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Posts posted by Yart

  1. I'm looking for an Atari 1040ST. Doesn't matter the variation. A 1224 monitor would be neat too but understandably it would probably cost a lot to ship.


    Aside from that I have a mouse and a few disks already that I found in my childhood possessions. Just need the computer now to relive the past!


    Thanks for looking!


    EDIT: I reside in Ontario, Canada. I'd prefer an NTSC machine.

  2. Am I the only one who noticed that the photos for the stick listing were taken over 100 years in the future? Stick does look cool though, but galagafirstdefender's experience is kinda turning me off...


    By the way, DO NOT buy those 6 button pads. They're really REALLY horrible knock offs, like, half the size of the original and made of only the finest of cheap plastics. D-pad moves horribly, buttons feel awkward, and if there is a mode button (some do, some don't) it won't be wired in. The only thing they're good for is for taking apart and being used as a PCB in a homemade arcade stick, and even then I don't even think the mode button has a trace on the PCB.

  3. Hi.


    I grew up with an Atari 1040ST. I had like, everything. Modems, printers, one of those huge hard drive enclosures that the colour monitor would sit on top of, tons of disks, games, joysticks, manuals, dust covers, a Forget-Me-Not clock, everything. And then one year my basement flooded, and I stupidly chucked everything. :( Probably my biggest regret as far as computer collecting goes.


    Out of pure nostalgia alone I decided to go back and look for a new 1040ST, but I found all the prices on eBay are, well... way out of my range.


    What are reasonable prices for even just a system, hard drive and monitor?


    I'd also like to note that I live in Canada, so prices would probably be different here, than say, anywhere in Europe.

  4. Hello!


    I know there's a way to change the frequency of the Jaguar from 50 to 60hz and vice versa, but is there also a way to mod a Jaguar to display either PAL or NTSC colour modes? If so, could someone point me in the right direction?


    I have a PAL TV to play it on (Which I prefer for Tempest 2000), but I can't bring my Jag to my friends' houses for they have NTSC TVs and they don't do PAL colours. (NTSC sets are using composite)

  5. Ah! So there are 400s on eBay with different keyboards? I guess I wasn't looking hard enough... actually I don't see any right now but I'll continue to look.


    Truth is, I don't even own an Atari 8-bit yet! I've always had a special love and desire for the 400 but that keyboard, man.


    But if I can find one on there, then yes!! If not, well... if anyone knows anyone, let me know please! :)

  6. So I've heard of stories where it took the Atari 7 hours on the hardest difficulty setting to make a move on its Chess game. I remember turning it on and getting bored after waiting a few minutes staring at a blank screen as the poor CPU thought.


    Has there been anyone insane enough to play through a full game of Chess on the 2600? Anyone actually play through a full game on the hardest setting? Seriously, I'm curious to know if ANYONE out there has ever had the patience to play a full Chess game on the Atari, so I can both slap and hug them for it.

  7. I've been playing around with Mac OS 9 recently and I heard Derek Ledbetter made an Atari 800 emulator for the classic Mac OSes. Upon looking around I can't find it anywhere. The original site got taken down.


    If it was free, does anyone have it by any chance, and could they send me a copy please?



  8. This is awesome.


    I've been wanting to learn ASM for a while too but I had a hard time with every other resource. I like how this guy compares the routines to BASIC. Makes it so much easier for me to learn.


    Though from what I understand this is for the Atari 8-Bit line of computers and not the 2600 eh? Still a good learning point (and I hear the 2600 is much harder anyways).


    What's a good assembly compiler for Windows to use for Atari computer applications? Will DASM work?

  9. How can you tell the difference between a Light and Heavy Sixer?


    EDIT: Aside from the obvious weight difference. I got a Sixer at the end of my bed but I've never felt both variations so I can't tell whether it's the heavier or lighter.

  10. Yea I played Marauder for my first time yesterday. It's pretty much awesome.


    A shame it wasn't one of the more popular titles. It really is great!



    Venture is cool too but the 2600 port pales in comparison to the other ports. Still fun though but not as engaging. If you want Venture to be fast try the ColecoVision version.

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