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Everything posted by triverse

  1. Here is my Youtube channel, I have quite a varied set of games with gameplay videos up so you can see them in action. All of them are running on hardware much less powerful than your LG G3 so they should run better on your phone. https://www.youtube.com/user/S7MGHandHelds/videos I would suggest getting something like the GDP XD if you are wanting to play stuff that has on screen controls - http://www.willgoo.com/gpd-xd-pocket-gaming-tablet-rk3288-quadcore-5-ips-p-637.html
  2. If you have these early next month, I will definitely take them. I would take them now but I just paid off my car and home which doesn't leave much this month.
  3. They look awesome there, Kosmic Stardust. Glad you were happy with them. Iwantgames, those look awesome displayed like you have them there. Thank you for the pics. I have restocked my beads so if anyone wants anything made, just let me know. All orders are custom made by me and shipped out as soon as possible (usually the following weekend at the latest). I take custom orders and will work with you on what you want and price everything so you know up front- no surprise billing. I am planning another Kickstarter but not sure what to do this time. Maybe something Valentines Day and gaming related? Not a lot of "love" in gaming other than Mario and his love interests though (maybe a few Zelda and Links). I accept Paypal.
  4. I know, that is why I dedicate so much time to following your company and the developments you guys are creating. We have a large fanbase that are vocal in keeping RGM following you guys and giving our opinion on how things are shaping up. That is a great sign. There is nothing worse than doing something only to see no one cares. Collectorvision doesn't have that problem. Great work.
  5. I know man, I am just pulling your leg letting you know you have fans out there that are still interested in these things. I know you can't comment officially (I am supposed to go through your PR agent for that stuff) so I won't bug you too much on this. Just letting you know fans are still excited for Collectorvision works.
  6. Come on, Retroillucid, don't leave us hanging. You have fans interested as evidenced here- http://retrogamingmagazine.com/2015/12/31/mr-do-collection-could-by-collectorvision-could-be-coming-for-colecovision-console/
  7. Keep kicking butt and people like me will keep covering it. Deal?
  8. Love the development here guys. Keep it up. http://retrogamingmagazine.com/2016/01/08/gradius-finally-coming-to-colecovision-via-super-game-module/
  9. Loving the development here. Wrote it up for the readers of my website and made a video - http://retrogamingmagazine.com/2016/01/06/bandit-gaming-mortal-kombat-for-the-atari-2600-work-in-progress/
  10. Just wanted to let you guys know I made a news article about Penguin Adventures for the ColecoVision available on my site- http://retrogamingmagazine.com/2016/01/01/bandit-gaming-penguin-adventure-prepares-soft-launch-on-colecovision-thanks-to-homebrew-developers/
  11. Darn autocorrect. Meant, Seb, not sent.
  12. Sent, I am only interested in an interview with someone from the team. Shot over an email but no response yet.
  13. Contact e-mail sent. Waiting for a reply. Thanks everyone.
  14. I love it. I have played it quite a bit since release in various forms. At first I was not a fan of it, nor this style of puzzle game in general. I got into it via another game that licensed the engine- Kirby's Avalanche on the Super Nintendo. Try that version, if you are having trouble getting into Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, it may be easier to get into.
  15. Appreciated. I looked at the original post by Albert and it linked to a French site (haven't had much luck crossing the language barrier in E-mail).
  16. I am looking to follow this up with an article on my site www.retrogamingmagazine.com but need a bit of information. Are they still taking orders for this or is it done? The reason I ask is because people are talking about having been on the list for 2 years and just now receiving their games while others say something about a 3rd run not happening. Any help?
  17. Just wanted to let you know that I made a short video of the update and published an article talking about it on my website. http://retrogamingmagazine.com/2015/12/27/shadow-of-the-colossus-atari-2600-revived-after-hardware-crash/
  18. Understandable. I will stop posting here about the CC or replying to Mike/anyone else concerning the CC. I respect everyone here and don't want o cause trouble.
  19. You do realize that is REALLY unprofessional to have released like this. I mean, had you sent that to me in a PM then I would have been bound by journalistic integrity (which I take seriously, as you surely know) to not release ANY of that or comment on it publicly other than to state something along the lines of you are definitely doing whatever is contained within that password protected section. I have not read it because it is not publicly available- I have commented on the one pic that has been released publicly by someone else, and will do so only on public information. Why? Journalistic integrity. Some of still have it- that is why I write the articles about your company, your efforts and those of others like I do. I am not in this to make friends, just to bring the truth to the forefront. In that journey, I will continue. Attack me on a failed Kickstarter all you want- I have already proven you are batting .666 on Kickstarter and if we add in IGG your average drops to .5 with crowdfunding. I am batting zero as far as gaming stuff goes but if you figure in my bead art campaigns I am batting .666 so we can throw statistics around all day long. Attacking me because I failed to reach $1,000 on KS is pretty bullying of you. I mean, who put you in contact with Dave Halverson, Rob Duenas and many others over the years? Such as Nolan Bushnell, whom you wussed out on contacting for your Atari Landfill article (and offered to me to handle if I wanted to for your magazine- in all of my "tabloid hack skills"). Am I lying about that too? Please refresh my memory on when you followed through on that interview and got one of the biggest names in retro gaming in your magazine. No skin off my back that you failed on that, I mean, I didn't even care to have credit for arranging the interview with Nolan Bushnell, but I have it out for you. Yeah. That sounds about right. Edit to add: I put the effort in to put you in contact with Rob Duenas, Dave Halverson and Nolan Bushnell out of the interest of supporting the retro gaming community as a whole. Not once did I ask for money for that work, even though it was conversed through my, then, company e-mail so it should be taken as my PR firm handling a non-client situation. I did it to HELP you and your magazine. How is that "out to get you" in any way? Also, please point out in ANY article, post, twitter comment, etc where I made this information public. I haven't, I do it here because you are making false claims that I am wanting you to fail in some way- why would I want that? I would have less to write about which is counterproductive to my "tabloid" roots.
  20. Thank you. Weird how a little bit of civil communication goes a long way.
  21. I took your advice and edited the picture to remove names of clients, personal contacts and telephone information for the Konami contact. They may not appreciate that being public and I don't feel like waiting for them to contact me to remove it. Edit to add: It seems the 1984 revisionist history is in full effect on their Facebook page. They have purged all of my comments, even the ones HELPING them from the comments. Good job guys, cutting off your nose to spite your face with that one. I hope someone from your team gets in there and comments with corrections, like I did, to all of those questions about where their money is from the IGG campaign and similar. Or did you delete those too since they don't fit your view on what you want as the public opinion to be?
  22. No worries. I understand the consequences of full screen capping. I thought about editing out some of the information but then figured that would just lead to "what is he hiding!?!?" comments.
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