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Everything posted by Reaperman

  1. before I go nuts on a script to keep my MiSTers in sync using my PC--does somebody just already do a script for MiSTer that does it from that side? Something that, for example, has one MiSTer FTP into another one and dump all its romz0rz over? I also think maybe it's time to address the network speeds at that end of the house. powerline ethernet to wifi that's obstructed by the arcade cabinet--wow, that's slow. 🙄
  2. so it looks like enough ports are moved around or changed to kill all compatibility with current cases, including the shucked one I'm trying to fill. usb bridge has to happen another way too, so I guess I'm interested in seeing their case and usb offerings because that's how that will have to go. I might just do without a case on MiSTer#3--also I'm going to have to come up with some way of keeping them in sync. automated FTP script or something. Complaining aside, still smells like a bargain. I do like the talk of efficiency and powerhandling, and if I'm hearing right, more available 5v power(?). I'm constantly bumping into 5v limits on both of my MiSTers, by running wireless keyboards, powering DVR's, 2x extra microSD adapters, and power-hungry SNAC devices. My 'master plan' is to stuff the extra MiSTer into a 'gaems' style briefcase luggable along with a dvr, nintendo switch and a laptop board (or steam deck board). just to make remote setup easy.
  3. I'm pretty happy with my Behar Bros Gekko for DC I got it with some expiring points from stoneagegamer. It's a little less at the first link, and a lot more local in the second. Not hugely more than the Kaico. There are lots of youtube reviews showing where it's strong and where it's less so, and the gekko seems to be more of a known quantity.
  4. okay, I'm paying full attention now. I've been looking for a DE10 to replace the one I shucked out of a used mister to fill my MiSTercade (during the COOV DE10 famine)
  5. Actually the snax ecosystem is slightly more messy in terms of simplicity, with compatibility warnings and charts. I think get why it's the way it is, but I don't want in at this point. Mind that it's not unmanageable, but I'd say it's more to deal with than non-mister-addon snac products. As best I can piece together it's a bit of evolutionary remnant of the recent past. A few years ago, before the SNAC ecosystem really took off, people wanted to use HDMI adapters for bliss-box to connect controllers to snac. because those were products that existed, they had the right controller ports already, and didn't have to be hand-made. Mister-addons bought into this hdmi-controller ecosystem big-time for their snac solution, probably since it was easily retailable, and at the time was the most user-friendly. (which is what mister-addons is about, afterall) But then along the way mister addons was unable to maintain full compatibility between old bliss adapters, mostly with newer cores, and their snac board(s), so now they have charts and warnings in various spots. Generally it's fine as long as one keeps shopping at mister-addons, but I bet if they had a time machine they'd go back and undo most of this. because not too long into the mister-addons hdmi snac ecosystem, very inexpensive chinese SNAC adapters flooded the market removing 100% of the barrier to entry, and the general unavailability of custom snac products with proper console-specific controller ports. Somebody let me know how wrong I've gotten this, because I got into MiSTer after that above paragraph happened, so went for cheap snac, and it's hard to figure out what happened exactly when/why looking backward on the internet. I've spent many cycles trying to piece together the hdmi-controller thing, because from a current standpoint it's a bit of a 'just why?' 🤦‍♂️
  6. Where all do Saturn SNACs come from? anybody seen any around? I can't see any on ebay/etsy/aliexpress (the usual suspects), ultimate-mister had them, but like everything cool on that site, it's out of stock and they tend to never restock (or at least never send restock emails). misteraddons is sold out too, but of course it's their own expensive+exclusive 'snax' ecosystem. I'm not bought-into that and would rather not be.
  7. 'Atari Games' is best Atari. 😁

    1. CPUWIZ


      Isn't it Atati?

    2. Albert


      It was, but not any more!  Warner Discovery owns all the Atari Games properties, as well as Midway and Williams arcade games IP.  Sadly.

    3. Zoyous


      I love the simpler games like Marble Madness and Toobin'. But some of them I think might have spent a little too long in development and became a little too complex. I really like APB but it's really complex to juggle driving and using the siren correctly, managing the time limit, finding and pursuing the criminals, and dealing with rather harsh crashes.

  8. Over the last few years, I've come to realize that I don't actually like JRPGs, despite some of my favorite games being in said genre.

    1. Reaperman


      It's a reconsideration from "I like JRPGs...except for _____, ____, or games like _____," to "I really only like about 5 games in this whole genre"--turns out I've pretty much hated 99% of them the whole time.

    2. GoldLeader


      It makes sense...I just hadda try out some different emojis..

