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Everything posted by birdie3

  1. Yes. I did see that. I will have to email them. Thanks again sir!!
  2. Excellent! You almost never see Atari stuff at VV anymore. Awesome find. Congrats. I only found a loose California Games and a PS1 Fanstastic Voyage ProPinball this weekend. $9.99 for a h-6 with stiks and power supply,lucky.I live in Ontario Canada as well.I found a mint h-6 a while ago and it was $39.00 for just the console itself also at Value Village,STILL a good deal!The manager said the h-6 can demand higher prices.Thrift shops are starting to catch on and charging higher now for classic gaming stuff My eyes just about feel off my face when I saw this. This was also the first time I had ever seen CIB Atari games at VV. Ten bucks says the console was boxed too but they tossed it away. They still have quite a few boxed gatefolds (including a few Sears text titles). Does anyone know if the Combat (CIB) that came with the heavy sixer in 1977 is worth anything?
  3. Heavy sixer with pair of joysticks and power supply for $9.99 at Value Village. Also picked up CIB Blackjack and Street Racer gatefold text Canadian version for $3.99 each. serial.bmp
  4. I just scored a pair of sticks without the disks. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  5. Cool. I too am going to be in that area for the next few weeks looking for classic gaming hauls. Please fill me in on the good spots if you care to divulge. I am not really looking to sell my sixer sticks. Just trying to find out more about them. Finding for hex disks seems challenging.
  6. Thanks bro. They were all good reads and it was good to read all of those threads again. Now what I am really wanting to know is more specific. Ulitmately I guess what I am trying to find out is whether there is much to restoring my joystick with issues as I am not too sure how to go about it. Cheers!!
  7. Sunnyvale CA heavy sixer (Atari, not Sears) serial # 71460G. Found it tonight. Stoked as hell.
  8. I just scored a pair of these along with a nice heavy sixer and a grey power supply. The controllers are not funtioning properly so I opened them both up and noticed that they are considerably different from most of the 2600 joysticks I have fiddled with. Are these good joysticks compared to the newer ones? Also, where can one acquire hex disks? Maybe this is a Hardware Thread topic but what would cause these joysticks to not respond properly (i.e. no fire button response or certain directions do not respond when attempted)? One of them seems to have issues. Thanks in advance.
  9. I have a couple of these as well (no hex disks). What are these usually worth if they are in good condition?
  10. Name your price. Preferring for it to be in pristine condition. Thanks in advance.
  11. Man.. You don't like Subterranea? What games DO you like? Subterranea is a total classic.
  12. I know nothing about 2600 programming but I am impressed so far. Is it actually possible to have player sprites that can play and be seen both from side and front views?
  13. Wow!! If you can get this working with two seperate controllers for a player 1 and 2 top and bottom view, you would definitely be achieving something.
  14. I saw one of these today and hesistated to buy it because the package didn't explain th eitem very well in terms of how it could be used. Does anyone know if I can use one of these to play PAL games on my NTSC set? Probably not, eh? The way it works (I assume) is you are supposed to put in an NTSC signal via component inputs and it outputs a PAL component signal. Not sure if it is a PAL or NTSC device that it is supposed to be output to. Wondering if one could input a PAL signal (i.e. PAL Atari 2600 cart) and output something that would be OK to view on an NTSC set...
  15. Obviously Mario so I voted for Castlevania.
  16. Here's an idea: Take one of Atari's successful old intellectual properties like say.. Crystal Castles or some other game where there is a cute and loveable central character and challenging levels. Activision's Pitfall Harry also comes to mind here. Now, revive that character and make him the star of some brand new games that are great examples of leading edge top notch programming (i.e. Mario Galaxy calibre). BANG!! Instant re-birth of Atari, guaranteed. If Nintendo can do it, why can't Atari?
  17. Atari needs a new psychological gimmick. Something modern and different from video games perhaps but certainly presented in the spirit of the original 1970's/1980's Atari. I am sure many of us remember those times when video games completely fucking blew people away back in the day, as if something completely extra-terrestrial had landed in their laps and totally slayed their minds. THAT phenominon was and still is Atari and is the way she will always be remembered. How could anyone possibly create anything like that ever again? It was completely revolutionary and amazing entertainment for the time. The days of hanging out in an arcade and experiencing those kinds of sensations for the first time are long gone and we will probably never see anything quite like that again for hundreds of years. Good luck to those who will see it for what it really was and be inspired to bear the torch.
  18. Sorry to hear about this Eduardo. Obligations and responsibilities must certainly always prevail. Perhaps you may be interested in still contributing to the classic gaming community by sharing your vast programming knowledge and resources with other Colecovision fans.
  19. This is certainly the strangest hack I have ever seen. Why aren't people lining up to buy this one?
  20. I read somewhere that someone has developed a new mega Colecovision cart that can handle much larger sized ROM's (i.e. Opcode's Pac Man Collection). Wouldn't that work?
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