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Everything posted by bogax

  1. you could substitute your times 11 (44) code for the table I think I figured break even was about 8 levels incidentally I think you weren't initializing y in your original code here the [byte] column 0 playfield data is transposed so essentially there's a table for each row of the playfield and the data is selected by the level and you loop through the tables so now you can have 256 levels or whatever you can fit into the bank (which ever is less the times 11 and indexing is built into the pf_ptr_dat table and x is just a pointer it compiles but I didn't go beyond the first level load_new_level3 const number_of_levels = 3 asm ldx #$2B loop_pf lda pf_dat,x ; col0 will be over written but it's probably not worth trying to avoid sta var0,x dex bpl loop_pf lda #<col_dat sta temp1 lda #>col_dat sta temp2 lda #$00 sta temp3 loop_col ; get the playfield pointer ldy temp3 ldx pf_ptr_dat,y ; get the level pointer and move the column 0 data ldy ballx lda (temp1),y sta $00,x ; increment the data pointer lda temp1 clc adc #number_of_levels sta temp1 bcc *+4 inc temp2 ; increment the playfield pointer pointer inc temp3 cpx #var40 bne loop_col end return otherbank data pf_ptr_dat var0, var4, var8, var12, var16, var20, var24, var28, var32, var36, var40 end data pf_dat %00000000, %11111111, %11111111, %11111111 %00000000, %00000001, %00000000, %00000000 %00000000, %00001001, %01000101, %01110100 %00000000, %00001101, %01000101, %00010101 %00000000, %00001001, %01000101, %00010110 %00000000, %11001001, %01000101, %01110100 %00000000, %00001001, %01000101, %00010100 %00000000, %00011101, %01110101, %01110100 %00000000, %00000001, %00000000, %00000000 %00000000, %11111111, %11111111, %11111111 %00000000, %11111111, %11111111, %11111111 end data col_dat %11111111, %11111111, %11111111 %00000000, %00000000, %00000000 %01111110, %00100100, %00111100 %01000010, %01100110, %01011010 %01110110, %00111100, %01111110 %01101110, %00100100, %01011010 %01000010, %00011000, %01100110 %01111110, %01100110, %00111100 %00000000, %00000000, %00000000 %11111111, %11111111, %11111111 %11111111, %11111111, %11111111 end
  2. in bB they're temp1 and temp2 I'd probably give them aliases ptrlo, ptrhi
  3. must be something else going on the playfield color changed, the score is corrupted, the movement is messed up edit fixed some of that score is still corrupted, but I suppose you're using custom characters
  4. heck! darn! (other obscenities as required) there were some goofs I fixed them, but apparently I didn't save them hopefully fixed now
  5. something like this maybe? (I didn't include the tables) how many levels? this needs an extra byte per for the x 11 table and assumes col0 data is all in one page so 256/11 = 23 levels max ldx #$2B loop_pf lda pf_dat,x ; col0 will be over written but it's probably not worth trying to avoid sta var0,x dex bbl loop_pf ldx level ; ballx ldy x11,x ; level x 11 look up ldx #$00 lda #>col0_dat sta temp2 lda #<col0_dat sta temp1 loop_col0 lda (temp1),y sta var0,x iny inx inx inx inx cpx #$2C bne loop_col0 edit: the ending value for x is 44 (not var44, duh )
  6. it's just a 16 bit LSFR dim sc0 = score dim sc1 = score + 1 dim sc2 = score + 2 dim rndbBlo = rand16 dim rndbBhi = rand dim rand16 = z dim right_edge_flag = r dim left_edge_flag = l scorecolor = $33 COLUBK = 0 COLUPF = 68 var40 = $55 : var41 = $AA draw if joy0right then right_edge_flag = 0 else right_edge_flag = 1 if joy0left then left_edge_flag = 0 else left_edge_flag = 1 drawscreen if joy0right && right_edge_flag then temp1 = rand : goto display if joy0left && left_edge_flag then temp1 = unrand() : goto display goto draw display var36 = rndbBhi : var37 = rndbBlo update_scr sc0 = 0 : sc1 = sc1 & 15 if temp1 >= 100 then sc0 = sc0 + 16 : temp1 = temp1 - 100 if temp1 >= 100 then sc0 = sc0 + 16 : temp1 = temp1 - 100 if temp1 >= 50 then sc0 = sc0 + 5 : temp1 = temp1 - 50 if temp1 >= 30 then sc0 = sc0 + 3 : temp1 = temp1 - 30 if temp1 >= 20 then sc0 = sc0 + 2 : temp1 = temp1 - 20 if temp1 >= 10 then sc0 = sc0 + 1 : temp1 = temp1 - 10 sc1 = (temp1 * 4 * 4) | sc1 goto draw function unrand() asm lda rndbBlo lsr lda rndbBhi rol bcc skip_eor16 eor #$68 skip_eor16 sta rndbBhi ror rndbBlo eor rndbBlo rts end joy0right rand forward joy0left unrand() backwards the screen is the LFSR (the bottom row is just to show where the bits are) the score is the return value (I didn't actually do an exhaustive test, but it looks like it works ) unrand16.bas unrand16.bas.bin
