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seizurebot1011's Achievements

Space Invader

Space Invader (2/9)



  1. first of all how do i download programs to my disk drive all the sights say i can find out easily online but i cant find it aslo what is a good music program please help me
  2. there are games for alchoholics man never did i think my two favorite passtimes would mix so well wait aa is to help people stop drinking sorry i have to go i need to get dru. . . i mean im thirsty
  3. I hope I'm not the only one who think that's incredibly sad. no what is sad is that the code for sunday funday is from a porno game well mabey not sad i think funny was the word i was looking for
  4. i have a blue and black bible adventures along with both lable variations on king of kings the early years but sunday funday is still missing from my collection i would sell my soul for that game
  5. man we should all band together and make a good nes sight im sure if we asked enough people we could accumulate scans of everything nes
  6. this sucks i want an nes sight that is like the atari age sight only for nes i want screen shots box, cartridge, and manual scans what is rong with the world can't i get this one simple request
  7. no it is worthless you would be better off sending it to me
  8. not me that would be cool though i would make a game about my self you would conqure tokyo by making every citizan seizure oh it would be grand a game about a 100 foot robot making every one seizure some one call activision
  9. anyone notice that if you press it during a 2600 game it changes the screen to black and white
  10. i remeber when i rolled over on asteroids i was so proud then i got up and conquerd tokyo
  11. i read in the lore section of the dp guide that a video game store owner slapped his bisness card on the lable and a magnate on the back of atari carts according to the story, the author rescude a chase the chuck wagon from this treetment
  12. what intellivision games don't have overlays i must know
  13. i have a special aparatus attached to my arm that alows me to call fish they flock from all around to attack my enimies after i cause them to seizure it is a butiful sight i could do that for you for a cubicolor
  14. this message is from my human friend "if anyone has copys of the 3 adult nes games and is willing to sell them for my soul please message seizurebot1011. i will type you out a deed and every thing. i asked to sell it to satan but nothing happend so he must not have them. if any one is interested in selling the 3 adult nes games for a human soul, please message seizurebot"
  15. i don't know a websight but i have a bunch of my own i can send scans if you want
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