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Posts posted by RevEng

  1. What I was thinking that since space didn't matter to me... I'll just bump my cartridge up to say 8K or 16K.. I thought maybe two or three screens could be swapped in. so you could give the appearance of say your title on top, and a monkey hanging off a tree branch below, but swinging.

    With the present code multiple titlescreen kernels won't work, for reasons similar to those that limit you to one bB kernel at a time.


    It's possible to animate an image within a titlescreen, so long as the animation takes 256 vertical lines or less. (so you could create 4 frames of a graphic 64 lines tall)

  2. Thanks for the encouragement and kind words, Guys.


    I didn't try your older versions because I was waiting for the finished product, so this might be a stupid question. Will we be able to have a title screen and switch out the data for a game over screen too? If not, would it be possible to use a less advanced version of your code to display a game over screen?


    Not a stupid question at all. It's possible to kludge in a data change to turn in a titlescreen into a game-over screen, but it would eat variables and might not be worth it.


    A minimal game-over addition could be done... but I'm not looking at taking on additional features until the official titlescreen kernel is released and the dust settles. If I do take it on, I'll also make a similarly optional "built with bB" logo screen.


    Attached File titlescreen_kernel_alpha_20100726.zip (16.59K)


    Is this the latest and greatest or is there a newer version? Just wanted to ask before I try using it. Also, could you please post the latest ZIP to the first post. Makes it a little easier to find.


    That alpha is the only released version so far. I'm looking at releasing the latest code in a week or two, if I can get the time to work on the docs.


    The data format is changing for the bitmap minikernels, so I could only recommend using the alpha if you're just playing around. If you're trying to build something you want to keep, then wait for the official release.

  3. Just thought I'd post a teaser, to show you guys I'm still working on this...





    ...it's an advanced "color by flicker" example I'm building for the docs.


    I'm considering tossing out the "basic" variants of the minikernels, since the only real advantage they have over the "advanced" variants was a easier-to-read bitmap format. Based on the trouble a lot of people had with the formats, I'm thinking that isn't that big of an advantage. Reducing the number of minikernel choices seems the better choice.


    It's also worth noting that Philsan has posted the latest version of L.E.M, which uses the titlescreen kernel.

    • Like 2
  4. Not exactly what you're asking for, but I create a Makefile and let the command-line be my IDE.


    The present version of my Makefile handles the following commands:


    • make #assembles the project if the files have changed
      make verbose #assembles the project with dasm verbosity set to 5
      make run #launches the project in stella
      make debug #launches the project in stella, starting in the debugger
      make test #copies the .bin to the SD card I use in Harmony
      make clean #removes .bin and intermediate files
      make backup #creates a tarball of the directory and mails it to a gmail account


    Definitely recommended if you're comfortable with a command-line!

  5. ...

    I've included some high level docs this time around too. Hopefully this will point would-be users in the right direction.


    Has any body actually tried to give this a go? I'm fully expecting the answer to be "no" since it's only been out for a bit, but I figured I'd ask.


    I'm planning an official release of the Titlescreen Kernel in the next few weeks with docs based on these ones, since importing data for the Bitmap minikernel is pretty similar. If there's anything lacking or unclear in the docs let me know!

  6. I was just talking to a fellow youtuber about this and I told him I had heard that the Genesis pad can be modded fairly easily for two button 7800 use. Is this true or am I remembering wrong?

    You need to cut some traces and solder in some resistors. Not sure if that's what you'd consider easy or not.

  7. ... And since graphics are automatically put in the last bank anyway by bB, should I move stuff like the following from the bank that contains the main loop and put it in the last bank...



    The only thing a bB player0x: statement does is set a pointer to that particular block of graphics data. Your program doesn't actually need to be in the last bank when that happens.


    The best tip I can give is a general one - try to organise your code and data so the number of bank switches are minimised - because bank switching is very costly cyclewise.

  8. Thanks for the positive comments guys.


    Michael, your point (1) has been on my mind for a while too. I hate releasing stuff and watching it slide off the first page into oblivion a few weeks later. I also hate working on a project and later finding some guy did the same thing a few years back.


    Al keeps mentioning the file storage module that he paid for but hasn't had the time to implement. From the sounds of it, users will be able to tag uploaded files with categories and other searchable meta info.


    That said, having a secondary home would be good. The natural place this would a Unofficial/Contributed bB code section of batari's or RT's website.


    Release docs/guidelines (2) would be helpful. A start could be a README template with release info up top.



    name:______ release date:_____ author:______

    code type: minikernel/kernel/subroutine/demo

    kernels tested with: standard/multisprite/none/NA


    I'm not sure where to take your idea beyond that. I don't have much experience writing formal docs.


    @theloon: I look forward to the label contest for Space Invader and its upcoming sequel "Good Touch/Bad Touch". ;)

  9. There is going to be another crash and I will be there to scoop up all the abandoned hardware and games just like before.

    The irony being that you'll get to choose from a bunch of incomplete games with DLC that can no longer be downloaded.


    Gibson has double-crossed you! ;)

  10. As a spin-off from my titlescreen kernel work, I created a Bitmap Minikernel.


    Its already been incorporated into one game, Cliff Friedel's Passthrough, which uses it to display a logo above the score.


    But it also has the optional capability to display only part of a larger bitmap, depending on where the "bitmap_index" variable is pointing. This can be used for scrolling or skipping between the images being displayed.


    I've included some high level docs this time around too. Hopefully this will point would-be users in the right direction.



    • All demo source, bins, and the docs...
    The docs...
    The "advanced" demo screenshot, and the "advanced" bin...

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  11. I have the system connected via a coaxial adapter that I just screw into the back of the TV. Is there something else I need to do?

    Is the TV in "cable" input mode, and is it tuned to channel 3? (also try 2 and 4)

  12. It's much more useful to represent TIA colors in hex. The new chart would be a major improvement.


    Representing the z26 palette vs. the stella palette isn't really all that useful anyway. Any colors on any given NTSC (aka Never The Same Color) TV will be different than the colors on any other NTSC TV, usually to a larger degree than any difference you'll see between the emulators.

  13. Looking good! The bonuses really do add interest to the game play - prompting you to take more risky leaps you might not have chosen otherwise.


    I think I found a few bugs...


    If your score is low and you hit a "subtract score" power, your score rolls to being full again. I believe the same thing can happen with a well timed jump into a block too.


    I also after dying I got a bad black-screen display after the game over screen flashed briefly.


    I'm thinking this last one might be a "too many gosubs deep" problem. The banner minikernel and the bB score routine both impose a hard limit on the number of gosubs you can do, by reusing one of the higher stack values. Unfortunately the bB kernel calls any minikernel with a "jsr", which means the banner minikernel actually lowers that gosub limit by one level. :(

  14. This is what I need to do in mass. Which method mentioned above would be the easiest approach?

    It depends on what's easy for you. If CLI isn't a problem for you, the tac is easy...


    tac myfile.txt > myfile2.txt


    ...But that example assumes tac is in PATH, and you've used "cd" to get in the same directory as your file.


    If that last sentence isn't clear, its probably easier to go with another solution.

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