  7. search the forums this stuff comes up fairly often and there's been lots of good stuff posted about it basically a television (at least in the before times) draws the screen periodically (frames) including things that have to happen periodically during the frame (lines) the processor provides the information for the picture in real time (more or less) only parts of those periods are visible the visible part takes most of the period there's a little time left over after the visible part before the next frame must start that's when your program runs you run some program and then tell it to wait for the next frame (with a drawscreen) if it takes too much time (ie too many lines, they're periodoic) it'll miss the next frame in order to know how much time you're using your best bet is probably to look at the assembly that bB produces and figure it out from that there's probably debugging stuff that would help I don't know if Stella gives you clock level timing but I can't think of any reason why it couldn't so it probably does
  8. temp5 = (rand&15)+(rand&2) will produce a number 0..15 or 17 temp6 = (rand&3)+(rand&3)+4 will produce a number 4..10
  9. you don't show what counter is presummably its an 8.8 variable if counter is less than 40 then temp2 will be 251 or greater 39/8 = 4 4 - 5 = -1 = 255 a data statement can be anywhere in the same bank bB normally inserts a jump (like a goto) around each data statement if you use the noinlinedata optimization it will omit the jumps and you have to put the data statement out of the code path (eg after a goto or a return)
  10. speed wise this is (almost) the best I came up with (the bank switch code is in one spot which I then goto it adds 3 cycles but saves a bunch of code) this is somewhat faster than the tables maybe 5..6 if statments, half a scan line or so (on average, around 40 cycles) I tried to make the intervals even y doesn't get set. looks like it gets set to 0 in bank three anyway spreading the if statements out keeps the branches short enough that the target labels are in range so you don't have to use goto's z = rand if z > 127 then gt_127 if z > 85 then set_3 if z > 42 then set_2 set_1 g = 21 : x = 17 : w = 6 : k = 14 : rem flame, shield, lyre, key room var5 = 6 : rem gorgon room var3 = 1 : var1 = 5 : rem troll room var8 = 4 : var0 = 15 : rem snake room var6 = 16 : var7 = 12 : t = 7 : rem hero, seer, theif room goto go_bnk3 set_2 g = 21 : x = 23 : w = 14 : k = 7 : rem flame, shield, lyre, key room var5 = 6 : rem gorgon room var3 = 14 : var1 = 4 : rem troll room var8 = 5 : var0 = 7 : rem snake room var6 = 7 : var7 = 12 : t = 5 : rem hero, seer, theif room goto go_bnk3 gt_127 if z < 171 then set_4 if z < 213 then set_5 go_bnk3 goto _start bank3 set_3 g = 21 : x = 8 : w = 7 : k = 14 : rem flame, shield, lyre, key room var5 = 7 : rem gorgon room var3 = 15 : var1 = 6 : rem troll room var8 = 23 : var0 = 4 : rem snake room var6 = 16 : var7 = 6 : t = 5 : rem hero, seer, theif room goto go_bnk3 set_4 g = 12 : x = 21 : w = 14 : k = 7 : rem flame, shield, lyre, key room var5 = 16 : rem gorgon room var3 = 2 : var1 = 5 : rem troll room var8 = 4 : var0 = 7 : rem snake room var6 = 9 : var7 = 15 : t = 17 : rem hero, seer, theif room goto go_bnk3 set_5 g = 21 : x = 7 : w = 11 : k = 16 : rem flame, shield, lyre, key room var5 = 9 : rem gorgon room var3 = 23 : var1 = 12 : rem troll room var8 = 5 : var0 = 15 : rem snake room var6 = 7 : var7 = 14 : t = 4 : rem hero, seer, theif room goto go_bnk3
  11. it wont work but I like your thinking but I also don't think look up tables will be faster than only a few if statements and is 1 & 1 = 1 0 & 1 = 0 1 & 0 = 0 0 & 0 = 0 5 is %00000101 bit wise & is like so (corresponding bits are ANDed) %00000101 & %11111111 = %00000101 where there's a 0 in either, the result will have a 0 so rand & 5 can produce only 4 possibilities %00000000, %00000001, %00000100, %00000101 I think this will give you 0..5 temp1 = rand/2 : y = (temp1/2 + temp1)/32 look up tables would have a more consistent timing and probably use less code in the given example there may not be enough if statements to make it worth while but it looks like there may be several other places in the code where it would here's some table code (the data statements would have ot be moved out of the way) a table look up uses the x register as an index, since x doesn't change here