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Everything posted by McCallister

  1. Hey, thank to all who chimed in on these, either with interest or information or both. They are now gone and marked off in the first thread.
  2. Sweet tv! Is it rf only? Just curious if you found it local or it survived shipping?
  3. Much more challenging than Pac-Man or Ms Pac-Man is how I read it.
  4. @Absalon It’s a trap. Pretty sure you need to blow up your own planet to progress. Just to be safe, try docking on your planet first and see if that allows you to move a different direction.
  5. Field invokes a vast tract of land to my ears, with hints of grandness. Much this game's layout, as opposed to Zone, which automatically gets me thinking of the tank game.
  6. I can confirm, though, that it allows the use of a Sega light phaser on the 2600. For the couple games that use a light gun.
  7. Time enough at last…not really,lol, but here’s a score and a bonus. 31 - Robot tank Zapper - Word Zapper
  8. That's impressive! I have not made it that far and was curious what the next iteration of the spinning thing would be. Don't fully accelerate into the fuel rod. If you're holding down the button, when you hit it, I think you score something like 180 vs more.
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