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Status Updates posted by Mili

  1. I have the hiccoughs. Someone scare me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Corby


      ....... ..... BOOOOO!!!

    3. SoulBlazer


      You'll have 4 kids by the time you're 30! That should work. ;)

    4. Mili


      O_O SOUL WINS!

  2. Fahrvergnügen! Makes me want to go driving. :D

  3. Fahrvergnügen! Makes me want to go driving. :D

  4. I couldn't fix it. I just switched everything over to my yahoo.

  5. Hello there Adoptive father!

  6. My hotmail account too!

  7. Its painful but nothing too dangerous. Thank you for your concern.

  8. No, he's my gay best friend. He's not my date.

  9. Just want to point out, the Vols just got whooped by the Gators. I hate the Gators, but y'all still got whooped.

  10. Most of my friends are in Adelaide anyways.

  11. Even with the 5 to 1, clam to sausage, ratio that makes up Australia? That's horrible!

    Anyways, what part you from? I know a few people in Australia.

  12. Oh please, I won't let something that silly get to me.

  13. Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future. :)

  14. Lol, its all good.

  15. Lmao, I freaked out for a couple seconds there. :DDD

  16. Oops, I mean signature.

  17. Check out the Happy Puppy's status.

  18. Dropping by to give a friendly hello!

  19. Thanks Joe!!!

  20. It's a joke lol.

  21. Prepare to be hit on. Welcome my lady.

  22. Welcome to AA bud.

  23. Your reply on the status board made me laugh so hard I fell off my bed!!

  24. Hey hey, I warned you all I have a mouth on me.

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