it doesn't need to keep being loaded so the macro loads the variable without reloading the x register with the value it already contains set optimization noinlinedata dim ptr = temp1 def mov_in = callmacro mvim macro mvim asm lda {2},x sta {1} end end ptr = rand/2 if ptr > 106 then skip_rand_5 ptr = (ptr/2 + ptr)/32 g = g_dat[ptr] mov_in k k_dat mov_in t t_dat mov_in w w_dat mov_in x x_dat mov_in var3 v3_dat mov_in var5 v5_dat mov_in var6 v6_dat mov_in var7 v7_dat mov_in var8 v8_dat data g_dat 21, 21, 21, 12, 21 end data k_dat 14, 7, 14, 7, 16 end data t_dat 7, 5, 5, 17, 4 end data w_dat 6, 14, 7, 14, 11 end data x_dat 17, 23, 8, 21, 7 end data v3_dat 1, 14, 15, 2, 23 end data v5_dat 6, 6, 7, 16, 9 end data v6_dat 16, 7, 16, 9, 7 end data v7_dat 12, 12, 6, 15, 14 end data v8_dat 4, 5, 23, 4, 5 end on gosub and on goto also use table lookups
  12. there's a gap 100..109 where y doesn't get set
  13. you're indexing your table with the bank number(?) in this case a macro is sort of like an inlined function
  14. this works, but it's getting messy the to_bank macro just loads the target address to the stack you then have to goto the bank switch code at the beginning of the bank the location of the bank switch code has to be the same in all banks and the beginning of the bank seemed simplest since you have to jump around it in the first bank there's padding in the rest (in place of the jump/goto) set romsize 16k set optimization inlinerand set optimization noinlinedata def to_bank = callmacro bsm def go_to = callmacro gtom macro bsm asm lda #>({2}-1) pha lda #<({2}-1) pha ldx {1} end end macro gtom asm jmp {1} end end def bswitch = callmacro bswm macro bswm asm nop nop nop lda bankswitch_hotspot-1,x rts end end goto skip_BS_code bs1 asm lda bankswitch_hotspot-1,x rts end skip_BS_code gosub init to_bank 2 dloop goto bs1 init q = $55 COLUBK = q COLUPF = $33 return thisbank bank 2 bs2 bswitch data dloop end c = c + 1 if !c & $7F then q = q ^ $FF : COLUBK = q if e && joy0fire then q = q + 4 : COLUBK = q if joy0fire then e = 0 else e = 1 drawscreen go_to dloop bank 3 bank 4
  15. if you're just trying to compute your target you can set something up with on gosub and on goto put gotos for each bank (or each possible target bank) in each bank tha you might be coming from and a dispatch on goto for each possible target in the bank in other words on gosub to a goto bank (in the current bank) that goes to an on goto in the target bank that selects the routine you want in that bank
  16. it doesn't work as advertised the BS_jsr+6 comes after the bank switch and so never executes it just so happens that the bank switch ends up in the dloop I haven't figured out how to fix it
  17. well in that case set romsize 16k set optimization inlinerand set optimization noinlinedata def gt_bank = callmacro bsm macro bsm asm lda #>({1}-1) pha lda #<({1}-1) pha ldx {2} lda bankswitch_hotspot-1,x jmp BS_jsr+6 end end q = $55 gt_bank dloop 2 bank 2 a = a data dloop end dloop c = c + 1 if !c & $7F then q = q ^ $FF : COLUBK = q if e && joy0fire then q = q + 4 : COLUBK = q if joy0fire then e = 0 else e = 1 drawscreen goto dloop bank 3 bank 4 (yes , it works)
  18. if I do this def gt_bank = callmacro bsm macro bsm asm lda #>(.{1}-1) pha lda #<(.{1}-1) pha ldx {2} lda bankswitch_hotspot-1,x jmp BS_jsr+6 end end gt_bank dloop 2 it complains about uresolved symbol 1.dloop I don't know where that comes from it seems to produce correct code but won't assemble 90 1004 .L08 ; gt_bank dloop 2 91 1004 0 1004 bsm dloop, #2, 1 1004 2 1004 .L06 3 1004 4 1004 a9 ff lda #>(.dloop-1) 5 1006 6 1006 48 pha 7 1007 8 1007 a9 ff lda #<(.dloop-1) 9 1009 10 1009 48 pha 11 100a 12 100a a2 02 ldx #2 13 100c 14 100c bd f5 1f lda bankswitch_hotspot-1,x 15 100f 16 100f 4c f1 ff jmp BS_jsr+6 copy and paste errror in the previous code (although it seems to work) should have been macro bsm asm lda {2} pha lda {1} pha ldx {3} lda bankswitch_hotspot-1,x jmp BS_jsr+6 end end
  19. it appears to work with just a little trickery set romsize 16k set optimization inlinerand const targetlo = <(.dloop-1) const targethi = >(.dloop-1) def gt_bank = callmacro bsm macro bsm asm lda #{2} pha lda #{1} pha ldx {3} lda bankswitch_hotspot-1,x jmp BS_jsr+6 end end q = $55 gt_bank targetlo targethi 2 bank 2 a = a dloop c = c + 1 if !c & $7F then q = q ^ $FF : COLUBK = q if e && joy0fire then q = q + 4 : COLUBK = q if joy0fire then e = 0 else e = 1 drawscreen goto dloop bank 3 bank 4
