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Everything posted by SekOner

  1. I just bought a Wico Command Control Bat Handle Joystick and a near mint 2600 Heavy Sixer.
  2. Huh, thats interesting i didnt know that. I wonder why they change the power adapter on those two. and the change to AC is just plain weird, and it seems totally unnecessary.
  3. Are the repro Turbo carts for sale yet?
  4. Bumpety...bump..bump Was this ever released as a purchasable cart? Or anyway to actually play this game?
  5. I know this is an old post but did you ever sell the Astro Chase?
  6. Thanks so much!! that's all i needed to know. I'm very pleased. Sekoner Heavy Sixer = Atari 2600 jr.
  7. I just bought a heavy sixer without a power cable. but i was wonder if the heavy sixer uses the same power cord as the 4 switch. I have the original OEM power cord for the 4-switch, i just want to make sure that its going to work on my new heavy, or am i going to have to buy a different power cable for it
  8. Oh my god this looks awesome! When are these available and how do i go about ordering one of these?
  9. I was thinking of buying these, but i want to make sure that they really are prototype PCB's for Atari 800/XL/XE. Or just what they are.
  10. Please do. Only with her permission, please. I'll only post the Email i sent her, not her response. that way i don't need her permission. however i must say that her overall response was that I was rude. i really wasn't trying to be. Its funny because someone on here called her on the phone and she explained to them that her cousin sold one for 1800 or what not and when she replied she indicated that it was a typo(LIAR ). I don't know about you, but how do you mis-spell 100 dollars, 2000 dollars Email to her: Hello, Is that a typo? or a joke? what you have is an Atari 2600 "Light Sixer". First off i have 4 different versions of them, And the most i paid for one ever was 40 bucks. The one you have is damaged on the front right side. and unfortunately the most your atari is worth is about 20 to 30 dollars. I'm a long time Atari collector and i can assure you that will never sell at the price. Seriously, if you really think you can get that much for it try bringing it to a pawn shop and see how much they offer you for it. If its worth 2000 like you think it is then they'll tell you that. and if you really want to get some bearings of what its worth look on eBay for an item similar to yours with what accessories you are offering with your system(keeping in mind yours is damaged cosmetically). If you look on eBay look for the "light sixer" like i mentioned earlier.
  11. 34,700 Will add pic if i can get a legible picture. all i have to take pictures is an internal webcam in my laptops LCD mount.
  12. The cheat is indeed mine, I put it together as soon as I started playing Hunchy II and noticed the game would probably get very difficult (for me, at least) on the higher levels. I can't help it, I have no patience for difficult games anymore, especially when the debugger is only a keypress away. Anyway, here's a few more if you're interested: http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/143890-a-few-hacks/ Have fun, Ha ha i know what you mean. Thanks alot. I'll definately check out the link.
  13. Oh one very help tip that hasnt been mentioned yet is, when your climbing ladders always hold down the jump button. You'll end up climbing the ladder at least twice as fast. i'm not sure if its a glitch or feature. also, there is a way to get the blue moving guards from level 8+ to get stuck(ish) on a platform through clever movements. i'm too tired to explain how right now. maybe tomorrow if your interested in knowing
  14. Yeah i haven't been to a thrift shop looking for Atari stuff in a long time. I've never seen anything there besides the odd Playstation game. Nice find man. You've inspired me to go to the thrift shop tomorrow and take a look myself. oh and i think the flea markets out tomorrow, or is it today....i cant remember. crap... i hope i didnt miss it.
  15. The easiest way to modify roms is to use Stella's debugger. For Hunchy II, find the instruction DEC $CD and change it to LDA $CD (or two NOP instructions) to get infinite lives. If you're playing in Stella, you can use load/save states to avoid having to start over and over again. Or to make it really easy, just press SHIFT+ALT+X and SHIFT+ALT+V to be able to walk right through all the enemies... Here's the infinite lives rom: Holy crap... You are a god bro! thanks alot man. did you already have that ROM or did you just put that together? either way awesome. :thumbsup:
  16. Wow that would be awesome! I assume that would be in a firmware update. Man if my harmony could do savestates as well. that just blows my mind. Its awesome that the harmony just keeps getting better and better. (assuming that this can be done) One cool thing to add to the harmony would be the ability to enter "cheat codes".
