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    Melbourne Australia

chromesphere's Achievements

Space Invader

Space Invader (2/9)



  1. Thanks mate, all good i will just start from here Skill 2 - 74120
  2. Oh dam I missed that. Sorry I'm new to hsc. Speaking of which can i ask a question. Can i attempt previous rounds or are they closed? Cheers
  3. A meager first attempt. I had forgotten how brutal Qbert can be... Skill level 1 - 42,280
  4. Hey man, got your message (believe it or not :)

    Thanks for taking the time to leave that message. I appreciate it. I'm to hear its helped you in some way.

    All the best!


  5. I really enjoy the website. Though this comment will likely be lost, seeing as you havent been on atariage for over 2 years...

    ... but in the fat chance that you do get on. Thank you very much for the help your website has given me. That data has not just gone to waste.


  6. Hey guys, The 4 buttons across the top of the controller represent buttons 1 to 4. The '4' buttons can be changed to '5' by simply swapping the leads inside the enclosure. I included the '5' button because i wanted to play mouse trap :-) Your right Joey. I think 8 buttons on the front of the arcade panel would take up too much realestate, and to be honest, i dont use 6, 7 or 8 for any of the games i play. If you want to play a 2 player game you can hit those buttons on the 2nd player controller pad (for most games anyway). CS
  7. Thanks Al. its a bit ruff at the moment but i will be adding more information to it and fixing it up a bit over time. i hope the information is helpful to people, and saves them time trying to work out some of the steps involved in the process. CS
  8. Hi everyone, Ive had a few enquiries about how to make one of these controllers and i've recently decided to knock up a small website about it. I've tried to include as much information as possible to help those that are making a project like mine, or of their own design. www.chromesphere.com/coleco/ Hope this helps, and thanks for checking it out! Chromesphere.com
  9. Hi Everyone, Some of you might remember an arcade style controller i made for my colecovision, posted here. http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?s...=117243&hl= Its been a few months since then, and i recently decided to knock up a small website with some of the things i learned along the way, for others thinking about making a controller like mine or of their own design. I've included as much information as i can, but will probably be adding more to it / refining it over time. http://www.chromesphere.com/coleco/ Thanks for checking it out and hope it helps! Chromesphere.com
  10. Auction ended. Unfortunately, this auction hasnt recieved enough interest, i think mainly because of the postage cost, so the controller has not been sold. Which is a shame, as it really is a great controller! However, I will be upgrading this controller to have 4 extra buttons across the top of the 2 main fire buttons, representing the numbers 1-4 on the colecovision number pad and most likely listing it on ebay australia. I will be open to offers until it is listed on ebay, which i'm not sure exactly when, maybe a week or 2. Thank you all for your encouragement and kind words about the controller. I'd also like to say a special thanks to Double Down, who helped me with a problem i was having with the DB9 cable. Cheers mate. CS
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