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Everything posted by klokwrkblu

  1. what i did is use an old Pentium 3 PC with both a 5 1/4" and 3.5" floppy drives loaded cp/m-86 and ran dskmaint.cmd made a copy of all the software disks from the b: drive to the a: drive. Then one by one i loaded the disks on a more modern system through a USB floppy drive and made .img files of the disks using winrar.exe when the images are copied on blank floppies, & then rebooted on a machine with a 3.5 floppy drive they will run. CPM86 Img files.zip CPM-86 11 BLANK.zip CPM86 DBASEII.zip CPM86 GAMES.zip
  2. I have found no schematic on the internet of a light pen that actually works, so i took apart a light gun and drew from scratch a circut design, & here it is.
  3. Has anyone managed to get CONCURRENT CP/M 86 boot disk working on a modern computer. I cant seem to find a boot disk that works, but thats what im trying to do. Also is ther an easy way to drag and drop files from a windows/linux computer into the native file system? And if not make it happen. p.s. modify it to run usb and CD
  4. Whats an easy program to use to convert 6502 binary or asm files into a wav or mp3?
  5. Whats a good program to use on windows that converts 6502 asm files in into audio; to play into the CLOAD command for the atari 8bit
  6. This has been tested an atari 800xl, it should work on all 8bit systems, in theroy. The thumb stick is from a xbox controller. The x axis is paddle one, the y axis is paddle 2. The pistol trigger is button one, the push down is button 2, the other three buttons i have no fucking clue. Still confused? Tough
  7. what do ya mean, its the regular "bread box" type. its it that black one?
  8. OMI GOD I HAVE THAT VERY SAME ONE I m lOOking for software for it to. WHERE?????
  9. I have one that I got in another lot of game stuff. PM me if interested. I have no idea what PM means but yes i am interested.
  10. Im looking for a power supply for the commodore 64, perferably one that wont burn out my system There was a really good one being sold on ebay, but someone snaged it before i could get to it. can any one help?
  11. Im looking for a Power Supply for a commodore 64, i was gonna buy one off ebay, but someone snaged it. Not just any lkind, i whould like to get one that wont burn out my computer when i plug it in. can any one help me?
  12. It lookes like a game boy spray painted black.
  13. Im just jealous about old computers in general; they look so much cooler than the modern ones.
  14. Hey is it possible if you can convert the tutorial to a pdf or txt so you dont have to go online to look at it? That whould be nice
  15. I ask this because i was trying to make a cartrige mod on my flashback 2 but i screwed big time and poped a circuit rendering the thing broken, but it think that little chip the seems to hold all the games is still good. If you cant post them here, you can at least send me a link where i can get them. thanks.
  16. There are games im looking for the exclusive games that only can be found on the flashback 2. Is it possible to rip them from the console?
  17. Can i make a suggestion? Im looking for a particular title for the atari 2600, i don't know the name for it, and i cant describe it, but i know what it looks like. I tried to looking for it in the archives list, but the list is so long, its overwhelming. To look at the screenshot, you have to click on every single link and wait for a few minutes for the page to load. Its a waist of time. Could someone program the site to reveal a screenshot when you move your cursor over the link when your searching the archive list? This is for making a search for a title you don't know the name for much easier. Thanks
  18. could it work it work for the 2600 as well? If not put it in
  19. buts thats the thing, i dont know how to get it in there. What code do i need to type to render it where i want it, and where in the .asm do i have to put it in? so when i compile it, it wont crash or do something really weird.? after all i have never programed before
  20. I don't know what you mean exactly, but simply making the sprite the same color as the PF and placing it at the desired location will make it look like part of it. Although if you don't need a lot of detail on these parts that you want to add to the PF, the ball could be a better option because it already uses the same color as the PF, so you can still use both sprites for something else. refer to this topic http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?s...=133204&hl=
  21. is it possible to make a sprite into part of the PF?
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