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Everything posted by larryleffaovell

  1. Glad you got it at the end! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOS_Technology_6532
  2. Sad to hear. Do you have another/more cartridges to test? If yes and result is the same I would go a replacement of the TIA then.
  3. As it looks like the (almost) same issue with my Vader, I'd start with exchanging the CPU, which is the smaller IC labeled "6507".
  4. According to this site it looks like that the LOG 3 is the same as the NSL 3. If it isn't I could provide my NSL 3 for reverse-engineering.
  5. You're welcome. q4wine is an essential tool imho where you can install your Windows Apps into separate Wine prefixes, where one App (or it's dependencies ) can't break or hinder other Apps. Ideal to have a Wine prefix where all Windows/Atari tools are living.
  6. The Windows tool seems to be working fine with my ArchLinux/Wine using q4wine. https://github.com/brezerk/q4wine
  7. I couldn't find any photo of my 2600 nor 8-bit that we had beginning from ~1979, but found a photo from 1991 with a 16-bit. Alas, only the SM124 on focus. All things related to Atari, including magazines, are still in my possession, including the posters in the background (but not the TV) - and myself
  8. Great news! And congrats to your daughter's birth!!!
  9. I'd love to patch the cartridge as well but can't find any of the mentioned hex values there.
  10. I'd be glad in getting a link to this thread or video. I have two 800 w/ Incognito installed whose JEDEC I want to update, but still unsure where and how to connect the Xilinx.
  11. I'm still having the same scanner and original disks. In the attachement you'll find an image from Atarimania (I think) and my own dump of "Handy Painter". handy-painter.7z
  12. And if you are already satisfied but don't know how to place one of the pcb's because of possible short circuits, just print (one of) the attached "container", drop-in the pcb and place it and where you want and you are set. Audio-Mixer.zip MIDI-XEL.zip
  13. Correct. I didn't want to drill any extra hole into this very rare system. MIDI sound is coming from a S2 wavetable AddOn to the MIDI-XEL, hence the audio mixer. For an "live on stage" (not really) and extraordinary appearance I'm using a mostly full blown 1088XEL and a MIDI-XEL II to a MT32 (or similar GM) synthesizer.
  14. Yes, have a look at my solution. I have removed the RF out because of UAV and inserted this one for audio out instead. Thats all. It's a 6.35 mm (1⁄4 inch) "phone connector", usually used for audio devices like guitars etc. Fits great for the hole of RF and is keeping solutions for -> phone connector of 3.5mm or -> cinch.
  15. Of course! Glad that someone is asking and may find it useful, too. In I'm going to take a learning curve in KiCAD "soon" to revise it to (overwhelmingly) SMD, w/o phone connectors to get a minimized version of that.
  16. Solved by using the upstream resistors. Motor Control is going straight to SIO. Great! Now re-seating all loose but housed pcb's, cleaning up and let's party!
  17. One thing I've found while re-RTFM is that these SIO signals are going through a 100 Ohm resistor network on the 1088XEL before going to the SIO socket. I've seen but ignored that by ignorance. Re-wiring now...
  18. I have pimped my 1200XL with an U1MB, UAV, Stereo-Pokey and Covox. The audio signals are going to a simple 3x audio mixer pcb. Everything is working fine and makes me happy to see such a rare system coming up to a new live. As the 3rd input of the audio mixer is empty I thought it'd be a wonderful idea to equip it with a MIDI-XEL device (not the MIDI-XEL II), which is already working in my 1088XEL, so I wired the device to audio, SIO and /RST of the 6502. The MIDI device is playing it's welcome sound when powering up the 1200 but is staying silent when playing MIDI files. Anyone any idea what I'm missing here? Looks like that the MIDI-XEL isn't available at mytek anymore but can be still found here. Documentation and schematics in my own archive.
  19. Just fired up my rpi400 and, as requested, attached the aarch64 version of mads. mads-aarch64.7z
  20. ...see attachment (x86_64) and have fun! mads.7z
  21. See attached zip file...just loaded with KiCAD and exported to Gerber. No warranty and no batteries included. Open6810Doubler.zip
  22. I had the same issue with Space Invader on a Woody/Light Sixer. Turned out that I had to clean/deoxy the switch.
  23. German speaking here. Just downloaded and tested this version which is indeed in German language when started. Go the menu "Psion", there "Sprache" and select your language. Wait a sec and you are done. Happy playin'!
  24. Same for me: mt32-pi "just works". I'm using standard DIN 41524 5-pin cables (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIN_connector) and did some tests with Cubase and some Sierra games. MIDI capable games must be configured to use MT32 or General MIDI - have a look for "other executables" in games folder, i.e. MUSIC.PRG for Sierra games.
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