  9. Also interested in figuring out the core removal stuff. I'm subscribed to the big 3 youtube news channels, but somehow it flew under my radar. I do remember when the 2600 core went obsolete, update_all didn't remove it. not only that but I just checked, and somehow I now have 3x 2600 cores...and the 7800 one. @awbacon which video did I skip to miss the drama?
  10. Can anybody link me to how the heck crazy climber controls? I have a stick for it, but I'm garbage, and attract mode is zero help.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reaperman


      It's really the side to side I have the most trouble with.  Sometimes it works great and I look halfway competent, but then sometimes the little guy just sits there because his arms are obviously in the wrong place.

    3. GoldLeader


      Oh man!  It's been a long time!  I always thought the controls were wonky on that one...Yet,  BITD,  I think that was my friend's first ever video game cabinet...And I seem to remember that the game was Beyond Heavy...Just weighed more than anyone would ever think...Afraid it's been too long,  but I thought I'd fall into a rhythm with the controls ...Def Twin stick...I keep thinking you move one, then the other until you fall into a rhythm with it...Try different things because honestly I could be misremembering...

    4. Crazy Climber

      Crazy Climber

      Funny Story... I'm actually terrible at Crazy Climber haha


      I was "new" to the internet when I joined these forums (I was one of those "it's not gonna make it" smartass types back then)

      But when I saw "Atariage" I had to become a part of the future (the internet)


      I didn't realize that the titles under peoples names here were in fact that, just titles (chopper commander, etc...) I thought it was their actual "screen" names... so I tried to think of a clever one that had "-er" at the end of it and behold.....I became Crazy Climber. 


      but the truth is, I'm no help when it comes to the actual game because I was terrible at it 40 years ago and I still am now lol


      I remember once at a somewhat local gathering of some of us AA members someone said "Hey, my multicade has Crazy Climber on it" so I felt obligated to play a game...and promptly die about 30 seconds later :) 

  11. Does Bomb Jack fit in? If so, maybe we call them 'Jackers.' That'll really confuse the zoomers. Gamers have named/renamed a number of genres after the fact. Shmup, replaced plain old shooters. About the time 'shooter' came to commonly mean FPS (a trend that's mostly ended now). and I seem to recall platformers were run-and-jump (or jump-and-run) games BITD Two I named after the fact (names which refuse to catch on 😁) are sub-genres of racing/driving:
  12. Finished refurb of odd twin-stick arcade controller today. Nope, still suck at crazy climber. 🙄

    1. Reaperman


      Robotron on MiSTer, and Geometry Wars on Steam did real well, though.

  13. I'm probably the only one waiting in suspense of figuring out what's inside the custom twin stick, but: better than I expected. IL parts with cherry switches--not my favorite of IL's sticks, but I've been told I'm wrong about that opinion 😉 100% plywood construction. I'm more of an MDF guy, but it's largely done well. some of the exterior countertop artwork is coming off, which offers a view of joinery below--there's a surprise. Gluing/clamping that is tonight's job. electronics is a ps/2 ipac from ultimarc with a usb adapter cable--must date to before they offered dedicated usb ones. It looks like the latency numbers on ultimarc stuff is still absolute top notch. One edge is missing a 3" strip of t molding, and is a slightly odd size, so of course that comes in 20ft rolls (ordered from spain) very clean wiring. All things considered this stick lucked out and is now back in the hands of somebody who knows what it is and gives at least half a darn. RIP to previous owner, we'll get it polished up.
  14. this one was a bit expensive to be thrifty, but it's pretty fun. I collect custom arcade sticks, and while searching for right-handers, came across this gem of a twin-stick. I don't use eBay's 'make offer' button, since I don't like interacting with sellers or being a low-baller, but the last couple years I really like how eBay has been doing semi-automated(?) price offers on watched buy-it-now items. Whenever I see a make-offer button, now I just watch the item, and more often than not get an offer message in an hour or two. Maybe current eBay sellers could let me know about the seller half of this process and if it's really automated? This one came to $60 plus $21 shipping. Even if it's the cheapest controls and encoder, that's close to what I could source the parts for. But generally these custom sticks come with pretty nice stuff, and I'm guessing IL or SUZO-HAPP. It feels like it's from an estate sale reseller, so RIP to the deceased fan of crazy climber or robotron. My retirement plan is to move to a 55+ community with a woodshop and make crazy arcade sticks, so right in the feels there.
  15. There's no per-controller setup or save like usb controllers, loading the appropriate core, and setting a controller to snac is all that's required. from my understanding, the cores hook to the snac controller port as the original systems did. So the controllers can't manipulate MiSTer menus. It's a little weird in some core menus, when you have a snac-connected light gun in hand, the correct answer to what kind of controller is attached is 'snac,' and not light gun. SNAC is pretty great. About the only bummer I've ever had while using them was finding out the 2600 one didn't support paddles. But it's great to be able to use an nes zapper, or back up my ps1 saves from back in the day.
  16. The PiTrex came in today. That sure seems to add a lot of gaming to vectrex. Wow.

    1. Jess Ragan

      Jess Ragan

      Are they still selling that? Where? How much?

