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Everything posted by SS

  1. I used to own a lot more than I do now but I have given away or sold many over the years. Currently I have a Sears Six Switch, an A/V modded Vader, two Jrs, and three 7800s. Every time that I see an Atari out in the wild I have to remind myself that I really don't need any more. This is why I've forced myself from getting a 2600+ or Retron too. Now I just need to start weeding out my Atari Computer collection.
  2. The touchscreen on the SDrive-MAX makes disk swapping very easy. Just saying.
  3. To answer @Sid Pokey's original question, I own a FujiNet and an SDrive-MAX. Both are great devices and both will totally meet your needs. The one of the two that I use the most is the SDrive-MAX though. Not because it is necessarily the better device but mostly because it is the one the feels the most like a classic disk drive experience to me. The touch screen allows you to manually add ATR/XEX files to one of four virtual drive, which to my mind nicely replicates the old-school action of swapping physical floppys in my 1050. It also very easily allows you to quickly access multi-disk games. Mostly though, I think that I prefer the SDrive-MAX for the simple reason that my case is shaped like an Atari 810 disk drive. A shallow reason, maybe, but it really hits all of the right nostalgia buttons for me. 😎
  4. No. The UNO is XL/XE only. You can force an A8PicoCart to work with a 400 but not an 800. The only cart based solution that I am aware of that works reliably with a 400/800 is the Ultimate Cart but the lid will not close completely while using it.
  5. Since this topic got revived from the dead, I thought this was as good of a time as any to show off my one-of-a-kind PhillyClassic 5 prototype carts. 😎
  6. I bought an A8PicoCart to go with my 400 since I stupidly sold off my Ultimate a while ago. The PicoCart works pretty good with the 400, although I do usually have to reset the machine a couple of times to get the menu to function correctly. Right now I just have .CAR images on it, which is all I need really, because my FujiNet and SDriveMAX work great on the 400 for everything else.
  7. This is a repost of my response to @Spanner's comment on Facebook : Everything about THE400 just feels like a slight disappointment. THECarousel was part of it; especially when it got to the USB port selection. I thought that the ring buttons on THESTICK were going to be a cool feature but, because of the way that I hold a CX40, they were actually just in the way. And the diagonal sensitivity was impossible to get past. One of the first games that I tried was Donkey Kong and I found it almost unplayable with THESTICK. I certainly have a bunch of other USB joypads that I could use instead but I was really excited about this device feeling like an *ATARI* and a joypad wouldn't hit this need. In the end, I think that I am giving up and returning mine to Amazon. The truth is that, to me, very little about this device actually feels like Atari, aside from its nice looking case. If I want virtual Atari, I already have Altirra. If I want real Atari, I own plenty of those. What I don't want is to have to compromise. I'm glad that some people are enjoying their minis, it's just not what I was hoping for.
  8. I don't know about the demo version but the physical "Tempest Elite" cart was only ever released on an AtariMax cartridge, so it is in a proprietary format. I believe that the "Space Harrier" homebrew was also only released in that same format.
  9. I don't know about you all but I am feeling extremely frustrated. The joystick is overly sensitive to diagonals, the extra buttons are way too easy to hit by mistake, ATRs that I know are good on real hardware and Altirra refuse to run, and games resetting themselves while running. Maybe I will give it all another try tomorrow when I am not quite so grouchy but I am seriously thinking about returning the whole thing using the money to buy an Ultimate Cart for my real 400 instead. 😕
  10. I don't relish the idea of opening up that 400 case again! It was quite a struggle to get it back together the last time, largely because of that wound-up RF cord. Do you know of any diagrams that detail exactly what contacts that I should solder my jumper to? If I *am* going to go to the bother of opening everything up again, I should probably give thought to finally putting in that "Super Color CPU Card" that I have been sitting on too. Thanks for the insights.
  11. Does anyone know of a way to add a simple mod to the 400 power door so that the system WILL NOT shut off when the cartridge door is open? And, perhaps more importantly, is there any good reason as to why I should not do this? In the past, I have used a small stick to prop against the open door and hold down the button but this necessitates always leaving the cartridge door open while running a game or program. I am asking because I am thinking about getting an A8PicoCart to use with my RAM modded 400 but I would like to be able to have access to the cartridge's reset switch while the machine is running. Thanks.
  12. FYI - The 2.4ghz wireless adapter for the 8bitdo M30 absolutely does work with the Seagull 78, at least with the newer style release. I have not been able to try it with the original style Seagull because I broke mine by stepping on it a few years ago but I have two of the newer style and the 2.4ghz M30 works on both.
  13. Thanks! This seems to have completely fixed the problem. 👍
  14. Hi. I got my GameDrive from Stone Age Gamer in the mail today. So far, everything looks pretty great after downloading and installing the Feb 8 firmware. I am still in process of checking everything out but I have had issue with a few of Bob DeCrescenzo's games. "Galaxian" experiences a lot of slowdowns throughout and has a momentary screen freeze every time that a player shot hots a Galaxian ship. "Armor Attack II" runs but very, very slowly. "KC Munchkin" loads and the game starts but then crashes with a total screen freeze almost immediately; this happens in both versions of the game. Thanks.
  15. I like my Dragonfly Cart because it is the least easy to use! 😋
  16. SS

    THE400 Mini

    If and when the 400 Incognito gets released, my 400 will definitely move into permanent setup as my main Atari computer.
  17. SS

    THE400 Mini

    Gotta disagree here. To my eyes the "retro-futuristic" look of the 400's case is the most beautiful design of all the A8s. I never had a 400 as a kid but I own two of them now. I also own about seven or eight XL machines (and the 800XL was my very first computer) but I would honestly be less interested in this mini in an XL style than I am in the 400. If only it had a functional SIO port so that I could use it in conjunction with my 810 styled SDrive-MAX!
  18. It's decently put together and fun for short bursts occasionally. It just doesn't hold my interest for long. Maybe "easy" isn't how I'd describe it but it's certainly not all that challenging either. If I didn't own the A8 version, I would probably not mind getting the 7800 cart. I just really wouldn't put enough time into it to warrant owning two.
  19. I've thought a few times about picking up the 7800 "Nova Wolf" but keep talking myself out of it. I already own the Atari Computer version that Video61 put out a few years ago. Not a bad game in any sense but not horribly exciting either. As much as I like the idea of 7800 homebrews, I just don't think that I need an upgrade on this one.
  20. Quoted for awesomness! 👍
  21. It certainly looks legit. Still, I would have some reservations with dropping $8K with a seller with zero feedback. 🤷‍♂️
  22. I probably play 7800 homebrews more than I do the originals. Except for "Ballblazer" and "Food Fight"; not only are these my favorite 7800 games but they are really two of my favorite games ever on ANY platform 😃. My other three favorite 7800 originals are boringly "Asteroids", "Centipede", and "Commando".
  23. SS

    Best 4K game

    Classic releases would have to be either "Pitfall!" or "Demon Attack". For homebrews I would have to go with "Skeleton+"; I have always been amazed with ho much that Eric was able to squeeze out of 4K for that game.
  24. It looks as if you are right. I updated the AtariMax firmware and gave all of the contacts on everything a good scrubbing. I had to give it three more tries but it looks like the third time was the charm and that I finally got a good dump. At least it seems so thus far after about 20 minutes of testing. This newest dump actually runs OK on my 7800 via Harmony Cart. The original cartridge continues to produce the same screen jumping effects. Now I am wondering what the difference could be that the Harmony makes to the 7800 for running the game?
  25. I have successfully ripped some 7800 homebrews and A8 carts with my AtariMAX device but none of the other new official Atari products.
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