  17. Yeah, I ended up talking to her via Email last night after my post on here. If you want i can pull the email i sent her. and post it here.
  18. yeah thats what i thought. If you look on Twin Galaxies for instance every since game rule requirement also states that if you pause your game you are disqualified. Yes, i think this does open up the opportunity and the possibility to attain higher scores, However none of them will ever be considered "World Records" because during a Official Record attempt its playing a full game non-stop. Pausing a game is always strictly prohibited. But either way its still fun for your personal best, or maybe if unofficial records attempts in a tourny allows them.
  19. Yes, I've made it to the final scene (a nice love scene btw), but not without cheating. (Blame Stella for making cheating so easy... Anyway, I also managed to complete level 9 without cheating, so maybe I can give you a hint. I think you're having trouble with the two bells at the end of the level, right? Well, the trick is to stand perfectly still when you jump, and you have to time your jump very carefully. After you pick up the bell in the right corner, go back to the ladder and wait until another pair of bullets (or arrows, or whatever they are) have passed. Then walk onto the platform and go left. As soon as a new pair of bullets arrives, stand still and jump after the first one has passed. Remember not to move a muscle, just jump up to let the lowest bullet pass under your feet. Then walk to the left again, stand still and jump again, right between the two bullets. You only have to do this twice; you can safely make it to the left edge of the screen after the second jump. Once there, quickly walk off the platform, so you can get to the last bell. Good luck. Yes, Exactly the problem. i've finally made it to the fabled level 10 now! ha ha. Thanks alot for the tip. Cheating with stella? does Stella allow you to search for cheat codes? I'm playing to actual hardware so i cant really cheat...well i havent really even thought about cheating. but cheating on actual hardware couldnt one just modify the ROM. Does anyone know of an easy way to modify ROMs to cheat. I mean in general just to get some practice in without starting over, and over and over..
  20. He noted that he knew that the "screensaver"(image burning prevention) kicked in. however the spites disappeared as well. i havent seen a "screensaver" that altered sprite location.
  21. Is this contest still current? i noticed it said "Note: there is no time for Klax" I assume that, that means the contest is has ended. i've never played Klax prior to seeing this thread. It's definitely crazy fun. However the diagonal waves are brutal. If this is indeed over i look forward to next weeks game. I'm new here and Atari 2600 contests are something i've always wanted to do. I've got a Harmony Cart so playing any of these will be no problem at all. I greatly prefer playing on OEM hardware as opposed to emulation. Either way i look forward to playing with this awesome community.
  22. Yes as Mark Alpiger states in the article I wrote for issue 4 of CVG "a licensed version of Donkey Kong for release outside of the US." The CAGDC touney at Richie Knucklez in March was the first time Crazy Kong kill screens have been documented. Wow! that's really impressive. I like crazy kong, however the collision detection is brutally unforgiving, and the modifications to the boards (I.E. the missing platforms) make it one of the hardest versions (if not the hardest) of donkey kong, that i've played. But some parts are easier than the original, for instance the game doesnt contain firefoxes, it just replaces them with fireballs. And fireballs are easier to deal with. and you can point press with them which is always a +1
  23. I'm looking to buy/trade for the Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator for the 2600's Controller overlay.
  24. That is really strange. I never seen a game crash yet still keep some kind of valid information on the screen ( I.E. the score) usually when you bump it you end up with a garbaled screen or loss of VHOLD/HHOLD. interesting. have you been ale to duplicate the error?(without bumping the console of course). I'm interested to know if its the ROM.
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