  20. What did you use to graph them?
  21. if you add up a bunch of pieces there's more ways to get the middle numbers and you end up with a trapazoidal distribution if you call rand 5 times each time you want a number you'll only get 255/5 different numbers (255 is the length of the rand cycle) if I understand what you mean by wrapping, you're taking rand MOD the screen width and you'll have more of the lower numbers (the numbers 0 to 255-max) MOD is probably the best way if you can spare a variable to (sort of) carry that bias forward edit: but the best thing to do with a spare variable would be use rand16 something like temp1 = myseed myseed = myseed + rand if temp1 > myseed then myseed = myseed - max if myseed > max then myseed = myseed - max
  22. you could put it in a subroutine or a macro
  23. rand is a counter that counts in a funny sequence here rnd and rnd16 are (something like) rand, only in bB this is set up for rand16. for rand you'd have to comment out the dim of rand16 and change the gosub rnd16 in the if statement to gosub rnd dim sc0 = score dim sc1 = score + 1 dim sc2 = score + 2 dim r16 = s dim rand16 = z r = 1 : rand = 1 : r16 = 0 : rand16 = 0 scorecolor = $44 loop if f && joy0fire then gosub rnd16 : temp2 = rand : gosub update_scr if joy0fire then f = 0 else f = 1 drawscreen goto loop rnd if r{0} then r = r/2 ^ $B4 else r = r/2 temp1 = r return rnd16 temp1 = r16 r16 = r16 * 2 if r{0} then r16{0} = 1 if temp1{7} then r = r/2 ^ $B4 else r = r/2 temp1 = r ^ r16 return update_scr sc0 = 0 : sc1 = sc1 & 15 if temp1 >= 100 then sc0 = sc0 + 16 : temp1 = temp1 - 100 if temp1 >= 100 then sc0 = sc0 + 16 : temp1 = temp1 - 100 if temp1 >= 50 then sc0 = sc0 + 5 : temp1 = temp1 - 50 if temp1 >= 30 then sc0 = sc0 + 3 : temp1 = temp1 - 30 if temp1 >= 20 then sc0 = sc0 + 2 : temp1 = temp1 - 20 if temp1 >= 10 then sc0 = sc0 + 1 : temp1 = temp1 - 10 sc1 = (temp1 * 4 * 4) | sc1 sc1 = sc1 & 240 : sc2 = 0 if temp2 >= 100 then sc1 = sc1 + 1 : temp2 = temp2 - 100 if temp2 >= 100 then sc1 = sc1 + 1 : temp2 = temp2 - 100 if temp2 >= 50 then sc2 = sc2 + 80 : temp2 = temp2 - 50 if temp2 >= 30 then sc2 = sc2 + 48 : temp2 = temp2 - 30 if temp2 >= 20 then sc2 = sc2 + 32 : temp2 = temp2 - 20 if temp2 >= 10 then sc2 = sc2 + 16 : temp2 = temp2 - 10 sc2 = sc2 | temp2 return basic_rand.bas.bin
  24. you're not calling rand in the if satement just testing the rand variable assign rand to a temp variable and test it try temp1 = rand if temp1 < 100 then goto one etc
  25. dim p1y = player1y.p ; p is the fractional part if player1y > player0y then p1y = p1y - 0.5
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