge” (or similar) and pick the file. If it resets, its perhaps a sign that either SAMS and/or F18a are not enabled in classic99 ? I’ll let @Vorticon chime in, because I think he used classic99 more than I. Most of the development I did with js99er. Having said that, I can take a look at the weekend if it still don’t work. What’s still lacking at the moment is a proper user message if SAMS and/or F18a are missing.
  12. Should you be running Stevie on a real TI-99/4A install, I wouldn't mind if you attach a photo or short video of the thing in action. Did not have a chance yet to try it out on my TI-99/4a with IDE card, as my harddrive is broken. So far it got tested with my TIPI PEB card and HRD4000B cards and in emulation land. But the latter obviously doesn't count 😁
  13. Just a word on the file picker functionality. When you're in the File -> Catalog dialog or in File -> Open, Insert, Append you basically just type the device/file path. If the last character is a dot "." and you press ENTER, Stevie will interpret that as a device path and will try to read the directory. If the directory is successfully read, you can move the file selector by using arrow key up or down. You can also switch pages (if you have more files than fit the screen) with CTRL-E and CTRL-X. You can switch between columns with CTRL-S and CTRL-D. You can move to the parent directory by pressing SPACE. In most of the dialogs you can press CTRL-1 to CTRL-9 to read the catalog from device DSK1 to DSK9. If you are on a supported dialog, the filepicker functionality will kick-in and you'r able to navigate on the device. You can find the necesary key combinations by going to the Help screen (or use shortcut key CTRL-H) Once a directory is read, it's cached in memory. So if you're in the editor screen, you can press CTRL-< to read the previous file, or CTRL-> to read the next file.
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