    2. Reaperman


      https://www.ombertech.com/pitrex.php $54(aud) ~$35(usd), plus shipping from AUS and supplying SD+Pi Zero WH. Came pretty fast, I ordered the night of 3/21.

    3. Jess Ragan

      Jess Ragan

      Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to keep this in mind, if I ever get my system back.

  17. Yep, velcro cable ties. I go for quick folds and chuck them into a bag, because I have a drawer system for controllers and they'll still find a way to tangle if I don't. (an old vid I made on controller storage)
  18. Were they ever meant to be livable? I don't think that's been the play at any point in my lifetime. I think many of the fast food, grocery, and retail jobs were meant to take advantage of highschooler, retiree, and disabled labor who didn't actually need to fully support themselves with work. These days it seems immigrants entered the equation to replace the highschooler component. Not sure how they survive on the money. My guess is 'barely.' Since you sound pretty young, note that money gets considerably easier to acquire as people age. Salaries increase with experience, investments snowball, and lifestyle expenses drop greatly. But, it's a great time to be a gamer. Here's some relatively nice gaming things that are cheaper than ever:
  19. Saw Gary Numan a couple nights ago. Incredible show. No idea why he tours with Ministry, they were far less great.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GoldLeader


      I like both!  (I've seen Ministry live)...


      I thought I responded to this,  but I fell asleep last night while doing so haha!...


      Really like that Gary Numan song "My Name is Ruin", well and Cars and Down in the Park, and so many more...Lots of Classics!


      He's in Denver April 2nd...HMmmm

    3. x=usr(1536)


      Down in the Park is excellent, and probably one of his most overlooked numbers.


      Girls Under Glass did a decent cover some years ago.  It's a heavier version, but sets the atmosphere well:



    4. GoldLeader


      I love the Foo Fighters' version of Down in the Park on that X-Files' soundtrack dealy...



  20. I've been having n64 controller-pak saving issues with the core, so I've got an n64 snac on order to see if my saving problems go away. ...or if they start spreading to my real saves. 😅 Between the n64 turbo core, 0mhz collection, and replacing ps1 cue/bins with chds, MiSTer's really been monopolizing my free time.
  21. My first thrift store Dart Zone find. For the last 5 years, Nerf blasters have consistently come up well short of their Dart Zone competition, so I'm a bit surprised it's taken this long for them to trickle out to the thrift shops. Today's find is a $4 Dart Zone Max Dictator, which is a half-dart blaster with a weird, stock-feeding magazine system. (video going over the mechanism) The cats clearly love chasing after the darts, but as with many other Dart Zone Max/Pro blasters, it shoots a bit hard for inside--and unlike some other DZ blasters there's no easy way to drop that velocity without taking the whole thing apart. If you see Dart Zone MAX/Pro or their walmart-branded 'Adventure Force Pro' options at the thrift shop go for them. They hit a bit hard for the kids, at fully twice Nerf's 'elite dart' standard of 75fps (these days nerf's more like 65-67 tbh...).
  22. My current fave for modern gaming is a Gulikit KingKong 2 Pro--but a coworker let me handle the KingKong 3 Max, and I'll be switching to them in the next few months for the option for increased trigger throw. This is my choice on PC, switch and the MiSTer cores that benefit from analog sticks. Its tiny analog deadzone is incredibly refreshing, and I can't go back to Alps sticks after that. For arcade sticks, my favorite is my MAS Prostick, and I build tons of adapters to use it on other systems. Not too many options for american style arcade sticks, and neo geo controllers adapt easily&laglessly. I may someday need more buttons and start building adapters for MAS Supernova 25-pin controllers, but I don't care that much for street fighter, and have a few other options on the days I do. For pre-crash, I go for the Epyx 500xj/Konix Speedking for it's precise, microswitched stick, and its attempt at ergonomics. The NES version pairs especially well with NT Mini, especially the Atari 7800 core (which never got a 500xj variant of its own). Saturn batwing and Neo Geo gamepads are up there, especially back in the day these would have topped my list. but even owning modern/wireless equivalents, I find myself reaching for an 8bitdo M30 over both--which surprises me. This is generally my first choice for MiSTer use, because it's got enough buttons in the right places to do a lot of things. If I spend more than a day or two with a core, I'll generally switch to something more nostalgic, but the M30 is good at many tasks. In theory I should be grabbing the retro bit wireless batwing, but I just don't.
  23. Did the world forget what mini golf was? 'Regular golf' is not an appropriate theme for a mini golf course.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Reaperman


      This one's the worst I've seen:


    3. dudeguy


      @Reaperman yeah that's the sterilization of America/the world. Make everything boring and plain, dull. Try to appeal to everyone. you see this in architecture as well

    4. Jess Ragan

      Jess Ragan

      You were expecting to shoot a ball between the teeth of a clown?

  24. Are ya winning, son?

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