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Everything posted by Mr.Bacardi

  1. Just saw this on eBay: https://www.ebay.de/itm/186287044881?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=rr1Ijud_RWe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=mUKkyl80SES&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Who said that Atari Falcon is expensive? 😁
  2. Here's "Blinky" by Jan Spitzkowski. Blinky is a Simon clone and was published in one of the Chip Special Sonderheft as a type in listing. Blinky (Jan Spitzkowski).xex
  3. I finished "Null Grad Nord" recently and was pleased by a treasure chest with a nice game ending music by KE Soft. See min 18:00: @JAC Btw, I couldn't find the music in ASAM archive...
  4. Here's an ATR of the german adventure game "Null Grad Nord" that I just did because I wanted to do a walkthrough Youtube video for this game... Luckily the files from Homesoft's version can be copied to another disk, so it was not difficult to move everything to a single atr file using BiboDOS. No other modifications were done, so you still get prompted to turn disk, but you can simply ignore the message now! Null Grad Nord (Axis) 360k (BiboDOS).atr
  5. For easy tape creation I can recommend Turgen tool by Baktra. Check out this thread: You can create CAS & WAV files so you can directly record on physical tape!
  6. Don't panic! I have created a "silver box" template for myself some time ago for other prototype games that never got an official box, so it was just swapping the picture from VCS original game! Your work is much appreciated and it's NOT for nothing!
  7. Great to see that you have also created a ROM version! Still have some empty EPROMs left...
  8. I can confirm that this ATR is now (finally) working fine! Thanks again DjayBee!
  9. I went through my disk boxes the other day and found some programs, that I was not able to find elsewhere. Hope you can use them Programmverwaltung (Olaf Meisiek) (1984).atrFILE-FAX (TMQ Software)(OS800).ATRExtended Atari Basic Version 1.1.atr Please note that File-Fax is not original image! I found the exe file some Gamedos disk... Looks like Extended Basic is a German version as it mentions "Atari Elektronik" and includes German DOS 2 - does anyone know more about this?
  10. Thanks for mentioning AVG cart! Simply forgot that I have one as well! 😄
  11. Many thanks! What are the requirements for real HW? Luckily I still have 1 empty AtariMax flash cart available so I can try out, but are there any plans to release ATR?
  12. I didn't bother too much about the loading time but I must admit that 10 minutes or more is getting critical for most users' nerves! I did this mostly for my personal fun and to play around with Audacity and text to speech tools... Please see some short examples, to get some feeling how much fun it can be to play around with 2nd recording channel... 1.) The Empire strikes back 2.) Jump! 3.) Blowsub 4.) Sinistar (wait for evil Sinistar voice!) empire_loading.avi Jump_loading.avi Blowsub_loading.avi Sinistar_loading.avi
  13. Inspired by Blowjobb's great tape version of "back to 80's" demo, I had some fun lately in creating "new" cassette tapes with loading sound. Here's the result... Imagine this lineup being available back in the days!
  14. According to Atarimania music on the Final Legacy Game was done by Brad Fuller, but composer/creator of the music tape "Story of Final Legacy" is Robert Schröder!
  15. Hi, I'd like to edit my original posting, which seems to be not possible anymore. Are there any limitations or restrictions? I was able to do small modification right after posting, but now I cannot see any edit button... I would like to remove the email address that's mentioned in this posting:
  16. I recently bought the audio cassette "Die Story der Final Legacy" which was advertised in one of the old Atari Club Magazines from Atari Germany. It looks like Atari wanted to promote the game "Final Legacy" in Europe and offered an exclusive audio cassette to the members of the Club magazine. It turned out that the ebay seller was no one else than the creator himself who is selling his last few copies off on eBay and I had some nice chat with him! I asked him if it would be ok for him to offer this pretty rare piece of Atari history to the community and he gave me his permission to share the 1st side of the German tape version. Arnold Marquis, the voice of "John Wayne" here in Germany, gives you a great trip back to the good old times! Ariolasoft UK also sold an english version for the UK market and Robert still has a few copies left which he is still selling and you can contact him directly via his web page: http://www.news-music.de/ Enjoy! Die Story der Final Legacy.mp3
  17. hmmm, still get english text... Can you please check again?
  18. Thanks for your continued support on this great tool! I haven't tried it out yet but I definately will in the near future. Inspired by the great "Bring back the 80s" tape release I'm really keen to bring back some life to my good old 1010!
  19. Damn, this is shocking news! Wishing strength to his family!!
  20. thanks for providing the memory location for life I didn't complete level 2 yet, but at least the ground (water) looks okay and I couldn't see corrupted graphic data so far with the new version...
  21. Thanks Paul, indeed it was the RW switch which was not set to "read only"! Looking forward for a dummy-prooved version! - haha!
  22. Thanks DjayBee, but this version crashes after the Axis intro while loading the main game... I tried with fastSIO on/off and BAsic on/off - any idea?
  23. Coming back to this quite old thread: Is there a bug free version of the Axis Cavelord disk somewhere available for download? The version from Atarimania unfortunately has garbled graphics at the botton of the cave... I had a quick look at the version from Atari Deutschland but it looks like the data is completely different organized on this version.
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